The first adventure

The next day, Kay and Eevee arrived at the location of the gate. A crowd of trainers had already gathered, waiting for their turn to enter. 

Many were busy forming teams, searching for others to join them. 

Fifteen minutes remained before the military allowed the trainers inside.

Gates were divided into two categories: those sold to guilds, which used them for resource gathering or trainers training, and public gates, where independent trainers had the right to explore and fight. This gate was one of the public ones. 

Kay scanned the crowd, searching for the party that had posted the offer he had responded to. 

After some searching, he spotted them, recognizing the man from the image of the account that posted the offer. 

Kay approached the group confidently. "Hi, I'm the one who applied to your offer yesterday," he said. 

The leader, a large and muscular man with a Houndour standing by his side, stepped forward and firmly shook Kay's hand.

"Welcome. We were looking for you," he said. 

He then crouched slightly to meet Eevee's gaze. "What a cute Pokémon. Let's hope it's not as cute inside the gate as it seems outside." 

The rest of the group burst into laughter at the leader's joke. Kay forced a grin and replied, "So, what's the plan?" 

The leader straightened up and explained, "The plan is simple. We'll attack, and your Eevee will support us with Helping Hand." 

Kay's heart sank. That wasn't what he had expected at all. He had hoped for an opportunity to train Eevee and gain experience. 

Pokémon could only grow stronger by defeating other Pokémon, and using only a support move wouldn't provide any experience. 

Kay hesitated but decided to speak up. "But if we do it like that, my Pokémon won't gain any experience." 

One of the team members, a sharp-eyed man, with an Ekans on his shoulder stepped forward with an irritated expression. 

"And why do you think we picked you in the first place? Do you think we would recruit an inexperienced trainer like you for anything else? Your supportive move is the only reason you're here." 

He paused for a moment, then added coldly, "We're a well-known group. Do you know how many people applied to that offer? And yet we picked you. So, do as the leader says and stick to your role, or you'll regret ever becoming a trainer." 

After hearing the harsh words, Kay lowered his head and stayed silent. Most of the team members were at a much higher level than him, and he knew he wouldn't stand a chance if things escalated. 

He decided to let it go for now, silently resolving to be more cautious when choosing his future teammates. 

Moments later, the announcement was made; it was time for the trainers to enter the gate. Kay followed his team, with Eevee walking closely by his side.

Before they entered the gate, the leader gave Kay a contract to sign. Kay took a look at the contract and its content.

He saw an item that announced that Kay would have 10% of the income from Power Stones.

As an inexperienced he was satisfied with this item, also there were some other normal items.

Kay found an item at the end of the contract stating that it could be modified in case of a serious problem.

Kay was satisfied with the contract so he signed it and went to the gate to begin its first adventure.

The moment they stepped through the gate, Kay's breath caught in his throat. Before him stretched a vast, endless desert, its golden sands shining under the intense sunlight. 

The heat hit him immediately, making him sweat under his unprepared clothing. It was incredible that behind what seemed like a small gate was an entirely different world, with its own climate, atmosphere, and dimensions. 

Kay glanced at his team members and noticed they were dressed in light, breathable fabrics and desert-appropriate gear. Clearly, they knew what kind of environment was behind the gate. 

Kay realized this information must have been shared or available beforehand, but he hadn't thought to ask because of the tension within the group, he didn't feel comfortable questioning them now. 

Despite the blazing heat and unfamiliar surroundings, Kay felt a spark of excitement. This was his first step into the unknown, a chance to explore and prove himself. 

Though the circumstances weren't ideal, he was determined to make the most of it. 

Many teams had entered the gate alongside Kay's team, but the sheer size of the desert made them feel alone just after an hour of walking. 

The vast expanse stretched endlessly, and the other trainers were no longer visible on the horizon. 

As they pressed on, the leader of Kay's team raised a hand to signal the group to halt. Ahead of them, three small, yellow creatures scurried out from behind a dune. 

Their bodies were covered in tough, armor-like scales, and their sharp claws glinted in the sunlight. They were Sandshrews. 

