17. Don't reject her

Wulfric's POV

"Congratulations Alpha Wulfric" Andrea's short frame approached me, eyes laced with tears as she pulled me into a hug, her head resting on my stomach. I let her hug me because it was a special occasion.

"Your majesty, Alpha Wulfric" Andrea's parents were next to wish me after their daughter. I shook her father's hand and hugged her mother.

"Con...con... congratulations" Nathan stammered not daring to come any close to me. I ignored his existence completely.

Sir Frederick noticed that, he scolded me with his eyes and whispered, "You must get along well with your beta, he is more like a soul brother to you, you will need his help more often" he gave my shoulder a manly pat.

Secretly, I would actually have wanted my first order as king to be the banishment of Nathan and his mother. Too much?. Or better still death by hanging. Too cruel?.

That's how much I loathe them both. When my mother and the pack found out that my father had an affair after I was born which resulted to Nathan, my mother had been so broken and torn apart.

I hated seeing her like that before she died and it was all because of that bastard and his mother. The pack chose to accept them because a certain elder that disliked me fought for them but I didn't accept them. I never will.

Mandy threw herself on me and embraced me in an unnecessarily long hug. Andrea began to clear her throat uncomfortably but Mandy only tightened her arm around me more until I shook her off.

"Congratulations. When are you going to pick out your Luna?" Mandy asked staring at me in expectation.

"As soon as the midnight ritual is over, Alpha Wulfric will know who his mate is" Sir Fredrick explained. I nodded and cast a glance to the full moon.

Everyone came to me one after the other to congratulate me except Nathan and his mother who was busy cooing at her son.

By midnight, everything was set for the second part of the coronation. This time, my chest was bare. My father should be the one doing this part but he was gone and so Sir Fredrick as his beta was going to do this instead.

I stood before him one knee, the pack members were watching, all standing behind me. Sir Frederick held the sacred water in his hand above my head.

As I felt the water touch the middle of the head and spread round my entire head and down my face and neck, as if by magic I was no longer at the ceremony, I couldn't hear the little chatters underneath anymore.

My consciousness was transported and I found myself standing in the middle of what seems like a forest which was surprisingly very still and quiet and eerie. The leaves on the branches didn't do as much as move, I was in a vision.

Without being told, all I could do was walk forward, it was as if I knew that whatever I was searching for was going to be in front.

As I walked on, a distance figure caught my attention. I jogged even faster to get closer to the figure. I found myself close to a river glowing by the moonlight. My path was clear and lit, for the first time I noticed the moon glowing above and how it cast it light on everything.

The figure dived into the river as I got closer, completely submerging herself underneath.

"Hello" I called.

Suddenly, the submerged figure dived up gasping for breath. Her long red hair, now wet flying everywhere. Her hair wasn't the only thing that caught my attention, it was the familiar face and the curves of her naked body.

I felt myself being sucked back to reality the minute I recognized who it was.

With that, the ritual was over and I flung open my eyes, my breathing slightly heaving. I helped myself up and turned around to every one. Everyone was staring at me eagerly.

Andrea approached me looking the most eager. She seemed close to exploding.

"Who is your mate?" Andrea asked with a thick voice, her eyes widening in anticipation.

"Who is your mate?" Mandy asked next.

Sir Frederick tutted, "The Alpha is still in a haze after the vision. He will speak when he can."

"Who is she?" Blake asked grinning.

Andrea couldn't keep her eyes off me. She focused her gaze at me waiting in anticipation, so were her parents. They were expecting their daughter to be the Luna because we were friends already, it would just be natural as they thought we were attracted to each other when though I felt nothing for her.

"Who is your mate?."

"She's ...she's.... she's not here!" I blurted.

Andrea gasped and almost fell down on the spot but struggled to keep her composure. I caught see the look of satisfaction on Mandy's face.

"Are you sure?. Are... You sure?. Did you get the vision well?" Andrea's parents came to stand beside her to hold her from falling.

"Yes" I nodded.

"Who did you see?" Her mother asked.

Mel. Mel Howard. I saw Mel Howard with full long red hair and red eyes. Of all the species of people in the world it had to be her?.

"She's not someone you all know. She doesn't belong to this pack" I explained who I could.

"Are you sure it's not me?" Andrea sobbed. She faltered, her lips shivering as she sobbed.

I'm not one known for having compassion, "Andrea it's not you" I said loudly and stifly.

"Can I have a word with you?" Sir Frederick asked as I pulled my cloak back on.

"Yes" I nodded, happy to move away from Andrea sobbing on her mother.

We strolled away from the coronation place behind the pack house and back to the front.

"Son, is it really not Andrea you saw?" Sir Fredrick inquired.

"Honestly, I'm a little bit surprised too" I voiced.

He sigh, "Who did you see?."

He was the only one I trusted enough to tell my mate was a human, "It's the owner of the necklace. Mel Howard. The new girl."

"Really?" He cast a glance at me.

"She is human. How could an alpha get a human as his Luna. That's impossible" I scoffed.

"Something is strange though?. In my vision she had red hair but in real life her hair is jet black. I think there's a problem somewhere but I saw her face clearly" I explained.

"I'm rejecting her" I added.

"Why?" He paused on the front steps leading inside and stared at me.

"Because she's a bitch and she's human. Besides, there has to be a problem. How can she have red hair in my vision."

"Alpha Wulfric. You should not reject a mate. You might never find one again till eternity if you even survive the rejection. Mates are bonded to our souls, the moment you reject her a path of your soul will fade, it can cause great harm to you."

"If that's what it takes not to be equal with a human then I'm looking forward to it" I said.

"Don't reject her yet" he huffed, "I need to know more about her and why she has that necklace."


"Not likely. Don't reject her yet and in the mean time I suggest you take her close."

"What?. A human?."

"She's your mate. It's your responsibility to protect her and try to keep her away the Blood moon pack, something seems fishy."

"There's no way I'm becoming friends with her. She's friends with Freddy already, you saw them at the store together."

"Just do as I say son" he patted my back, "For ones. Drop the ego and stubbornness."

I rolled my eyes but didn't argue further.