62. Broken knee


"Alpha Wulfric, can we speak to you in private?" The tallest elder with a mixture of gray and brown hair said extremely loudly. All of them if ignored my greeting. Awkward.

I noticed the way the eyes of the elders trailed over my red hair and the disapproving stares that followed.

"I'll just go look around then. You go do your Alpha business" I whispered quietly to Wulfric before stepping back to hide away from their harsh gazes. It was unsettling.

"I don't think they like me much" I said into Wulfric's mind as I stepped away.

"The elders don't like anyone, me included. But you don't have to worry, you are their Luna and they will learn to live with it" he said back.

"I hope so" I closed her mind link feeling low. I thought I would find my place at this pack. I honestly thought I would.