Chapter 121 Looking for ingredients.

That night Paul came to his bedroom later than usual but still found Fei Fei inside, waiting for him.

Since he was away, they could not cultivate. Normal cultivation was frustrating for her as it barely had any effect.

In the morning She stayed to cultivate his yang Qi while the rest of the ladies got their shopping lists and went out to get the supplies they would need.

Paul went alone this time and after informing Xiao Han and his family about his plans he went into the alchemy shops in the city to get what he needed.

However, no matter where he went he could not find even a single pill, potion, or ingredient that could enhance his Yang Qi.

-Young master, You might want to visit the auction houses to see if they have what you need.

Or you can try to ask in the alchemist guild, but I doubt that they have anything of the sort there and also there is nothing like that in any of the shops around the city, at least to my knowledge.

A young girl working in a fourth alchemy shop he visited advised him.

-Thank you.

Paul said as she was the first one to try and help.

Most of the people just said that there was nothing like that in their shop in an unfriendly manner which made him leave their shop.

But since she was friendly, he decided to buy the supplies he would need for his alchemy practice in her shop.

When he was leaving, the girl was all smiles as he left over fifty gold coins in her shop by buying only the common herbs and ingredients.

This was a huge deal for her since normally it took over two months for this shop to generate such an amount of money.

Paul decided to listen to her advice and instead of continuing the tour around the alchemy shops and pharmacies, he went straight to the auction houses instead.

There were five big Auction houses and many smaller ones, not counting the slave markets and auction places.

He went around the smaller places at first but sadly they didn't have anything like what he was looking for.

Nonetheless, he was invited to participate in their upcoming auctions if he had the time.

After that, he decided to visit the big auction houses.

If this failed, he would have to go look for the things he needed in the wilderness or the nearby towns.

The last resort would be to go to the imperial capital, but that was not something he wanted to do right now since there was a chance that he would be found by his Father's family.

He was not afraid of them right now, but he was also not ready to confront them yet.

Fortunately, he found out that there would be a great auction in the central auction house and two of the items piqued his interest as both of them could increase the quality and quantity of his Yang Qi by a large margin.

The event would take place in three days, so Paul reserved a private room for himself and Fei Fei who would be accompanying him.

He wanted to bring the others as well but the rules stated clearly that he could only have +1 and this had to be abided by everyone.

-Is there a possibility to add an item to the auction?

Paul asked, just now realizing that he might not have enough funds to even compete for the items he wanted.

-That depends on the Item If it's something rare or sought after then it is still possible, but if it's not then there is nothing we can do.

The receptionist he was talking to said apologetically.

-Please arrange for a private room and an appraiser to see if the item is worthy.

His words surprised the receptionist, mostly because anyone who asked for a private room and an appraiser, had something unique or extraordinary to auction off.

A few moments later he was sitting in a private room waiting for an appraiser while sipping tea.

-I'm sorry for the wait but there are just too many people wanting to add items to the great auction.

A woman who looked to be in her thirties said, entering the room.

-I don't mind, besides, I'm one of those people so I can't complain since you took the time to see me at such short notice.

He answered politely.

-Since you have a lot of work, let's get straight to the point.

He added taking out three Mana carrots from his spatial device.

The woman's eyes became as big as saucers when she saw the items lying on the table in front of her.

-These are Mana Carrots.

She gasped, surprised to see such rare ingredients and three of them to boot.

-Yes they are.

-Can I see them up close?

She asked carefully as this was no simple matter.

-Be my guest.

Paul agreed.

The appraiser took the ingredients one by one and looked at each of them carefully, to make sure they were real she even sniffed them.

-Young master, these are of very high quality, so if you want to auction them off they will be placed at the third highest position in an upcoming auction, and by my estimates, you can expect at least a hundred million gold coins for them.

This estimate was very conservative, but that was the minimum she expected to be offered for the three ingredients.

-Additionally, our auction house will reduce the fee from 10% to 1%.

She added, trying her best to secure this deal.

-I agree.

Paul said, cutting her off as she wanted to add some more benefits for him.

She was delighted at his agreement and didn't waste any time making a contract before he changed his mind.

The only demand he had was that his identity would stay a secret, which the woman agreed to immediately.

Before Paul reached his mansion, everyone who was invited to the auction was already informed about the addition of three mana carrots to the auction and it caused a lot of chaos since many people wanted them for themselves.

Most of the prominent people in the city started gathering even more money to obtain them and the word spread like lightning even to the neighboring provinces and even to the imperial capital.

Paul was the last one to return to the mansion as all the ladies accomplished their tasks and were back before noon.

He informed everyone about the auction and that he would be taking Fei Fei with him this time as he could only bring one of them as his companion.

To his surprise, all the ladies accepted his choice, mostly because there was no way around it and Fei Fei was the best choice for many reasons.

The main of those was that she had lived a very long life and her knowledge would be useful in this situation and also, she had the most assets of them all so if need be, she could help Paul secure the items that he needed.

-Which item are you after?

Fei Fei asked after looking at the list of items that would be sold.

-I want the Fiery ginseng to upgrade my Yang Qi and the maiden tree leaves for all of you.

-You know that the Maiden leaves only work on virgins and their effect disappears after the first time?

Fei Fei asked.

-Instead, It would be a better choice to go after the sensual lily flower and make it into a potion for all of us.

It might not be as potent, but it will work for all of us and its effects are permanent.

-But the side effect…

-Is the same as the fiery ginseng's effect on you.

Fei Fei cut him off.

-So if we take it at the same time, we will be able to use their side effects to the fullest.

She said mischievously.

-Sorry, but can you explain to the rest of us, what the hell are you talking about?

Anna asked.


Fei Fei said.

-The things we want to buy have similar side effects and once you absorb them you will need a cultivation partner since the side effect is the same as taking a powerful aphrodisiac.

The Fiery ginseng is way more potent than the sensual lily flower, but at the time I won't be his only partner.

She explained and winked at Anna, Yin, and Lan, making them blush.