46. The kiss


I was out of breath when I got to the principal's office. I knocked and let myself in quickly.

"Mrs Nelson, there's been a mistake. I need the drive back" I said out of breath.

Mrs Nelson simply glanced at me from her laptop before slamming shut the laptop. She unplug the drive from her laptop.

"I'm done with this anyways. Tell me why your friend has a security camera drive to your dorm?."

"She did it for me. She got it to help me."

"I didn't know she was flash. Tell me how she went to the security unit and got back in seconds?" she shook her head as she asked.

"She uhm... Actually...was appointed by the uhm... Security unit as uhmmmmm I mean no... She..."

Come on Mel think of something. You have to save your friend!.

"She went there before school. Yeah. Apparently, she overheard Sadie talking about framing me and that's why she came with me."
