Chapter 480: Swine Fever

"Dad, Dad, something terrible has happened! Come quick and see! There's trouble with the pigs in the pigsty!" Wang Sanxi hurriedly ran inside.

Wang Sanxi wasn't inept, just honest and simple-minded, lacking cleverness, but he was steadfast and obedient.

But being steadfast and obedient wasn't going to solve anything.

Old Wang hurriedly followed Sanxi straight to the pigsty.

The pigs were due for sale in just two months.

Each pig weighed already 200 pounds and they were hoping that with another two months of feeding, they would reach at least 250 or 260 pounds, fetching a good price. After all the ups and downs of the year, they hadn't made much money. In the first half of the year alone, treating the pigs in the sty when they fell ill had cost them a good deal in grains and medicine; money went into all of it.