
So much for a clean getaway. So much for using the contract to our advantage, too.

Min sat like a statue beside me. Dressed in a Men in Black suit complete with dark sunglasses, he rested his hands on his knees. His back was ramrod straight. He turned his head to stare at me.

"Teela is fine. What now?"

I wasn't about to spill my guts just because he caught me, but man, oh man, was I furious at myself.

Min was no stranger. I should have been able to spot him following me, but I didn't have a clue. This was why Jake was so valuable to the team. Or maybe not, Min had caught Jake too.

Hacking was so much safer.

"Now, we go to Crazy Code and wait."

"For what?"


Jake hadn't returned from his shopping trip. We had no idea where to find him, but Stiff assured us it could take a few days to secure the equipment Jake might need to rescue the boys.

"Where is Jake? Is he okay?"

"Yes. He will join us."