"You can be rest assured, you are in safe hands" he reassured and pointed towards the waiting car.
My doubts increased and I moved to walk inside the house.
"Don't you want to pay them back?" Another voice asked and I saw another man get out of the car.
His entire outfit and the air around him shows how much authority he commands.
I can't help but think he looked familiar even if I have never met him before.
"You have many questions and I can provide answers to them but not here". He continued and walked close to hand me a small photograph.
My mouth went slack in shock.
A picture of a younger version of myself and him, when I have not met him before.
Making up my mind in just a few seconds I decided to follow them.
What more do I have to lose?
No family or friends, the only person I would call my friend betrayed me years ago and stole my boyfriend.