
A simple touch can make the most evil men go docile. More often then not love and forgiveness are the best punishment. The reason for this is guilt, that they know they did wrong.

I would say I want to experience love at least once. It gets very tiring and makes one sad when you can't enjoy something everyone else has. I watch as the feather of love drops onto people making them happy, and I write this with a quill of envy. One could want something incredibly bad but in the end it's thought. But the thought of itself is a start, as thoughts lead to actions. Maybe my craving for love will one day outweigh the fear of loneliness. But that day isn't today as I haven't felt that love. A man who speaks on something he can't understand is but fool. He observes others so he can experience it himself yet he truly never does. His mind works fast trying to fill the void with distractions yet those distractions always chant love. I am but that fool, a craven fool who wants love. A fool who watches but never acts. I ask you to not be the fool like I. I ask you to be wise and understand actions lead to love not thoughts; but I also ask you to take my words lightly because who trusts a fool. Who am I, am I the fool or the wise.

The wise are the ones who know they are but a fool, and the fools are the ones who think they are wise.