Life Is a game

David still doesn't understand the situation right now. However, the system explains everything directly.

\[ The Dark Triad System Can Be Accessed at the Master's Will! \]

David went to the bathroom, he drank a glass of water. Then he returned to his room.

"100 push-ups?"

David struggled to try it, but he finally completed it. Even though his hand immediately felt pain.

"Ah.. I'm in trouble, I haven't prepared breakfast!"

Time has flown by for a few hours.


David opened the door,

"David?" Layla greeted.

"Are you okay? Are you sick? Why are you sweating?!" Layla said, just waking up.

"Oh.. no, I was just exercising."

"Uhh.. you were exercising!! Good for you, big bro!" "Say, Layla."

Suddenly, David remembered what he had seen at the Fate Cinema.

"Layla." David approached Layla.

"Do you like to write?" David asked.

Layla replied that she indeed liked to write.

"What do you write?" David asked.

Layla felt a bit uncomfortable; she averted her gaze, avoiding eye contact with David.

At that moment,

"Pervert!" Clara came in and pushed David.

Clara hugged Layla, "You jerk! What do you want to do, you bastard?"

"Huh?" Layla and David showed expressions of surprise.

"Clara? What does it mean? What does David want to do?" Layla said.

"Huh? Clara, what are you thinking!?" David asked flatly.

"A.. um... no." Clara diverted her gaze.

"Alright, you guys get ready first! I'll make you breakfast." David said.

That morning, David was still thinking about what he had watched on CursedFlix. Fear crept through his entire body, and David's mind was tormented by the immoral viewing from the night before.

That morning passed like any other, but what made it a bit different was that David started doing pull-ups and squats according to the Daily Quest from the system. David, who is not used to exercising, feels tortured.

"Is it just a 30-minute walk?"

"I'll do it later this afternoon." David postponed the last part of the daily quest.

David sat down to rest, "I haven't found a job yet, and the severance pay isn't enough for next week."

In the afternoon, Layla and Clara returned from school, while David was already getting ready to head out to complete the final part of his daily quest."Where are you going?" Layla asked.

"I'm going out for a little walk."

Before stepping outside, David remembered he hadn't bought uniforms and shoes for his two younger sisters.

"Why don't you just go already!?" Clara asked sarcastically while glaring at David.

"It seems I need to buy new uniforms and shoes for you both." David is sitting on the sofa.

Clara and Layla's uniforms are white uniforms typically worn for public schools in their country; their uniforms are distinguished only by the educational level logo, such as elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school.

David is measuring the uniform and shoe sizes of his two younger sisters. David bought it with a cash on delivery system.

When he finished ordering, David suggested that Layla save the prize money from her writing competition.

"Alright then, thank you, big bro!" Layla smiled brightly.

David nodded slowly, "I can't let her cheerful smile fade away, like the show on CursedFlix last night." David murmured in his heart.

David started walking out of the house.

"David, can I come with you?" Layla asked.

"You should just stay home with me, no need to follow David!" Clara said.

"Yes Layla, it's better if you stay home!" David waves his hand.

David set a 30-minute timer on his phone and started walking.

David began to walk aimlessly.

David accidentally saw Livy.

Livy appeared to be holding the arm of a man. David looked down and changed his walking path.


David cursed to himself.

David continued walking until there were 15 minutes left, then he turned back and walked towards his home.

**Tet... Tet.....**

The notification chime sounded from his phone,

"Is it done?" David murmured.

The chime rang just as David reached the front door of the house.

\[ DING! \]

\[ Daily Quest: Physical Training: ✓ \]

\[ Reward: 1000 Points \]

"Points?" David exclaimed.


The front door opened, and Layla called out, "David!"

David smiled and responded, his eyes lighting up with amusement.

As he entered the house, Clara was playing with Layla's phone. David's gaze was drawn to the game she was playing.

"Hey, what's the game?" he asked, sitting down beside Clara.

"'Dragon East'!" Clara replied briefly.

David took a closer look at the game system.

"Give me back my phone!" Clara demanded.

David remained transfixed by the screen in Clara's hand.

"Hey, where's my phone?" Clara demanded again.

"Eh... yeah... but promise me you won't do something silly like last time!" David admonished.

"Okay, but it's according to our agreement!" Clara said firmly.

"What agreement?" David asked.

"Well, if we're still poor in two years, I'll go with that dirty path!" Clara said with a mischievous grin.

David was taken aback, but he didn't know what to do. He nodded in agreement and handed Clara her phone back.

"I think you should have a drink," Layla said, she handing David a glass of water.

As David took a sip, he began to feel intrigued by the game Clara was playing. When they entered the room, David turned on his phone.

He searched for the game, "Genre: Rpg?" and furrowed his brow.

He remembered that he could access the Dark Triad System with his own desires.

Suddenly, the system appeared.


\[ Welcome To Dark Triad System \]

\[ Name: David Wise \]

\[ Race : Human \]

\[ Level: 1 \]

\[ Title: Loser \]

\[ Other stats locked \]

\[ Points: 1000 \]

"Same!" David exclaimed after seeing the system, which was similar to one in a game.

"A game? If so, my life will be like a game!" David mused.

Of course, life can be seen as a game. The statistics of each human being are different. Wealth and physical appearance can be categorized as stats in a game.

"Can this point be exchanged? Like in a game?" David asked after his question had been released from his lips. The system immediately responded with a holographic screen and a robotic voice characteristic of a woman.

\[ DING \]

\[ Points can be exchanged at the Exchange \]

"Exchange?" David furrowed his brow again.

The holographic screen suddenly changed to show various items with nominal points below them.


"For an expensive phone? But this is labeled as points, not dollars." David breathed out in frustration.

"What can be exchanged for money?" David asked again.

\[ DING \]

\[ Yes! \]

\[ Rate: 1 point = $0.05 \]

"$0.05? I have 1000 points, so $0.05 x 1000? $50?" David furrowed his brow again.

"I should try to exchange it for money," David mused.

The system responded to David's will again.

\[ Enter Point Amount: ... \]

David entered the number 500, half of the points he had.

\[ Enter Point Amount: 500 \]

\[ 500 Points Converted to $ : $25 \]

Suddenly, a small gap appeared on the system screen, forming a withdrawal spot for an ATM machine, and it dispensed $25 in cash.

David's eyes widened in amazement, "Not a dream?"

David took the money, "Wow... it's real!"

"Gosh, only with physical training... and what's beneficial for this system. Weird, I only did physical training..."

"The Dark Triad System will give you anything that benefits you," it said.

"Dark Triad? I think I've heard of that," David mused.

David immediately browsed,

"Dark Triad?" David furrowed his brow again, now understanding why he had received such harsh and immoral punishment like CursedFlix.