29: Doctor Norimaki.

"So, you are Goku, you are Chi-Chi, you are Mr. Bacon, and you are Bulma? Great! What great names!" Arale exclaimed excitedly, and although the others laughed, Oolong sulked.

"What do you mean with Mr. Bacon!?Oolong! My name is Oolong!" the pig boy shouted, causing Arale to tilt her head and look at it with intrigue. 

"Like that expensive, disgusting Tea adults drink?" Arale visibly scrunched up her face when she asked this question, and even her face turned a comical shade of green. 

"What? No!" Oolong shouted in frustration, causing the others to laugh louder and louder at their predicament.

"Anyway, can we meet Doctor Norimaki?" Bulma finally asked young Arale, causing the gynoid to turn her attention to her with an unusual scrutiny in her eyes. 

"Why do you want to meet the Doctor?" although her question seemed to be filled with her typical good humor, Bulma could sense Arale's true feelings.

Yes, as strange as it might seem for a machine to have feelings, Arale was a truly sentient being, a full-fledged mechanical life, so she possessed emotions that Bulma was able to interpret with her ability.

Despite Arale's giggly facade, Bulma could sense the seriousness and caution in her question. Even though she always seemed like a happy and carefree girl with absurd abilities, Arale was an intelligent person, perhaps one of the most intelligent beings on Earth. 

Not less, her completely unscientific abilities allowed her to enjoy things casually, but if anything in the world was important to her, it was her creator and 'brother', Doctor Norimaki. 

Sure, there was also the Doctor's wife and son, but Bulma's question made Arale wary, so the blue-haired had to think carefully about her words to avoid misunderstandings. 

The worst thing you can do is unwittingly antagonize a being for whom the laws of nature are a suggestion and another element to play with. Bulma sighed before she spoke. 

"I just want to meet one of the greatest minds in this world, my father, Doctor Brief, is someone who is in awe of Doctor Norimaki's abilities and admires him quite a bit." Bulma wasn't lying when she said that, that was really her intention, and her father really admired the man. 

How could he not? Doctor Norimaki's few publications allowed Doctor Brief to shortcut many paths and attempts at his great creations. In fact, Bulma had a particular theory about this situation. 

Maybe one of Doctor Norimaki's publications was the reason for Doctor Gero to create the more advanced versions of the androids, because in the canon, the leap from the so-called 'Octavius' to androids that can fight warriors capable of destroying planets is not a small one, to say the least. 

Who knows, maybe the source of eternal energy that gave power to C-17 and C-18 was part of that inspiration, because only Dr. Norimaki would come up with such an illogical and unscientific idea, but in the end it turned out to be real. 

Arale was silent, something in her eyes seemed to shine secretly, allowing her to make a decision at that moment. She didn't feel any evil in the people in front of her, and she even felt a strange connection to Goku for some reason, so she nodded.

"Fine! I'll take you to him. Midori must have already prepared dinner, let's go," Arale waved her hand before turning around and running in a funny way in a certain direction. 

Though amused by her running form, everyone's faces were astonished as she covered long distances in an instant, almost disappearing from their sight with extreme ease, though leaving an unusual trail of dust in her path.

"What just happened?" Oolong wondered quietly, and Goku just shook his shoulders before answering. 

"I don't know, but my instincts are telling me not to fight her," the young Saiyan said seriously, it was the first time that something like that happened to him.

Usually, he felt the urge to fight against powerful or interesting people, but when he saw Arale, something inside of him screamed at him not to provoke her, as if his whole existence was something extremely dangerous and his deepest essence resisted to even antagonize the girl. 

But he also felt a strange pull, a strange connection that urged him to talk to Arale and even made his first impression change from alarm to curiosity. He didn't know why he felt this way, and when he explained it, he could see Chi-Chi becoming moody. 

A dark aura rose from Chi-Chi's body, so much so that it materialized around her as she walked, but Bulma's hand fell on the young girl's head, dispersing the strange sight. 

"This has nothing to do with what you were thinking, Chi-Chi," Bulma said, bringing back the young Chi-Chi, who blushed at the discovery of her deepest thoughts.

"Why is this happening, Bulma?" Oolong asked with particular curiosity in this situation.

Although Oolong had seen many strange things in its young life, and had even met a young witch who used talismans to paralyze people or control them psychically, it had never heard of a situation like the one Goku described. 

"Arale doesn't emit Ki, and with the data from Doctor Norimaki's previous actions in the scientific community, Arale is probably not human," Bulma said, making the curiosity of the three youngsters grow. 

"What is Arale?" asked Chi-Chi, making Bulma's eyes sparkle with excitement. 

"Perhaps a rather advanced and powerful robot, but I felt emotions in it, so it must be an extraordinary mechanical life. In fact, it is the work of Doctor Norimaki, only he could make something so absurd and cool," Bulma praised, but her words made each young person react differently. 

Goku showed no interest, machines didn't attract much attention to him unless they demonstrated their power, like Pilaf's machine. That was why he hardly paid attention to all the robots at home. 

