Chapter Three

Seeing her reaction and the look on her face, Atticus couldn't help but ask, "What is the problem?"

"You," she subconsciously answered. Even though Alicia hurt her, she didn't want to do the same.

She knew how Alicia had been anticipating the moment she would finally call Atticus her husband. If she snatched him from Alicia, then she would be nothing but an ingrate! When she had no place to go and no one to turn to, Mr. Kieran was the only person who offered to help her.

She owed her life to him.

"Me? What exactly am I the problem?" Atticus' voice echoed, making her snap out of her thoughts.

Sabrina raised her gaze to stare at him before realizing what she had said earlier. "You know I am your fiancée's sister, yet you still want to marry me?" She asked, hoping for a positive answer.

"Sabrina Kieran, why wouldn't I be aware of my grandfather's promise to your family?" He asked calmly.

Her heart shattered into pieces as she heard his question. Even though he hates and doesn't want to marry Alicia, wouldn't it be better for him to choose someone else? Why her?

"I don't care what promise your family made to mine. We can't get married. I can't snatch you from my sister," Sabrina confessed, sounding heartbroken as the scene from room 105 replayed in her head.

Even though her sister stole her man, she couldn't bring herself to do the same. Just as she had been doing, she would give up Kelvin to her.

After all, this wasn't the first thing she had let Alicia have.

"My grandfather didn't specify who I was going to get married to; your father was the one who chose. He chose his real daughter, your younger sister to be my fiancée," he muttered, audible enough for Sabrina to hear. "She stole your man. I can't marry her because she only wants me for my money. Aside from that, I hate sharing what is mine," Atticus added.

Three years ago, he almost died alongside his father in a car accident. It was all thanks to Mr. Kieran, Martin Kieran, that he was alive. If he hadn't been rushed to the hospital, he would have died just like his father.

As a result of Mr. Kieran's kind act, Grandpa Sawyer proposed that both families become in-laws.

"How sure are you that I am not getting married to you because of your money and I won't share my body with another man? After all, I am a stripper," Sabrina said curtly.

"I don't care how much you need. I would give it all to you," he began coldly. "A stripper, you said? Have you forgotten you were a virgin until last night?"

He did not allow her to reply before continuing, his footsteps followed by every word he said. "I don't care about you sharing your body with other men; after all, we would be getting a divorce soon. I am only marrying you because of the strange way you made my body react. You are the first woman to make my body react that way."

This time, he was just a step away from her. His golden crystal eyes were piercing through her sapphire eyes.

"You aren't getting married to me then, you are only trying to buy a toy, which I would never be one. I would rather spend the rest of my days being a stripper than a man's toy," with that said, she walked out of his suite.

With the last cash on her, she took a cab home. She thought she would have to wait for hours before Mr. and Mrs. Kieran's arrival.

"Why are you just coming back from the club? I called your boss; he said he didn't see you at work today. What happened?" Mrs. Kieran asked, sounding disappointed. She thought Sabrina wouldn't return to the house, but it seems luck was on Sabrina's side this time.

Sabrina's sight disgusted her more than this household's rodent.

"I...I..." her tongue felt tied as she tried to speak but couldn't. Everything felt too hard for her to explain.

"Cat got your tongue?" Mrs. Kieran's harsh voice resonated before her husband could speak.

Knowing what would become of her if her mother found out she was lying, she summoned the courage to speak the truth.

"I got drugged by my boyfriend and Alicia. I woke up in a strange man's room and had to run away," even though she wanted to say the truth, she still couldn't. She only said what they wanted to hear.

She knew it would be a mess if she said she spent the night with Alicia's fiancé.


Before her father could speak, Alicia rushed in, interrupting him with her loud pants which were followed by her words.

"Father, Sabrina didn't spend the night with Mr. Thompson. Now Mr. Thompson is angry; he wants his money back. It is either his money or Sabrina."

Alicia's words made Sabrina's brow furrow. She pretended to be fine, patiently waiting for what their father had to say. She doubted Mr. and Mrs. Kieran had a hand in Alicia's plan, but if they did...

"Martin, you know how dangerous Greg Thompson is. If you don't do his bidding, he could kill all of us. We have to—"

"Woman, let me think!" Mrs. Kieran was cut off by the loud yell of her husband, bringing Sabrina back to reality at the same time.

"Father, what is there to think? You already invested 300 million dollars in the company and also the 200 million dollars? We need the money. Sabrina can fuck off for all we care," Alicia said without feeling remorseful for what she did to Sabrina earlier.

Hot tears ran down her cheeks as they argued about her. This time, she knew she had to make a choice. It is either she chooses to become Atticus' toy or an ex-convict's possession.

She knew being Atticus' toy is better as she would be seen as his wife by the public. She can't let the Kieran family have it their way this time.

"Sabrina, I am sorry. You have to go to Mr. Thompson to save our family. You know the kind of man he could be, please... Do this for the sake of the kindness I have shown you for years," Mr. Kieran's voice brought her to reality.

"Why should I save your skin? Not as if I would get a dime for that money. If you really want to save your family and yourself, send Alicia to him. After all, she is twice as beautiful as me," she replied, leaving everyone in shock.