Tanya wasn't sure the cause of the sudden change but she meekly nodded in response to his question.

With her hand still rubbing her neck from when he had strangled her, she remained seated on the floor while he left the room to go into the bathroom.

"Let's have breakfast together and we will discuss the next step" Alvarez informed her when he returned to the the room.

His face showed no expression or the reason while he is suddenly taking her words seriously and he seems to be back in full control of himself.

Tanya followed to the dining room and silently watched him, hoping to find something that might have triggered his change of mind.

"If you have something to say, just say it.

Quit staring" Alvarez said suddenly and look up from his plate of food to see her staring at him.

Tanya averted her gaze, flustered to have been caught red handed.