"Good". Tanya said with satisfaction as Alvarez emerged from the house dressed and ready to leave.

"Now we can proceed to the meeting, we have ten minutes to get there" she continued while checking her watch.

Alvarez merely nodded and went into the waiting car, the driver already behind the wheel.

They got to the estate of the Myers and Tanya doubt spiked.

"What if he ruin this?" She thought looking over briefly at him.

"I'm not going in with you, I will be waiting here." She informed him and he nodded before going into the house.

Alvarez walked into the large dining hall where the meeting would be taking place, others had arrived and already seated.

All eyes turned to him, some of his siblings gasped expressing their shock at his presence.

His father has quite a large number of children few out of wedlock and too much to even count.

"Woah, look who crawled out of his hole!" His only sister, Queen eclaimed with a chuckle.