Chapter 127

Elena and Kimberly froze when the knock came again, louder this time.

For a moment, silence hung heavy in the room, and Kimberly instinctively moved closer to the corner, hiding behind the door as Elena signaled her to stay put.

"Who is there?" Elena called out, her voice calm but firm. She stepped closer to the door, her hand hovering near the handle.

"Ma'am, it's us! We're here to see Kimberly!" came a chorus of familiar voices.

Elena exhaled deeply in relief. Kimberly, recognizing the voices, peeked from behind the door, her face lighting up with a mixture of surprise and joy.

Elena unlocked the door and pulled it open. Standing there were Mohandria, Lisa, and Kaitlyn, their faces filled with excitement and worry.

"Kimberly!" they all exclaimed at once, rushing forward to envelop her in a group hug.

Kimberly, overwhelmed by their affection, let out a small laugh, her earlier tension melting away.