43. Not a bully


It was after that Saturday I met Mason again the nightmare began, it began on Saturday night itself after I saw the teacher's wolf deadly glare and I'd always recall the lady teacher's eye going jet black and creepy. I have horrible nightmares everynight that gets me shaky and sweaty.

The nightmares were almost all the same. I'd be running tirelessly and breathing heavily in the forest or somewhere, I don't know. I'd be running away from something I couldn't see, but I knew I had to get away from whatever it was.

Then a red hairy wolf would suddenly out jumps me and I'd fall to the floor, my entire body hitting the floor hard. The wolf would then approach me like I was it prey, I'd see his sharp canines widening along with his mouth making to bite off my face.

In the second nightmare the wolves were grey, larger than the average wolf I've seen. Three in number, aiming to tear me apart.