Chapter 192: For Whom the Flower Blooms (Part 1)

Today is a special day. Luo Qianqian got up early in the morning, her mom was already putting on makeup and getting ready, with Mother He accompanying her. Today is May 18, 2005, the day when An Zilan and Lin Xu have their wedding.

"Brother, can you please sit still and not fidget? It's making me sleepy," said Luo Qianqian after changing her clothes and applying light makeup. Resting comfortably on one side, she wore a pink dress, handmade by Mother He with two small, soft, wing-like additions pinned onto it, made using cardboard templates covered with a layer of white cotton fabric carefully crafted to resemble feathers' texture. He Wenyu was still sleeping at home, waiting to be called by her mother after getting ready, since she wasn't a bridesmaid; it wouldn't do to start early and get sleepy later on.

"Oh, oh, oh," Luo Shufan sat on the bed, oblivious even when the high heels placed there poked him.