Forced to Go Back to Grid City

At this time, Landon didn't want to answer any calls from anyone. He made sure all matters were handled by his four other secretaries while the urgent business matters would be forwarded to Alaric so he could take care of it when he had the time.

But now that his grandfather reached him, Landon couldn't ignore it any longer.


"Landon, where are you?" his grandfather's hard voice came from the other side.

"I'm on a business trip."

It was a reasonable excuse.

Unfortunately, Dominik Westwood didn't believe it.

"Don't lie to me. I checked your itinerary and you should've completed with the social party two days ago."

Landon gritted his teeth when he knew his grandfather went through his office and questioned his secretaries. His office was his territory, even if it was something that has been passed down to him.