Loving Alec

"I'm easy?" Alec asked.

"Yeah. You're easy to talk to. Easy to get to know. Definitely easy on the eyes."

"Let's see if you think I'm easy once we reach the top."

"Deal, but I'm out of ideas where to go from here."

Alec pointed out a couple of likely options, but I lacked the reach of my six-foot-plus mountaineer companion.

"Okay," Alec said. "It looks like its time to use the ropes and gear to climb. Hold here and here."

He showed me how to use the ropes and the gadget at my waist to lift myself up as I walked up the precipice until I reached the next blue chalk mark.

I thought I saw the perfect set up to resume my climb the old-fashioned way, and frankly, I felt safer pressed against the wall than hanging out in the air on ropes, and both options were strenuous.

I walked my feet over to the indentions where I intended to get a toe hold. The left foot slipped right in, but I'd misjudged the distance to the second spot.