Master : 170 years ago your parents were the guardians of the nine realm they vowed and took oath as the chosen protectors of 9 realms to protect it with their life because the Realms possess the power stone each that empowers the entire realm

The shadow realm were always exceptional because of their will to always be evil they are always trying to conquer other realms

Dehaska the Lord of the shadow realms is the boss of the shadows a selfish lord wanting power all for himself he learnt about the stones from the realms and the power they could give to one who possess it he wanted all those powers for for himself

One Vita fact is that if any realm stone is taken the realm loses its powers which leads to depression for the inhabitant leading to their deaths making their realm dwarf and leading to the Extinction of that realm

Madrigard the mother of all realms was not happy with what was going to happen so she formed the team including your parents and me too your father's robe is the one I gave to you as a gift after proving yourself worthy of it

Going on our team fought the Dehaska for many years but he soon became cosmic and had four stones putting an end to four realms he became too powerful that your parents had to give me their strength before they died they made me promise to take care of you you were just eggs but while fighting off the shadows one of the eggs got infected by his darkness which turned out to be Lee Kang the powers your parents gave me where to strong to hold my body so it took me into an older state for me to wield after fighting the Dehaska I managed to defeat him but he was not entirely through his shadows came and took him away

I figured out a way to keep the Eggs safe and after so many years the eggs finally hatched bringing out to you and your brother

Now Dehaska is back again and if you must defeat him you must work with your brother no matter what

I felt relaxed but yesterday I was watching Lee Kang and he went dark eyed before he tried to kill you then something came to my mind that if Lee Kang goes dark eyed that means that Dehaska has woken again

Lee kung : whoa you mean you mean we are dragon warriors and I am the red dragon my brother is the white dragon but our armor was taking by some villain named Dehaska

Lee Kang: what's a boring teaching I'm not even sure those things he said are real, master aren't we done yet

master : you won't understand now we can only dose with the wisdom shall understand well get up get up everybody there is no much time to wait go and start preparing we have a test and that test will determine another gift so get ready




Dehaska: hahaha how many years of waiting I can feel my darkness in the white dragon your handwork really paid off Carcass

Carcass: the dark Messiah what do you mean I don't understand anything you are saying

Dehaska: after 50 years of waiting the eggs we infected has finally paid off I can feel my darkness within them watch out the  Earth realm I am coming for you next we both know you can't stop me master Po

BOTH : hahaha hahaha hahaha

Carcass: both sire I think I only infected one which means your darkness is only in one not the both of them

Dehaska: it is simple will we use them against each other and use them to kill each other then I will have nothing to worry about

Carcass: but sire what about the remaining three what are we going to do about them

Dehaska: how those tree don't know the usefulness of their power and without a leader to lead them there is nothing they can do they may have found out about their power but still yet they think it's just for fun

Carcass : you are right when do we get started do I go now

Dehaska : no my champion we will have to wait my first move is using them against each other they don't know their weakness but I will find it for them

Carcass: and what do we do about our old man Po

Dehaska: hahaha you will be on next victim I am going to start by killing him through his own apprentice

Carcass: hahaha Messiah you are so evil and well planned

Dehaska: I will take that as a compliment and with all pleasure I shall proceed





(While Lee Kung was training hard to in the test and prove himself worthy in the presence of his master his brother Lee Kung was trying to tell him to calm down)

Lee Kang: bro calm down how hard can it be

Lee Kung: really remember the last time you said that you failed and you had to blame me for going to hard on you

Lee Kang : nevertheless it's just a test it's not something big and they are not paying you for it

Lee Kung: yes just a test to prove our worthiness and there is a gift also, so if you are not trying to help stay out of my way

Lee Kang : why does everyone think little of me in this house first Master now my own brother does he think he is special or what


(They where immediately interrupted by the master)

Master ; well you have untill tomorrow before your trial combat make sure you are well equipped with the skills of survival make sure u learn how to be disciplined with them

Lee Kang : (Scoffs) Too easy

Lee Kung : silence brother do not judge a book by its power

Things does not look as easy as it seems

Let tomorrow speak for us


Next day


The sun rises over the nine realms, casting a warm glow over the diverse landscapes. In the realm of Azura, Lee Kung and Lee Kang, twin brothers and masters of the red and white dragons, stand on a hill overlooking their ho

Lee Kang, with his flowing white hair and fierce determination, gazes out at the peaceful scene. "Brother, have you felt it? A darkness stirring, threatening our balance."

Lee Kung, with his spilky red hair and calm demeanor, places a hand on his brother's shoulder. "I sense it too, Kung. But we must not let fear guide us. Our powers are a gift, and we must use them wisely."

Their master, Master Po, approaches them. "Lee Kung, Lee Kang, the time has come for your trial combat. The winner will wield the Sword of the Dragon King, a weapon of great power."

The brothers nod, knowing this moment marks a crucial step in their journey. They face each other, their eyes locked in a fierce stare.

The trial combat begins, with the brothers showcasing their impressive skills. Lee Kung unleashes powerful kicks and punches, while Lee Kang summons bursts of magic. The battle rages on, with Lee Kung's determination and skill giving him the edge.

In a final, decisive move, Lee Kung lands a powerful kick, sending Lee Kang crashing to the ground. Master Po declares Lee Kung the winner, and he is awarded the Sword of the Dragon King

As the brothers reconcile, a dark energy begins to spread across the realms. Dehaska, a shadowy figure, watches from afar, his eyes gleaming with ambition.

The episode ends with a shot of the nine realms, now vulnerable to Dehaska's evil plans. The balance of power is shifting, and the fate of the realms hangs in the Balance

