Another warning

Anna's POV

The white ceilings above me made me feel lost for a few minutes until a voice spoke beside me.

"Are you awake now?

Are you alright?" The asked, worry evident in his voice.

"I'm fine" I replied, raising a hand to my head before I turned to the person.

Arman's face came into my line of sight and everything that happened came rushing back.

I immediately tried to sit up and he helped me up.

"Who are those people?How did you know them?"

He asked after I had sat up.

"They are just some.. irrelevant people" I answered, hesitating for a second.

"Where is my phone?" I asked, ignoring the frown on his face as he looked at me, probably wondering what I was thinking.

"Here" he said, giving it to me.

"I understand if this is out of my business and I would apologize in advance for this but what happened today is not okay at all.

You should sue those people to hell" he said almost in anger.

I looked up at him from my phone as he cussed.

His brown eyes soften at me.

I could tell he was worried but did not know how to express it, since he is my personal assistant.

"Just make sure nobody hears about this, please. I can't face Daddy if he flips out" I pleaded.

"I doubt you would be able to keep this from him, it's all over the internet already. Someone took a video it happening"

"Someone did what?!" I asked, my eyes widening.

"Take it down now!

Father will lose it if he sees that" I yelled.

"And maybe you should do something about them, what if I wasn't there when it happened or you meet them alone." Arman said, his brows tightening together.

I searched quickly on my phone for the video and I saw it trending in just a few hours.

The clip extended to a few seconds after I had rolled down the escalator and Jennifer was standing at the top looking down at me.


She has no reason to have done that except for just hatred.

"I'm going to pay them back for this and everything.

Please ask someone to take it down now.

Daddy won't be pleased if it keeps circulating".

"Yes Ma'am" Arman and I shot him a glare.

"Yes Anna" he corrected himself with a smile.

He left the room a while later, and a doctor walked in reminding me that I am at a hospital.

"How are you feeling now, Miss?" He asked.

"Not bad" I replied.

"Well, that's because of the painkillers.

I have gotten the results of the x-ray test run on your legs and you might want to stay off them for a while.

They are not in good condition".

I nodded at the instructions but stopped listening after he kept on talking.

A foolish mistake is about to keep me from using my legs properly.

The Chester are the reason they are in bad conditions initially and they just added to it.

No, I won't sit back anymore.

The door opened and I glanced up at the direction of the door to see Daddy walking in with a scowl on his face.

Oh shit!.

"That will be all Miss, I will be in my office. If you need anything you can ring that bell beside you". and with that he left after nodding at Dad.

"The Chester family will be wiped out without a trace tomorrow.

I don't want to hear any contradiction from you". He said, leaving no room for argument.

"Daddy, I am sorry. Please don't do that" I pleaded in a soft voice.

"Don't even think about that" Mum walked in and cut into the conversation.

Her eyes brimming with worry.

"They deserve more than that, let your father handle it" She continued and gently ran a hand on my hair.

"Just don't let them disappear, not all of them are bad" I tugged on her arm and pleaded.


Nicholas's POV

I was already having a bad day until Mother asked me to come over to a mall about twenty minutes drive away and that added to my anger.

"Don't be mad. This mall is the best in this city. I heard it is owned by the Varon Family.

I am sure that's why Mum wants to get some things here" Jennifer said beside me while I parked the car.

She got down and went inside.

The Varon family?.

They are one of our biggest shareholders too, almost in every company I know.

It isn't strange they own the Mall.

I walked into the Mall searching for Mother, she had told me where she was earlier and I'm sure Mia is with her which is why she has called me.

I was getting closer to the inside of the mall when a scream drew my attention to someone falling down the escalator.


I got closer to take a look, and I was still a few feet away when someone yelled.


I looked sharply in the direction and as he rushed to the place at the foot of the escalator where she had fallen.

"Anna?" I said in shock, my leg carrying me closer.

The man who yelled her name got there before me and I watched in a reverie as he carried her in arms and left.

Jennifer standing at the top got my attention.

Did she push her?

"What have you done?"! I yelled at her not carrying that we are out in the public.

I hurried to where she was standing, Mother and Anna had joined now.

I looked between the three of them and my anger rose.

"What did you just do?" I asked Jennifer again but she turned away and ignored me.

"She had helped me in the past, and she did nothing wrong. Why did you harm her?"

"She lied to us and she deceived you, she did not help you. Get that thought out of your mind" Mother chipped in and responded.

"Forget about that dirt and go get a ring for Mia. You both should be engaged by now" she continued drawing Mia closer.