Her Husband

  Anna's POV 




"What do you want?" I grumbled with my face buried between the covers.

I can feel the hangover about to split my head open but I still wasn't ready to leave the bed.

"Father demands you come downstairs now" Anthony replied, his voice louder this time.

I peep out of the beddings to scowl at him.

I feel terrible and I'm sure I look just as bad.

"He is back?

Why does he want me there?" 

"A video of you has been circulating on the internet since early this morning." Anthony said, scrolling through his phone.

"A video of me?

That is impossible" I dismissed and turned away from him.

"You went to a club last night right?

I am not joking Anna" 

With the mention of last night's escapade, I bolt up the bed and stare at him in surprise.

"You need to come to him now".

And with that, he left my room.

Throwing on a robe to cover my night dress, I rush out of my room.

Dad and Mum were sitting beside each other when I got to the living room.

Anthony sat opposite them and I looked between them all in expectation.

Which video are they talking about?

"I am not against you having fun and whatnot but overdoing it is what I'm against.

What is the meaning of this?" He asked, showing me the screen of his phone.

Taking the device out of his hand, I watched in shock as the video displayed.

The title on the video was: Billionaire daughter spending a wild night out in an intoxicated state.

I am grateful to an extent that whoever uploaded the video had blurred out Lily and Arman's face.

"I'm sorry Dad, but is it a crime to spend a night out?" I asked in confusion.

"No dear, it's not but you now hold a position in the company and this is going to affect your father's political race" Mum replied.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I will get to the root of this." I reassured them and the door opened at that moment and Arman walked in, an anxious look on his face.

"Have that video removed immediately and deleted from all sources." Father said to him sternly.

"Yes sir" he nodded in response and went back outside.

Who could be the fool that did this?


Nicholas's POV 

"See the bitch you got  married to, I already said she is just a professional whore. It doesn't matter if her family is the richest in the country. She still hooks up with men for money, it is disgusting" Jennifer snickered after we all saw the video.

It has been trending since morning and it is now the topic of the day.

"Can you just keep quiet?

It's not good to talk while eating" Grandfather cautioned her and she scoffed.

My inside is boiling at the sight of the video but hearing her speak ill of Anna is making me mad but I'm trying my best to remain level headed.

There was nothing bad in the video but the man holding her is the reason for all the prejudices.

"This is a good opportunity for us, this will get them busy for a few days and might not have time to withdraw their investment in our company or might be too embarrassed to do so" Thomas said in excitement and father nodded in agreement.

"Use this to manipulate them, just make sure they keep working with us. Okay?" Father said to me and my grip on my cutlery tightened.

I need to get away from these people.

"Thank God the slut is out of our family, once everything has been settled. We should start planning your wedding with Mia.

It will be the talk of the country" Mother also chipped in and Mia smiled and gently touched my hand.

Shaking her hand off mine, I stood up from my seat.

My mood was ruined and my appetite gone.

"Where are you going?" Mia asked eagerly.

"Since the load of the company rests on me, I guess I better start working hard on how to bring us out of this trouble" I said and everyone's face fell except mother's.

She smiled at me.

"Yes, that is the duty of a man. To provide for his family" She replied and I almost could not believe my ears.

I walked out of the house with no idea where I was going but I know where I want to be.

I need to see Anna now, I don't care how hard or how far it is to get to her.

I drove around aimlessly for a while to clear my thoughts before I began to drive towards the direction of the Varon's estate.

I know I might not be able to see her but I need to try my luck at that first.

I parked my car outside the estate and I wasn't allowed anywhere inside since I am a stranger to the security standing guard outside.

"I can wait here but I need to speak with Anna" I said to them hoping to get some help.


One of them asked with a frown.

"Miss Varon" I supplied a more formal title to them.

"We can't do anything about that-

"Just tell her that her husband is waiting outside" I replied, frowning in frustration.

I have come this far, I better see it to the end.

They both gasped at my words and one of them went to make a call.

I smiled in triumph but I also prayed Anna would come out to meet me.

Five minutes later, Anna rushed to meet outside the estate, her eyes shooting daggers at me.

"What the fuck do you mean by my husband?" She asked in a whisper. Her eyes shooting daggers at me.

I smiled slightly and was about to respond but she pulled at the door.

"Open this goddamn door!" she said through gritted teeth and I did as she asked.

I watched in surprise as she sat down on the shotgun seat and did the seatbelt.

"Drive out of here!" She commanded, scowling  at me.