The agony of having the tendons in her legs broken while still alive caused Yan Wanqing's pupils to dilate in shock.
Seeing her in such pain only increased Li Chengyuan's excitement.
"Can't take it already? Is this the limit of the renowned Commandery Princess of Anping?" Li Chengyuan murmured as she brandished a dagger stained with bright red blood, slowly gliding it across Yan Wanqing's body. Then, without any hesitation, she moved behind Yan Wanqing and plunged the dagger down, severing the tendons in her right leg as well!
In the midst of excruciating pain, Yan Wanqing felt she had lost control of both her legs.
Even so, she didn't scream with all her might.
This frustrated Li Chengyuan, who wanted to see Yan Wanqing in agony, begging for mercy.
To increase her suffering, to make Yan Wanqing plead with her, she kept making new cuts on her body with the dagger.
The thick blood gradually pooled on the floor... How much blood can a person possibly have?
Is she going to die?