14. She's human

All three wolves eyes darted at me at the same time, the three of them literally sniffed the air at the same time.

"She's human!" Wulfric's wolf snorted. 

"No she's not" the teacher insisted, his claws digging into the earth. 

"I'm human!" I shouted on top of my voice as the teacher aimed for me, jumping into the air with his sharp claws on edge ready to tear me to pieces. 

Wulfric fought the teacher to submittion. Almost tearing off it hind leg in the process. I watched in awe, Wulfric was very strong and swift, the other black wolf barely got a scratch on him. 

I watched as Wulfric made the teacher's back wolf run off into the woods, leaving his car behind. 

"Oh shit the coronation" he suddenly groaned as he racelled something, he ran to the hurt brown wolf and said, "are you okay?. Get on my back."

The brown wolf struggled. I watched as her brown fur turned into skin and a naked girl reveal before my eyes. She fell weakly on Wulfric blue wolf.

Wulfric was so big the girl fitted comfortably on his wolf back. 

"Get back to your dorm" he barked at me before leaving. 

I felt fazed as Wulfric disappeared out of my sight... He ran off at fast speed and disappeared so quickly there was a spec of his blue fur in sight. The only hard evident that werewolf had been here were their paw prints, blood and the car. 

Feeling very stupid for trying to a hero, and more dumb for not being able to do anything. I gathered myself and hastened my steps out of the parking lot and headed to my dorm. 

No one was in my room when I snuck in. Maia and Naia and not even Sadie was in the room. I remember them speaking about going to a party. 

There was chicken sandwich raps, salad and orange juice on the kitchen table but I wasn't hungry, I arranged them in the fridge and went into my compartment, closing it behind. I took off my wig and massaged my scalp with pure coconut hair oil. 

Then I jumped on my long comfortable bed, stretching and stretching my entire length before grabbing my phone to check what was up. 

Somehow I keep following the stats on my video that went viral, I read the comments as they increased and watched as the number of views increased. It was at 1 billion views and 1,232,009 comments. Everyone seemed to be curious about who I was and if werewolves were real. They were so many dumb conspiracies under the comment section written by the most jobless people in the world. 

My phone began to ring as a strange phone number popped up on the screen with no caller ID. A part of my heart wished it would be my Aunt trying to reach out to me, it made me feel part light even though I refuse to admit I miss her a little. 

I couldn't stop a little smile from forming on my lips as I picked the call. Finally my aunt. 

"Mel" the caller whispered in exasperation as if he would burst into tears. 

"Gambi?!" Even if I'd lost my hearing I could recognize Gambi's voice anytime. 

"Mel, please!. Hear me out!."

He sounded so sincere and I was feeling so lonely that I couldn't bring myself to hang up on him. 

"How's Ivy?" I asked coldly. 

"I... I don't know and I don't care. I only care about you Mel!." 

"It didn't seem like it when you two were dry humping each other on the dance floor."

"It was a mistake, I was drunk and she knew that. She took advantage of me" he sigh, "I would never do that to you on purpode Mel."

I believed him completely, like the fool that I was. But it doesn't mean I'm ready to forgive him. I fell silent and waited for him to go on. 

"Where are you Mel?" He asked softly. 

I debated on letting him know or not but I gave in to his softness, "Prime academy at Prime valley."

"So far away, why...."

"I'm not asking you to come!" I snapped quickly. 

"That's not what I meant" he now spoke with his normal voice, "do you have any visiting days?."

I told him we were having one the next week and he asked if he could visit. 

"If you wish but I'm not getting back together with you."

"Please!. We can't lose what we have."

"You could have thought of that before making out with that bitch."

He became silent, the only sound I could hear was the sound of his steady breathing, "Are you okay though?."

"Yeah, I'm good" I faked a cheerful, happy voice. 

"I mean..." He paused for about a minute, "are you really a werewolf?" He asked softly. 

"No!" I mouthed. 

"But the fur..."

"I'm not a werewolf!."

"Okay!. Okay I believe you" he said, "I'll see you next week?."

"Okay"I said and hung up immediately. 

I felt less lonely after having spoken to him, I must admit I still like him a little bit and a part of me wants him to be my boyfriend again. 

I pounded on trying to recover my lost contacts so I could get my mum or my brother's phone number back. This is a disadvantage of not having important contact saved on your head. 


I stood up from my bed to do my homework. As I unzipped my bag, I came across the list of clubs for Prime academy on a flier the principal gave me. I've completely forgotten about it. It was compulsory for every student to belong to a club at Prime academy meaning I had to pick one too. 

The only club I had in mind was drama club. I love to act. I made up my mind to try out for drama club, I checked it out.

After completing my homework, I jumped on the bed and tossed from side to side in bed unable to just shut my eyes and sleep. I felt too light, werewolves were real and I was living amongst them. All my life my mom had tried to keep us safe by telling us to never transform and using a perfume that would make us smell like human to werewolf. It was her fault I didn't embrace my wolf, it was her fault I was afraid of being one. 

I decided to talk a walk around the dorm, at least get fresh air and clear my head. 

Immediately I stepped out of my room, I heard strange squeaky sound coming from the long window in the hall. My dorm had 25 rooms, 4 girls occupied each room like every other dorm in the school. Which means there were 50 girls which should be in their room. Maybe one of them was trying to sneak out...like me. 

I headed quietly to the long window in the long hallway carefully. The sight I saw made me stifle a scream. 

In between the glass window compartment, there was a red fury Wolf trying to squeeze in. It was so big and fury, the furiest I've seen at Prime valley. Like Wulfric. 

My jaw dropped open in admiration, it was like staring at a giant teddy bear, the soft gigantic ones that would be so comfortable to hug. Although this one was slightly scary. It claws were hidden behind the paws which made it less scarier. 

"Aww!" The wolf yipped finally getting through the window, "still gat it!" The voice was feminine. 

It was a female wolf. I was sure. 

She twirled and belched in a tipsy manner, I was 100 percent sure she was drunk. The human connected to that wolf was definitely drunk. I stood in between the hall way waiting for her to notice me, I wasn't scared of wolves anymore. 

The minute she turned her gaze from the window and her eyes fell on me she almost jumped out of her fur.