Chi-Chi breathed a sigh of relief. A robot couldn't grow up, so she couldn't try to marry Goku in the future, right? This way, the path to her future life as a couple with the love of her life would be free of danger. 

But the one who had dangerous ideas was Oolong, who, upon learning that Doctor Norimaki might have literally created a sentient machine, had certain thoughts assaulting its mind. 

'What if... we could ask this Norimaki for a perfect robot wife?' Oolong wondered, even imagining itself as an adult, watching TV while drinking beer and having a cute robot wife do the housework without it worrying. 

'I have to convince this doctor that this idea will change the world.... My world!' Oolong concluded before a fist slammed into its head, making it scream in pain.

"Why are you hitting me?" Oolong shouted at Goku, who looked at it with an expression of disgust. 

"You had that weird expression you make before you say something perverted," Goku replied sincerely, leaving Oolong at a loss for words, even though it was shouting thousands of insults at Goku's ancestors in its head.

"You have to learn to control your emotions, Oolong," Bulma said with some reproach in her voice.

Bulma regretted that she had left her innate ability activated because she could fully perceive Oolong's entire mental and emotional journey through her ability to sense emotions. 

Why was she surrounded by such perverts? Bulma didn't know, but she was thankful that the people she met with this condition had good self-control, which oddly enough included Oolong. 

Soon they finished following Arale's trail until they reached the entrance of a house, where a few more people were waiting at the door next to the girl, who was surrounded by two strange angel-like beings. 

"That blue hair is so recognizable, are you really Doctor Brief's daughter? I never thought you'd want to visit me," said a man with a stocky body and short stature.

Next to the Doctor was a blonde woman who seemed to be whispering something to Arale, and a baby hovered around the woman. Bulma stood still as something flashed through her mind. 

How could she forget that Turbo Norimaki is a mutant!? Even though the original series said that his ability came from the alien medical technology that ran him over and then healed him, Bulma didn't think so.

Because she could feel the exuberant Ki radiating uncontrollably from the baby. If she had to put it into numbers, it would be a solid 50 points. What medical technology could do that to a child?

They had just awakened the latent power in the little guy! Who was also a superior genius to his father, and perhaps he was the one who deserved the title of the smartest person on Earth. 

As if he noticed her attention, Turbo Norimaki raised his head and looked directly at Bulma. Then the young girl felt a strange ripple in her mind and a child's voice echoed in her head. 

"Queen Plant!" the baby's voice sounded surprised, and even Turbo himself floated over to Bulma, drawing attention to himself.

"Oh, my son seems to like you, then you must have no bad intentions," Midori Norimaki, Doctor Norimaki's wife, said with emotion in her words.

Bulma hugged the baby who clung to her as he looked straight into the young woman's eyes. Now, Bulma could tell that what she was holding was perhaps the human with the greatest potential in history so far.

She could not let such a talent go to waste! 

"Queen Plant, what brings you here?" a very well-articulated sentence was heard in Bulma's head, making her pay attention to the way Turbo would refer to her.

"Why do you call me Queen Plant?" asked Bulma telepathically, when one had exceptional Ki control, this ability was easily accessible, which is why Bulma knew about it years ago. 

"Because I see how the environment seems to treat you as the most powerful plant of all, they surrender to you," Turbo told her before breaking free of Bulma's grip and floating around her before sitting on her shoulder. 

"Also, you have a lot of cool stuff in your body, a lot of technology I haven't seen? But this feels really fun!" the baby told Bulma, causing Bulma to smile before pulling a capsule from her pocket. 

"A gift," Bulma handed the capsule to the baby, who held it up with a silly toothy grin on his face before flying over to his mother, who greeted him with a big hug. 

"Turbo, what do we say when someone gives us something?" Midori asked her son, who this time didn't use his psychic powers to answer, but spoke for himself.

"Thank you!" he said, startling Goku, Chi-Chi and Oolong, who hadn't expected a baby with barely any teeth to speak so well.

"Bulma! This baby is strong!" Goku's tail wagged at the thought of fighting, but when he saw that Turbo was barely a baby, the excitement in his eyes faded a little... just a little. 

"He's so cute! And he already flies better than us... how envious!" said Chi-Chi with a strong sour tone in her voice, but the words of the two youngsters only made Doctor Norimaki burst out laughing with happiness. 

"He's a genius! He inherited it from me, you know? Come on, come in, Midori made dinner, you must be hungry, right?" Doctor Norimaki invited, changing the subject to food. 

As Bulma passed Midori Norimaki, something caught her attention and she looked directly at the woman's belly where she felt the slight pulse of life of a new and incipient creature, then a smile appeared on the blue-haired girl's face. 

"Oh, congratulations on your pregnancy, Mrs. Norimaki," Bulma said, noticing that the faces of Doctor Norimaki and his wife changed strangely.

"Bulma, why did their faces lose color?" Goku asked quietly, and for the first time, Bulma had no concrete answer or guess, she just shook her shoulders before saying anything. 

"Because raising children is expensive."