Chapter 245 Saving Lives is Paramount

She was not that great; it was just the best decision she could make for the fetus and everyone involved under the circumstances.

"I understand what you mean, but saving lives is paramount. Since this child must be born, I hope he can suffer less. Perhaps with each additional minute of rescue, he has a little more hope of survival."

As for whether she would get into trouble herself, that would be a problem for another day.

Even if there were trouble, how bad could it be? At worst, she could do without the reputation!

She cared even less about losing money.

All she knew was that she had a pair of Holy Hands, and with them came great responsibility. These Holy Hands brought her many benefits, and naturally, they would also bring corresponding disadvantages.

If she reaped all the benefits alone, would she still be a lone star cursed with bad fortune?

No, she would be a good person for ten lifetimes.

What she needed to do was to remain true to her heart and save every newborn.