Chapter 227: I'm Not Your Brother

"Dad, when will you talk to Big Brother and help me out!" Xu Qinghu pleaded earnestly with Xu Zhong, sobbing with a runny nose and tears streaming down her face, "If Fu Song doesn't find some work soon, we're not going to make it."

"I heard that sister-in-law works at the food factory. See if you can speak to Big Brother on my behalf, maybe get Fu Song a job there?" Xu Qinghu had heard that her sister-in-law was managing things at the food factory, which seemed quite decent. As far as she knew, not a single woman working there from the village had anything but praise for it.

Although nobody had managed to find out the exact salary amounts, the very secrecy of it and the fact that so many people were vying for a position at the food factory only proved that the benefits were good!

During the New Year, not to mention other things, every employee received a box of chili sauce and two pounds of meat, and that was all money!