Chapter 114: Masterful Tactics

"Li Dashan, you should know when to stop; don't push people to the brink of death," Liu Baoshan said in a low voice to Li Dashan and the elderly Li matriarch. "I see that this sister and brother-in-law are not pushovers. If you think you can get away without paying a cent and just let them leave, I'm afraid that's impossible. If this really gets to the town, and the town leaders start handling things, even if you're very persuasive, they won't overlook a human life. And if the government really gets involved, I worry they might withhold your relief funds and grain subsidies. Don't say I didn't warn you beforehand." His words suggested they should take a step back.

Li Dashan himself felt apprehensive.

If the government got involved, he, a mere peasant, would have no option but to accept his fate. He dare not lose face and act out against the authorities; they had plenty of ways to deal with him. But the thought of paying up still pained him.
