"Thank you Mr Fisher for this opportunity….

Tanya zoned out as she watched him take the mic and address the guest.

She had expected him to go there and slap Anthony on the face but he does something totally opposite to that.

Relief flowed through her body and she sat at their table as he concluded his speech.

"Today's mission is over. Congratulations!" Tanya said excitedly as Alvarez joined her but she immediately noticed the cold air around him.

The hard set of his jaw shows he is feeling quite opposite from what he just portrayed.

"Are you alright?" She asked with a little hesitation.

His eyes remained dark and frozen until he turned to look at her.

"I said clearly that I do not want to be here. Why would you put me through such an embarrassment?" He asked through gritted teeth.

His hands held in a tight fist.

"I don't know that you would know anyone here, I wanted you to make good connections.