The team members exchanged confident glances, their hands moving instinctively to command their Pokémon. "Get ready," the leader called out. 

As soon as the wild Pokémon appeared, the team sprang into action. With remarkable speed and precision, the five experienced trainers swiftly took down two of the Sandshrews in a single coordinated attack. 

Kay stood frozen for a moment, amazed at their strength and efficiency. But as the dust settled, he noticed something strange; the third Sandshrew wasn't being attacked. 

Instead, a woman on the team commanded her Bellsprout to restrain it with Vine Whips, binding the struggling creature in place. 

The team leader turned to Kay, his expression expectant. "Use Helping Hand on Houndour," he barked. 

Kay nodded quickly. "Eevee, use Helping Hand!" 

Eevee stepped forward, raising its small paw as it concentrated. A faint, glowing energy flowed from Eevee to Houndour, who immediately dashed toward the immobilized Sandshrew. 

Without hesitation, the Houndour clamped its jaws around the Sandshrew's neck with a powerful Bite, ending the fight in an instant. 

The group leader crossed his arms, observing the scene critically. "Hmm," he muttered, glancing at Houndour. "I didn't notice much improvement in the attack's power. I'm guessing Helping Hand is still in its early stages, am I right?" 

Kay hesitated before giving a silent nod. 

The leader sighed and continued, "I'd say it only boosts power by about 10% right now. That's far too low to be useful in a team like ours. Sorry, kid, but this will be your last gate attack with us for now. You're just not ready yet." 

Kay didn't feel disappointed by the leader's words earlier. In fact, he was planning to refuse if they ever called him again, so this just made things easier for him. 

The team continued their journey deeper into the dungeon. As they traveled through the desert, they encountered many Pokémon, mostly ground types like Sandshrew, Rhyhorn, Phanpy, and some Cacnea. 

Occasionally, they came across rarer Pokémon like Sandile and Hippopotas, but those were few and far between. 

Days passed with little excitement. The only difference was that the Pokémon they faced became stronger as they went further into the desert. 

On the fourth day, the group discovered a small cave hidden in the sand dunes. When the team spotted it, they rushed toward it eagerly, as if they had struck gold. 

Kay followed them, keeping his pace steady. When the leader peered into the cave, his face lit up with excitement. "Bingo! We hit the jackpot!". 

Curious, Kay moved closer and peeked inside. The cave was filled with several Pokémon eggs. 

The sight was fascinating, but before he could process it fully, the leader turned to him and said, "These eggs are for us only. You won't get a share because, the contract you signed announced that you got a percentage of Power Stones, not eggs." 

Kay understood the reason behind these items and felt his view of the Pokémon trainer profession crumble further.

As he watched the team greedily claim the eggs, Kay thought, 'I need to get stronger. Only then I can set my own terms or even change this selfish culture altogether.' 

While the others excitedly collected their treasure, Kay quietly stepped outside, leaving them to their spoils. 

As Kay walked alone outside the cave, he spotted a wild Sandshrew. At first, he thought about calling the team, but then he decided against it. 'This is my chance for my first real battle',

He turned to Eevee and said, "Get ready for battle!" 

When the Sandshrew noticed them, it took a defensive stance. Kay quickly commanded, "Eevee, use Tackle!" Eevee charged toward the Sandshrew, but just before impact, the Sandshrew used Dig and disappeared underground. 

Eevee stood confused, looking around for its opponent. Kay shouted, "Eevee, use Wish! Then get ready to use Bite on it as soon as it comes out, even if it hits you first!" 

Kay knew that Eevee's defenses were low and the Sandshrew was stronger. Wish was a healing move that took time to activate, so he wanted Eevee to prepare it before taking too much damage. 

As Eevee finished using Wish and readied its Bite, the Sandshrew emerged suddenly from beneath, striking Eevee hard. 

Eevee stumbled but managed to counter with a Bite. But what Sandshrew did shocked Kay... 


To be continued ...

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