Vials of Virtue

"These are called Coins of Doom. There are eight different kinds of it, and the effects of each range from weird to outright ridiculous."

Veronica explained while she imagined each type of coins. The sides of the coins showed the same two images. One had a roulette wheel, while the other had a person kneeling, with Its arms spread and nailed to a wooden board.

Its long, graying hair concealed any clues to its identity. It even hid Its age and gender. Blood flowed from Its hands, and Its body seemed like a broken person's.

Just seeing a fake of the picture filled both Veronica and Michael with inexplicable sadness and sympathy.

The only difference between the eight coins was their colors and materials. Veronica picked up the first coin the assassin had used. It was quite heavy, even though its size was small.