Luke was in his house waiting on a thin thread for the feedback from the mission he had given his men.

The feedback came and he couldn't believe his ears.

The Old master has stepped in to save him.

Once again his plan had been ruined, and by his brother this time.

"I thought you said your men are reliable?" Luke turned to the man lounging on the couch a few steps away from him with accusation in his voice.

His eyes had hardened from anger, he had wasted his time and resources.

"They are competent and more than reliable. You underestimate your opponent and you also have too much pride to accept some suggestions for corrections" The man replied, yawning.

Luke's eyes bulged out in anger.

He had sought for external help to take down Jace because he did not want it traced back to him.

And if he failed just like it did, it would be hard to point fingers at him.