His Little Concubine was not so easily deceived now. After he sent a reply, she would thoroughly question the messenger, asking if he had dined.
To confirm that he had, she would even inquire about the dishes served in that meal. If they could not say, she would scold the messenger, saying that she knew he was not dining on time, and when he returned in the evening, he would receive a gentle scolding from her.
Just like yesterday, he had skipped lunch because he was discussing state affairs past the proper Shichen, only having a little for dinner.
He returned very late at night, dismissed the palace maid who was staying up for the night, and tiptoed into the inner chamber. Just as he was about to change his clothes, he discovered she was still awake.
He spoke in a very soft voice, thinking he wouldn't wake anyone, but as he was halfway through changing, a fuzzy head popped out from under the bed curtains in the dim light. It was his Little Concubine.