Chapter 15

Avery drove into the other lane, but a car quickly sped up beside her, trying to box her in, while another car approached from the opposite side.

Seeing them closing in, Avery frowned. "Boss, sorry in advance." Lucas looked at her, wandering while she was apologizing, his hands gripping the seatbelt tightly. But the next thing he knew, things became thrilling.

The two cars on the either side moved closer, trying to trap them in the middle, forcing them towards the concrete barrier ahead.

Avery's frown deepened. She had no choice but to act. Her red pupils glowed in the dark as she removed her lenses. Her heart slowed and everything around her seemed to move in slow motion as her hand gripped the steering wheel.

At the last second, she shifted gears, reversed, and hit the car on the left, causing sparks as the vehicles scrapped together. She forced her car into the order lane, screeching the tires as she sped up.

Lucas had never experienced anything so intense; he was used to fighting financial battles. His heart pounded in his chest at Avery's risky maneuvers.

But their pursuers were relentless, The SUV behind them opened its doors, and a masked man started shooting at their car, making the situation worse.

The car door window shattered, glass flying everywhere. Avery turned sharply onto an empty road, trying to avoid innocent bystanders, realizing that their attackers didn't care if they killed civilians as long they could kill them.

The car door window shattered, the glass flying around, Avery tried to move to an empty road away from innocent people, seeing their attacks didn't care if their bullets killed any passersby if it was able to kill them.

The shot opened another glass close to Avery, and the glass tore into her skin, snapping her back to the reality of their grime situation. Her eyes darted around, searching for a solution. The three cars behind them were gaining, and they were now alone on a mountain road.


The back window shattered, leaving their back open to their attacks. Avery knew she had to act, even if it would make Lucas more suspicious than he already was.

"Take the wheels." She shouted before opening the car door, Lucas widened his silver eyes, and he changed partially when he watched her jump out while the car was still speeding.

He quickly controlled the wheels his mind was on Avery, he quickly pressed the brakes, bringing the car to a stop. He opened the door and transformed fully, bones breaking and rearranging as silver fur covered his body. His clothes shredded as he turned into a massive wolf.

Howling under the moonlight, his eyes glowed with anger and murderous intent. He raced back towards the attacks and leaped on one, tearing open his throat with his fangs. His mouth and fur were covered in blood, he searched frantically for his mate.

Avery was locked in combat with two vampires, their attack was a blur and their moves were skillful and deadly showing they were very trained.

The pure white wooden stake tore through her skin, and the wound sizzled as if burned. She sucked in deep breaths, but there was no time to rest as the order vampire aimed the stake at her chest.

Avery stopped his attack with her bare hands holding on to the stake despite the searing burning pain. She kicked her legs up, using the momentum to flip and wrap her legs around the other vampire's neck, while still holding onto the stake.

Seizing the opportunity, she forced the stake into the vampire's heart, using the momentum to pierce his chest with the other vampire's hand.

The man left the stake and backed away, assessing her for any weakness. Avery's hand bled, and her gaze followed the dripping motion, sweat pooled on her face, and she looked away and blinked her eyes to regain her vision.

The vampire used this slight distraction to appear in front of her, his hand piercing into her chest, aiming for her heart. But Avery reacted instinctively, breaking his hands before he touched her heart, leaving his hand stuck inside her chest without moving. Her heart pierced into his chest, ripping out his heart.

In front of him, she crushed it, and the man dropped dead, "cough... pfft." She spat out blood and saw three more attackers remaining. Biting her lips, she held back her scream as she removed the vampire's hand from her chest.

Her wound partially closed, but blood continued to pour out. She needed to feed, but her eyelids grew heavy. She saw the men approaching and her eyes closed.

The men moved closer and saw her fetal wound and assumed she didn't have much strength to fight.

One of them opened a phone and looked at a picture- a photo of Avery's female identity. If Avery's eyes were open, she would have recognized it instantly.

He signaled for the one close to her to finish her off but didn't expect Avery to open her eyes suddenly and stabbed the man in the throat. Her fingers, now claws, tore through the other man's throat.

The last man fumbled to draw his gun, but Avery didn't give him the chance. She grabbed his gun and shot him in the head.

She was thankful they were human, or she wouldn't have killed them easily.

Using up her last strength, she fell weakly on the ground, her blood pooling around her. She stared dazedly at the moon before her eyes closed and her heartbeat slowed.

This was how Lucas found her. His silver coat was stained with blood, as he transformed back to human in mid-air, landing beside her.

Seeing her lying in the pool of her blood, his wolf almost went insane, his heart clenched painfully, his head shakily laid on her chest, barely hearing the faint sound of her heartbeat.

Without hesitation, he tore open his wrist, lifted her head, and pressed his bleeding wrist to her mouth.