"Second Brother..." Luo Qianqian was punished by herself, all because she spoke out of turn, and to make matters worse, everyone else had already left, leaving her to stand at attention all alone: "Is this how you treat your cute little sister whom you haven't seen for days?"
"Stand properly, hands touching the seam of your trousers." Luo Yanhai was dead serious, then after making two rounds to ensure no one was paying attention, he quickly leaned in close to Luo Qianqian: "Were you not incredibly surprised and totally taken aback to see me?"
Luo Qianqian had a face full of disbelief—sure, there was surprise, but where was the joy? The surprise was definitely there—who would have thought that you could run into an acquaintance during military training? And in such a way, too.
She merely nodded without saying a word, who knew what Luo Yanhai was up to this time—she wouldn't be surprised if talking got her another fifteen minutes of punishment.