Chapter 124 Concubines.

Hearing this made Paul speechless, but the more he thought about it the more sense it made and also it answered a few questions that were bothering him.

Additionally, he thought that even with his progress right now, which was many times faster than in his previous life, they would most likely not reach the sixth world before her restrictions disappeared.

-Will we be allright if we go to the upper world before we reach the cultivation needed for it?

He asked with a bit of doubt.

-If you went there and were left to fend for yourselves, then it would be a problem but since I will have the power to defend us by then, there is no need for concern.

The cultivation in the upper worlds is also accelerated, because the Qi and Mana are much denser up there so it won't take you that long to catch up to me.

Assuming of course that we won't reach that place before my restrictions are lifted.

She explained, understanding his concerns.

-This is a lot to think about.

Paul said while trying to understand the new information he was presented with just now.

It presented many opportunities for their future, but as always, when there was an opportunity, there was also a danger.

-Don't overthink it, there is still a lot of time before we will need to worry about any of that.

She was right, two or three years was a lot of time, especially if he took into consideration the fact that if everything went according to plan, they would all increase their cultivation speed soon, and he would be the one who gained the most as by that time he would have at least four partners if not more.

After discussing it some more, Paul got dressed and left her alone to cultivate while he decided to take a bath.

Instead of the normal hot bath, he decided to use the jacuzzi and enjoy the bubbles.

When he was enjoying the bath he saw Nia and Lia approaching him in their swimsuits.

Seeing them dressed like that made him unable to look away, the sight was just too captivating and both of them looked almost identical to the cat girls he had seen in an anime once.

The only difference was that the girls didn't have ribbons with small bells on their necks.

-Master, can we join you?

Lia asked, bringing him back to reality.

-Of course, you can.

He answered, thanking all the gods for the bubbles that helped hide his tent.

Both girls took off their pareos and went in, relaxing in the hot water and the bubbles.

This was without a doubt their favorite facility among these that he had built.

-Shouldn't one of you be at the entrance gate?

Paul asked, remembering their duties.

He was not angry, just surprised as they were always diligent in their job.

-We asked sister Yin to take over for us for a while.

Nia explained.

-We wanted to talk with you, master.

Lia added blushing slightly.

He could guess what this was about but waited patiently for them to start the conversation.

-Master, would you accept the both of us as your concubines?

Lia finally asked, without beating around the bush.

It had taken her a lot of courage to ask this and now she was blushing and awaiting his response nervously.


Paul answered immediately.

Hearing the response both girls hung their heads in disappointment and tried to leave the bath in shame only to be stopped when he grabbed both of them and embraced them.

-Silly kitties, I told you before that there won't be a concubine in my family.

He said to the stunned girls.

They were confused as he just rejected them but now was embracing both of them.

- I will accept you, but not as my concubines, but as my women.

Hearing his words they both teared up barely able to contain their sobs.

Both of them were sure that he would never accept them as anything more than slaves when they heard his answer, so this was way too much for them.

Not to mention that both of them thought that the best they could ever be was a concubine, never in their wildest dreams did they expect to become his women.

Paul Figured out what this was about immediately and let them cry in his arms until they calmed down.

-Master, you scared us.

Lia complained in a quiet voice.

-I'm sorry, I should have explained it from the start, but your request just took me by surprise.

He explained in a soothing tone.

-Also, this is the last time any of you will call me master.

He said and removed their slave marks.

-Now ladies, will you do me the honor of becoming my woman?

He asked, wanting to make it official.



Both of them accepted while blushing.

-Then from now on you are also the ladies of the house.

Paul stated with a smile.

Then he asked them if they wanted the same mark as Anna, and Fei Fei, to which both of them happily agreed.

Lia and Nia were still having a hard time believing that now they were not only free but also their status was lifted to the heights they had never even dreamt of.

The best part was that they had just become women of the man they both had fallen in love with.

Paul was also happy that they wanted to be with him.

It was hard for him to adjust to the situation where he had his own harem, but the more time he spent with the ladies the easier it got.

-Master, do we need to restart our cultivations now?

Lia asked.

-I told you to not call me master anymore, you are free and also my woman now so it would be weird.

Paul said amused.

He knew that it would take them time to change that habit.

-As for your question, the answer is yes you will need to reset your cultivation to use your clan technique.

-But we never used any other technique than the basic one.

Nia said, a bit confused.

Paul was surprised and wanted to kick himself for not asking them about it earlier.

-If that's the case then you just need to learn the technique and it should be alright.

Now that he thought about it, their progress was much slower than the rest and this explained the reason behind it.

-We already did, but it does not work as it should for some reason.

Lia said.

Paul was surprised but soon connected the dots.

-I think, I know why it's that way.

He said amused.

-The technique is meant for dual cultivation so it naturally won't work as it should when you use it without dual cultivating.

Both girls were embarrassed at his words, he had told them this previously but they simply forgot and now they made fools of themselves.

-Then, can we dual cultivate with you today?

Nia asked quietly, clearly embarrassed to ask about it.

-Not today ladies.

He declined, which made them a little disappointed.

-You will have to wait till after the auction, one of the herbs I plan to get is also for you so you will benefit more that way.

He explained.

-Also, you might want to see the list of items that are being sold and if there is something that interests you, I will try to get it.

-You sure know how to enjoy a bath.

His further words were interrupted by Anna who was approaching in her swimsuit, clearly intending to join them.

-Are you jealous?

He asked amused, when she jumped into the jacuzzi.

-Why would I be jealous…

Her words stopped when she saw the mark on both Lia and Nia.

Their slavery marks were gone and they now had identical marks to her own.

She smiled happily and pulled both cat girls into her embrace.

-You finally did it.

She said while hugging them both.

-You're not mad at us?

Lia asked, she was afraid that Anna might be angry at them.

-Of course not.

The girl assured them.

-Fei Fei and Lan already agreed to let you join the family and so did I.

Her words made them both breathe a sigh of relief.

-Then you might want to tell me who else did you accept so that there won't be any misunderstandings.

Paul said amused.

He promised them that he would not accept any woman they didn't approve of, but as of now they only told him that they approved of Lan and Yin.

He only accepted LIa and Nia because he was sure that the ladies would agree to it without any problem.

-For the moment that's everyone we accepted.

She answered.

-The bunny girls can't be accepted into the family even if they want to because of their status, Natalie is still a minor and Irine managed to piss Fei Fei and me off so until she corrects her attitude and maybe becomes a bit more honest with herself, we won't accept her.

Anna explained.

Paul was a bit surprised at the information but that was exactly why he agreed to let his ladies have a say in who becomes a part of the family.

That and the fact that he didn't want there to be any friction between his partners.