23. Sadie's past?


"Pizza yesss! This is why I love Saturday nights" Maia exclaimed to the two women at the door.

I heard the women chuckle and Maia muttering a thank you before the door closed. Maia came to drop eight boxes of Pizza on the table, separating them into pairs.

"Naia, get the fruity drinks in the fridge" Maia said.

Naia pulled herself lazily from the couch to drag her feet to the mini fridge. I got up too to grab two boxes of pizza for myself.

"I think these are Pizzas we baked at cooking class today" I eyed the pepperoni, cheese and chicken toppings on the Pizza cut to triangles already.

"I hope you guys made it well" Naia passed me an apple drink. I smiled gratefully.

I went to grab a cup from the hangers on the fridge, I picked out ice from the ice box in the fridge, dropped them in the cup, before filling the cup up with the apple juice. I took a sip and hummed in satisfaction, just how I love it.