Coins of Doom

As the muzzle flashed, the pellets inside the shell were propelled from the barrel. Quickly, Veronica pumped the shotgun, the empty white shell flew out and a new shell took its place.

The pellets flew faster than a normal shotgun could shoot them. Her assailant looked stupefied as they approached him, and from somewhere a new coin appeared in his hand.

This seemed rusty and made of iron. When the pellets were on the verge of hitting him, he flipped the coin upward. There was no blinding light, as Veronica expected. The coin simply turned into metal flakes and gently fell towards the ground.

The twelve or so pellets sped towards him, but before arriving, they suddenly turned into colorful confetti.

Following a whispered curse, Veronica aimed her shotgun again. The confetti hid the man for a second, but when they settled, he was nowhere to be seen.