The next day, I returned to the academy early in the morning. I had already dismissed my Monday class on Practical Mana manipulation, and I didn't want to miss anymore. Only Mom and Aunt Tabitha were awake when I got up—they were just starting to make breakfast. I joined them for a quick meal before I left.
As much as I wanted to stay for a few more days to help Ellie with her training, I knew Dad would be able to take over. He had plenty of experience, and Ellie was in good hands. That thought made it easier to leave, knowing she would be well taken care of.
After returning to the academy, I quickly settled back into the rhythm of things. My morning was packed with classes.
Balancing my roles as both a student and a professor was no easy task, but it was a challenge I had grown accustomed to.
As the day progressed, I found myself looking forward to the Practical Mana Manipulation class I was teaching. Despite the responsibility, I enjoyed guiding the students and helping them refine their skills. The class had been progressing well, though the 'divergent training' method I introduced had proven to be challenging for many.
When the time for the class finally arrived, I made my way to the classroom, mentally preparing for the session ahead. The students were already there, chatting quietly among themselves as they waited. They quickly fell silent when I entered, their attention shifting to me.
"Good afternoon, everyone," I greeted them as I moved to the front of the room. "I hope you've all been practicing the techniques we've covered so far."
There were a few nods and murmurs of agreement. I could see the determination in their eyes, especially from those who had been struggling with the exercises.
"Today marks the end of our focus on Divergent Training," I announced, noting the mix of relief and curiosity on their faces. "Most of you have learned the basics, and although there are still some who haven't fully mastered it yet, you've grasped the fundamentals. From here on, it's a matter of practice and refining those skills."
A few students exchanged glances, understanding the importance of what I was saying. I continued, "Now, we'll shift our focus to 'Efficient Mana Utilization'. This involves techniques that can enhance your control and effectiveness in real-world scenarios. For example, blue flames, air particle manipulation, rock formation, and water purity."
The room buzzed with interest at the mention of these advanced techniques. I could see their eagerness to dive into something new.
"These techniques require precision and control," I explained. "So, we'll be taking it step by step, ensuring that you not only understand the theory but can also apply it practically. Let's begin with a demonstration."
"Um, Professor?" A young elf girl with blue hair, sharp green eyes, and pointed ears raised her hand, her name is Elva as I remembered. She was the first one in augmenters to complete the Divergent training even before Feyrith.
"Yes, Elva?" I said, nodding for her to go ahead with her question.
She hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Professor, what exactly do you mean by air particle manipulation and water purity? And how does that help with efficient mana manipulation?"
Instead of answering right away, I smiled and said, "Rather than explain it, why don't I show you? That way, you can see firsthand how these techniques can enhance your mana control." I turned to the rest of the class. "But first, I need to know if we have anyone here who's a lightning deviant?"
Only two hands went up. "Alright," I said, "let's start with a demonstration using lightning manipulation."
Instead of answering right away, I smiled and said, "Rather than explain it, why don't I show you? That way, you can see firsthand how these techniques can enhance your mana control." I turned to the rest of the class. "But first, I need to know if we have anyone here who's a lightning deviant?"
Only two hands went up.
"Alright," I said, "let's start with a demonstration using lightning manipulation."
I called the two students who raised their hands to the front of the room. With a quick gesture, I summoned two small-sized bowls using earth magic and placed them on the table. Then, I took out two leather bags, one containing pure water and the other with normal water, and poured them into the respective bowls.
"Now," I said, dipping my finger into the bowl of normal water, "I want one of you to shoot a small lightning shock into this bowl."
One of the students stepped forward and released a small bolt of lightning into the water. As expected, I felt a mild shock travel up my arm, which made the class look on in bewilderment. They were clearly expecting something more dramatic, especially after the demonstration I had given in the first class with the gust of wind that broke the wall. But no one asked any questions, sensing that I had a point to make.
Next, I dipped my finger into the bowl of pure water. "Now, do the same with this one," I instructed the other student.
They complied, shooting another small lightning shock into the pure water. This time, I felt nothing. The class's confusion was palpable as they exchanged puzzled glances.
I smiled and explained, "The reason you saw a difference is that pure water, unlike normal or salty water, does not conduct electricity. This is an example of understanding and utilizing the properties of the elements and the materials you work with to control mana more efficiently. In this case, knowing that pure water doesn't conduct electricity can be crucial in certain situations, allowing you to manipulate mana without unintended consequences."
As I continued with the class, I demonstrated various techniques for efficient mana utilization, explaining the benefits of controlling elemental purity and other nuances of mana manipulation. The students seemed intrigued, especially after the lightning demonstration. Once the bell rang, signaling the end of the class, everyone started to gather their belongings and leave.
Feeling the toll of teaching, I realized I was hungry and decided to head to the cafeteria for lunch, Sylvie who had been asleep the whole time on the podium jumped on my head at the mention of Lunch. As I entered, I spotted Gawain, who waved me over. We sat down together, and after a few moments of small talk, Gawain asked, "Arthur, are you planning to participate in the upcoming tournament?"
I looked at him, confused. "What tournament?"
Gawain paused, then nodded in realization. "Ah, that's right. You weren't in the academy when the announcement was made. There's an intercontinental tournament being held here in Xyrus in about a month. It's meant to strengthen the unification of Elves, Humans, and Dwarves who formed a union a few months ago."
I nodded, processing the information. "I had no idea. Sounds like a big event."
"Of course it is," Gawain Replied. "And a lot of nobles and royal families will come to watch from all the kingdom."
I considered it for a moment, my mind already running through the possibilities. "I'll have to think about it," I finally said.
Gawain nodded understandingly. "It's going to be a challenging tournament. But knowing you, I'm sure you'd make a strong impression."
Once lunch ended, I returned to my duties as a Disciplinary Committee officer. I made my way around the campus, ensuring everything was running smoothly. As I reached the area behind the school grounds, I spotted two humans defacing the walls with graffiti that insulted dwarves and elves.
My immediate reaction was to subdue them, making sure they couldn't do any more damage. I escorted them to the administrative office, where I reported the incident and handed them over for further disciplinary action.
As I was leaving the office, I ran into Director Goodsky.
"Ah, Arthur, glad to see you're back. Can you come to my office? I have some things to discuss," she said, her tone serious but warm.
I glanced at the time and noticed there was still some time before my next class. "Of course, Director," I replied.
She led the way to her office, and I followed, curious about what she needed to discuss with me.
As we walked down the hall, Director Goodsky turned to me with a curious smile. "How was your time at home, Arthur?"
"It went pretty well," I replied, recalling the recent events. "Ellie actually awakened her mana core two days ago."
Director Goodsky's eyes widened in surprise. "She did? And how old is she now?"
"She's eight this year," I answered a hint of pride in my voice.
The director let out an astonished gasp, shaking her head in disbelief. "Eight years old... The Leywins are certainly built differently."
I laughed it off, though I couldn't deny the sense of pride swelling in my chest. We continued walking in silence after that, the director's words lingering in my mind.
Finally, we arrived at her office. She opened the door, and as I stepped inside, I was met with an unexpected sight.
There, seated in front of the director's desk, was a person I hadn't anticipated seeing.
A/N: Well, here is a surprise, or well two, a tournament is going to happen in a month, will the tournament go as planned, or is something going to happen? Well, you won't know it until you see the future chapter but whatever it is, there will definitely be amazing content. Also who is this mysterious person, stay tuned to find out in the next chapter.