10: Ok, First training arc!

"I never thought aliens could cry like humans," muttered Tights, touching the shoulder of a dejected Jaco, who was dramatically kneeling on the floor, crying his eyes out.

"Your sister is bad, Tights, bad! No one should mess with a man's vehicle, but she? she did it!" Jaco began to cry harder at the mention of the terrible event. 

Well, terrible for him, the others decided to just ignore it as they watched little Bulma skillfully reassemble Jaco's ship, she had even bothered to clean the dirt off it. 

"Silly," Goku said, laughing at Jaco's exaggerated simplicity, which made the Patrolman regret giving the Saiyan the thumbs up for a moment. 

The little guy with the tail was a vicious monster who dared to mock him! But seeing the silly, innocent smile on Son Goku's face, Jaco had no desire to hurt him. 

'He is an innocent child,' Jaco thought, and for a moment, he stopped acting like a drama queen. 

He never thought that he would have such thoughts towards a Saiyajin, who were known throughout the known galaxy as a cosmic pest, similar to locusts, and the fact that he allowed Goku to live in peace in this world would serve as a reward for him in the future. 

After all, who would have thought that this child with a Power Level of 2 would grow up to accomplish legendary feats such as defeating Freezer, and even directly facing beings more powerful than the supposed Emperor? 

"Jaco, your ship is repaired, just stop eating in it, it was very tiring to clean up so many unidentified food scraps," Bulma said, attracting Jaco's attention. 

"You don't understand, I have a lot of things to do, a lot of cases to understand, a lot of criminals to arrest, a lot of babes to date," Jaco seemed to leave the crying behind, then struck what he thought was a cool pose. 

"Why is he posing?" Gohan asked Doctor Omori quietly.

"I don't know, it's an alien, it must have some special meaning," the old man said the first thing that came to mind.

"So there are species that communicate through poses? How interesting, it looks cool when it poses like that," Gohan muttered, unaware that Bulma was giving him a critical look. 

'Does everyone named Gohan have a special liking for posing? Though, could it be that the Ginyu Force's poses have a deeper meaning?' Though Bulma tried to keep her mind in line, the whimsical nature of the children kept coming up. 

So, Bulma couldn't help but look at Jaco's constant poses, Tights giving him little claps, and if that smile was in line with the emotions the blue hair was feeling, her sister would probably want her to do the same poses. 

'I will never pose,' Bulma told herself, unknowingly raising a red flag. 

"Well, well, I forgive you for dismantling my ship, you've remade it perfect," Jaco stroked the chassis of his ship, feeling a whole new sensation.

His ship had dents, scratches, and even paint peeling off in many places before he came to Earth, now he felt like he was looking at a brand new ship. The feel of the wax in his hand was undoubtedly wonderful, although he didn't think about whether it was necessary to encase a spaceship. 

"Jaco, are you leaving? When will you be back?" asked Tights, somewhat discouraged.

Her thirst for adventure was burning, she wanted to record in books the wonderful things she could find in the universe, but she knew it was not the time to make a decision of such magnitude, so she wanted Jaco to stay longer, or at least give her a date for his return. 

"I'm never going back to this fucked up world! I don't want to be assimilated!" Jaco crossed his arms in an X-shape and began to shake his head steadily, but when he saw the tears in Tights' eyes, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. 

"But if you want to go out into the universe one day, I can be your guide, including you, Bulma. You just have to deny that you are human so as not to scare them, there are many creatures like you in the universe," Jaco suggested what he thought would be the best option, but wisely would not leave them any method of contact with the Brief sisters.

Tights were 13 and Bulma was 5, but they already showed too much-advanced intelligence, especially the younger sister, which in a way increased Jaco's fear of humans, so he didn't want to have much contact with them. 

"Well, I have your method of contact, even your address in the universe," Bulma said absentmindedly, while she not so subtly raised her weapon on Jaco. 

The Patrolman froze when he heard this and when he saw the obvious threat in little Bulma's eyes, he could only sigh. It seemed that he was going to be mixed up with humans for a long time, maybe since he arrived on Earth, his assimilation to Earth had already begun. 

"Well, great, come visit me sometime," Jaco muttered before climbing into his spaceship as if he was afraid that Bulma would decide to do something more drastic. 

Soon the ship was lost in the sky, which was already getting dark, ending not only the day but also the beginning of a legendary story. Few people will know that it was here that Dragon Ball began. 

Bulma looked up at the stars that were rising in the night sky and took a deep breath, feeling a strong excitement inside of her, because it was more than obvious that she would finally get her longed-for first training arc.


"You're looking forward to training, aren't you?" Gohan looked at the little Bulma in front of him in a spacious place that resembled a martial arts hall.

There were various pieces of equipment for training and fighting, but the highlight was how huge the room was, and no aspect of this room was wasted, on every side there was something that could be used, even high-tech tools.

It had been a week since Jaco had left, and Doctor Brief was renovating this place, which used to be a place to store large vehicles, all at the request of his daughter Bulma. By the way, the renovation of Gohan's house had already begun, it was just a bit late because of its remote location.

