41. Mason


"Why are you guys boarders when you literally live in the same state?" I asked chewing on popcorn. I focused on the gassy twins. Alcohol from their party really mess them up that day, it's Saturday and thet were farting rather unlady like.

"Mel, if you've met our parents you'd realize why we don't wanna live with them" Maia placed another another bag of ice on her neck.

The twins were still completely sore and sour from their party, they might have drank a little too much for first timers, danced too much and embarrassed themselves too much.

"My mom's the worse I'm glad you haven't met her that?" Says Naia.

"Mel can you please drop another ice pack on my lower back I think my bones might be broken from tying to twerk" Maia whinced turning her back on the chair.

"I gat you sis" I dropped my bag of popcorn on my seat and reached into the bucket on the table and went to openly it lying face down on the bedside her.