

"RIP mum and dad. I love you!" A lone tear fell on the picture frame I was holding. I watched as the tear rolled down to the edge and stuck to the glass.

Before more tears followed it, I quickly shoved the picture frame of me, my mum and dad inside my backpack and zipped it close.

That's about it!.

I wiped the tears off my face and sniffed back the pain.

I took a long glance around my white and cream painted room. I've got everything I need to survive in a new school, I hope.

As I glanced around, I caught my reflection in the mirror. A girl with long red hair that was packed and tied at the nap of her neck stared back at me. Her eyes were shades of red that seemed to glow in a way she never understood.

That girl was me!. Melisa Howard. A red half moon necklace hanging around my neck, the necklace dad gave me.

"Are you really leaving dear?" A voice asked from the door of my bedroom and I turned away from the mirror.