Although the old man and his grandson Goku lived in the house of the Brief family for the time being, there was more than enough space to accommodate them, especially the little Saiyan. The latter was very restless and was mainly taken care of by Bikini and some of Doctor Brief's robots.

Goku was carried by Bikini, who thought the boy's tail was interesting and would look much better with a bow, preferably blue. There was also Doctor Brief, with a small machine in his hand and a cigarette in his mouth. 

"I never thought I would see my daughter training with a martial artist," Brief said with some laziness, but the sharpness in his eyes never faded. 

The machine in his hand was a special scanner he had created, he wanted to record his daughter's data to see how it changed under targeted training, maybe he could create something interesting with the blueprints Bulma brought him of something called a 'power level detector'.

"I would rather Bulma play with friends her own age, but this is the path she has chosen," Bikini replied with a smile on her face, she would support whatever her little baby had in mind, after all, she was her daughter!

"Isn't it better to just create machines to help you?" asked Tights, who did not feel the same need to become stronger as her sister, even if she was in danger, Bulma would probably save her, right?

"Sometimes you have to act with your own hands," replied Doctor Brief, who in a way could understand his daughter's underlying thought. 

"All training has two basic points to start with, physical conditioning and mental conditioning. Then you add other aspects such as fighting routine, energy control, and special techniques. 

We'll start with the physical aspect, you have to do as many rounds as you can, from end to end, without missing a beat. If you do it wrong, I won't count the lap," Gohan began his lesson and showed her how Bulma had to do the laps. 

Bulma began to run, at first he did not notice much fatigue because of her physical condition, which was better than that of a normal human. But the terrain of the training ground was not only uneven, but she had to keep an eye on many things to make the whole lap count as adequate. 

For the first few laps, she kept her attention very much to avoid any problems, but as she got used to it, she relaxed her attention and focused on other aspects, such as trying to regulate her breathing or maintaining her stamina.

Gohan noticed every change in his apprentice and made mental notes of some things to emphasize or correct in the future, especially a certain tendency that was not very good for Bulma, but luckily he was able to change it in time. 

'This test is not just a physical thing, let's see when your mind can resist, I just hope you understand that soon,' Gohan thought as he mentally accounted for the fact that Bulma did another lap in the right way.

Bulma ran like this until after a while she started to feel uncomfortable. It wasn't that she felt tired, but there was something that felt very strange to her and it was like having an itch that she couldn't scratch. 

Without realizing it, her running mistakes were getting worse, not only was her physical endurance burning up more quickly, but some laps were not counting, and Gohan made sure to point that out to her. 

This fact only increased the pressure on her, and a simple exercise that she could do well on any other day became more and more complicated. She even felt her body getting heavier and heavier and kept thinking about stopping, but when her pace slowed down, Gohan spoke up. 

"You can still do a few more rounds, don't stop!" Gohan's words only spurred Bulma to try harder, but the shortcomings kept growing, something he kept reminding her of. 

"I don't understand why you encourage and discourage her like that," Tights said, feeling a little sad to see her younger sister covered in sweat and clenching her teeth when she clearly couldn't continue anymore. 

"Because it's not just about running, Mr. Gohan knows about Bulma's physical condition, but he doesn't know about her psyche," Brief said, fully understanding Gohan's purpose and supporting him. 

Even for a scientist, mental toughness was an important thing. How many failures does a man of science have to endure before he achieves something? That pressure is truly unimaginable, especially when you take a long time to research and come to your conclusion, throwing away months or years. 

Doctor Brief himself, with all his ingenuity, has had moments like this. It's only because of his willpower that he hasn't done drastic things or taken sides with bad morals, especially since he had the support of his family and years of experience where he made mistakes that hardened his mind.

"But Bulma is just a child, yes she is a genius and she is something special, but she is still a child, I do not think it is appropriate to mess with her mind like this," Bikini complained, who had opened her eyes for the first time all day to see the bad condition Bulma was in.

The girl was drenched in sweat, her blue hair falling wetly down her face, sometimes getting in the way, sometimes her feet faltered or she stumbled, and even several times she fell, only to be encouraged to get up and continue. 

"This is why this kind of test is even more necessary, you know that very well. Our daughter aspires not only to be a great scientist but also a mighty warrior, on both sides she needs more than just a strong body or a brilliant mind, she needs high willpower," Doctor Brief said, looking down at the scanner in his hands, and what he saw made him smile. 

"Besides, it's about time Bulma started to recognize her limits and try to overcome them, don't you think? You can only be so bright for so long," the man mused as he watched his daughter fall to the ground almost unconscious, but before she could do so, she was held up by Gohan. 

"I had to use some tricks to make this go faster, you'll have to forgive me later, Bulma," Gohan whispered, subtly removing the ki pressure he had been emitting. 

This was the only way that Bulma could reach her limits quickly and recognize them, this was the only way that the little girl could take the first step towards becoming a fighter. 


AN: Okay, now we start the First training arc, Yehi! I will try to write something about the training and another stuff; Like a Cultivator, we need to make a good base of plot and lore, Dragon Ball is simple, but have complex things, for example, the power levels.

And, if you want more, you can read my original novel, it's in my profile, along with two other fanfics, one from Reincarnation Paradise and one from Avatar.

By the way, Merry Christmas!