Stuck and Still

"Mr. Westwood, what should we do about the charges against your wife?"

Alaric followed him through the corridor.

Every employee that they passed by would stop to pay respect to Landon before they ushered back to their work.

Landon did not respond quickly as they finally reached the end of the corridor, just in time for the elevator to slide open in front of them.

As soon as the other passengers emptied it, Landon and his secretary entered. Then Landon finally said, "Get the best lawyer in the country and have them counter Mr. Leblanc's claim. Also, ask the head police chief to find out why the charges passed quickly."

Landon found this point strange. A criminal case of attempted murder was a heavy one. However, he was sure that no evidence could indict Lucy nor a witness that would prove that she was truly the one who pushed Yvonne.

Of course, Yvonne's words could play a great role. She was the one who fell from the stairs, after all.