A fun night

Anna's POV

Arman was about to leave when we walked out of the house holding hands.

His eyes widened as he took in our appearances, Lily is dressed in a black fitted gown that hugs her waist, and has spaghetti straps and only stops just past mid thighs.

Her blond curls bouncing free about her face.

I chose a silver gown with a side split and it hugged my waist.

My hair is in a low bun, with a few strands free about my face.

"Where are you going?" Arman asked, turning his attention to me.

"We are going out for some fun" I replied smiling and Lily nodded.

"Excuse us". I said waving at him before walking outside.


I can drive you both there" he offered, looking conflicted.

"No, we don't need you to do that" I dismissed his suggestion and was about to get into my car when he continued persistently.

"I don't think it is safe for you to go by yourself while dressed like this" he continued and his eyes lingered on Lily before turning to give me a scowl.

"I don't think you have a say in that" I smiled at him.

"Let him drive us, who knows what might happen. He can be a form of security" Lily chipped in.

"Well, that is valid.

Let's go then" I said in agreement and we were out of our estate five minutes later.

"Doesn't he also need a mask?" I asked Lily as she put on her mask.

"Nope, most men don't wear one there" She replied with a smile.

A couple of hours later, and after multiple glasses of cocktails and red wines.

Lily and I were dancing wildly on the dance floor.

Arman is somewhere close watching us like a hawk because he keeps chasing men away from us and which I find funny.

"I want to go to the restroom, I will be back in a minute!" Lily yelled in my ear to cut above the noise of the loud music.

I returned to our seat after Lily left, the ground was beginning to feel wobbly.

"Don't you think it's time to go home?

It's almost midnight" Arman asked, sitting beside me.

"Nope, tomorrow is a Saturday and we don't have to wake up early. Why should we rush home now when the night is still young?

Just relax and have some fun" I replied.

He was about to argue with me when his phone rang, he brought it out and excused himself to answer the call.

Lily returns a few minutes later, her mask in hand and her face looking flush.

"Wow, you are wasted!" I said chuckling.

"I know right!" She nodded.

Feeling disturbed by my mask I pulled it off and Lily gasped.

"Don't do that" she slurred.

We were engulfed in a conversation when a man approached us.

"How are you ladies doing?" He asked, smiling.

"We are fine, please move it," Lily responded and waved him away.

Instead of doing as we asked, he grabbed her by the waist and Lily gasped and struggled against him.

"What the hell are you doing?" Arman's voice barked at the man.


Arman's POV

I watched helplessly as they moved to the dance floor.

I'm a little glad they had worn masks, at least no one can tell who they are if anything happens.

I have chased more than a handful of men away from them since we got here, I have better ways to spend my night than these.

The chairman will flip out if he knows what his daughter is up to.

After spending a while there, Lily left to the direction of the restroom.

I sighed in relief as Anna also walked back to their seat.

I followed her and sat beside her.

They had both had more than enough drinks already, but Anna still seems to be more aware of things happening around her than her friend.

"Don't you think it's time to go home?

It's almost midnight" I asked, while checking my watch.

"Nope, tomorrow is a Saturday and we don't have to wake up early. Why should we rush home now when the night is still young?

Just relax and have some fun" She replied.

I was about to give a response to her when a call vibrated my phone and I excused myself to pick the call.

I spent just a few minutes outside and returned to see a man harassing them.

In just a few minutes?

He has one of his arms around Lily's and I felt blood rush rush up my veins.

"What the hell are you doing?" I yelled.

Pulling her out of his embrace, I threw a fist to his face and one of them screamed as the commotion broke out.

The man staggered from the impact of the punch and turned to retaliate but he was too unstable to land a blow on me successfully.

I fell him to the ground and the security intervened immediately.

"You son of a bitch!

What the fuck is problem?!" Words of profanities flew out of his mouth.

"Let's go home now!" I yelled at the two of them angrily.

Their faces are now bare and I'm worried someone might take a picture or video of Anna.

"Alright" Anna nods in agreement.

Lily on the other hand remains in her seat, her eyes looking glazy.

"Lily, let's go home" Anna said to her and she helped her out of the seat but they both fell to the ground immediately.

"Shit!" I cussed in shock.

Helping them up from the ground, they both held onto me as I helped them out of the clubhouse.

Anna was mumbling under her breath and Lily was laughing at God knows what.

Lily now has both of her shoes in her hand, Anna was trying her best to keep it together.

I put them in the car successfully and heaved a sigh of relief.

This is the worst night I have had in a while.

I got into the car and Lily leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"Baby, you are such an amazing person".