Chapter Nine

"Who the hell is calling me at this time?" Atticus muttered angrily as he was woken up by his phone continuously ringing.

He reached out for his phone before answering the call after checking the caller ID.

"Why are you calling me at this time? Can't whatever you want to inform me wait until later?" He asked coldly.

"It's about Sabrina. If you want—"

"You can go on, I am listening," he interrupted Francis.

The sleep in his eyes suddenly disappeared when he heard Francis's reason.

"Sabrina almost got kidnapped on her way to get something from the mall. Fortunately, I was there on time so she wasn't hurt," Francis reported before he hung up.

Unable to think of anything else, he decided to visit Sabrina himself. He climbed down from his king-size bed before heading to the hospital.

After taking his bath, he got dressed, took his phone and car key before heading out.

Since today is Friday, a day off for all Sawyer Group's workers to prepare for his wedding, he knew his family would still be rolling on the side of their bed.

Before he could get into his car, his phone began to ring. He slid his hand into his pant pocket and brought out his phone.

He hesitated before receiving the call, hoping Francis wouldn't talk about work.

"What is it again?"

"Sir, the kidnapper's face wasn't captured on the CCTV. They seemed to be professional, given the fact that they left no trace," Francis informed him.

"Don't worry about that. Our tech team will take care of the kidnapping issue later. Don't make it a big deal," Atticus said before hanging up.

He got into his car, started the car, which zoomed off immediately.

Since there was less traffic, he arrived earlier than he thought. He got out of his car and headed to the building Francis said he saw Sabrina entering.

He rang the bell twice before he got a response. A lady in her mid-twenties came out to answer him.


"Gabriella? So this is where you have been?" Amused by the fact that his childhood friend was around and Sabrina being at her house, he asked.

"Yes, this is where I have been chilling with my single self," Gabriella joked, and they both burst into laughter. "By the way, why are you here?"

Atticus hesitated before replying, not caring about how awkward he sounded. "I want to see my fiancée. I found out she spent the night here."

"Ha, you lost your fiancée and decided to come find her at my place? Dude, don't be absurd," Gabriella said, trying to make his words sound funny.

She promised Sabrina that she would make sure no one knows about the fact that she spent the night at her place.

"I am not joking, Ella. I want to discuss something important with her, please," Atticus pleaded, hoping Gabriella's heart would be moved by his words.

"What is so important to discuss that can't be discussed through the phone? I can't believe a computer science graduate is acting like he knows nothing about technology," Gabriella's words hurt him, reminding him of their school days.

Atticus pretended to be fine; after all, he was at fault for not collecting her contact.

"She almost got kidnapped on her way to the mall," unable to hide the truth from her any longer, he muttered.

Gabriella's eyes blinked rapidly at his words, and the next second, she rushed in, dragging Sabrina out against her wish.

"Sabby, why didn't you tell me you almost got kidnapped?" Gabriella asked, sounding like she was stabbed. She couldn't believe the lady she trusted and wanted to be a pillar she could rely on saw her otherwise.

"I didn't tell you because I wasn't kidnapped," she replied calmly before turning her gaze to Atticus. "Are you the one who informed her? How did you know I was here and almost got kidnapped this morning?"

She heard Alicia talking about 'stalking' but didn't bother to eavesdrop. Now the pieces are coming together. There was no way Atticus could know her whereabouts if he wasn't stalking her.

Seeing how silent he was, trying to figure out what to say, she spoke up, "Let's talk on the other side."

They both walked to the corner Sabrina pointed. Sabrina was quick to ask before Atticus could speak, "How long have you been stalking me, Mr. Sawyer?"

"I am sorry if you see it as that, but I didn't intend to stalk you," he replied calmly, trying his best not to provoke her.

"Then, explain!"

"I thought you were going back to Kieran's house, so I decided to have my secretary tail you so he could protect you from harm. That was how I knew you were at Gabriella's place," he explained, sincerity laced in his voice.

Finding it hard to believe what he just said, Sabrina threw another question at him. "What about the fact that you know about the kidnapping?"

"My secretary saw a car following you when he was on his way to get something from the mall. That was how he found out about the kidnappers, and you are safe because he was there," he replied, not caring if his lies were obvious.

"And how am I supposed to believe what you just said when you are a perfect liar?"

Knowing how adamant Sabrina was, he decided to change the topic of their conversation. "Let's forget about the kidnapping issue and talk about our wedding."

"What is there to talk about?" Her brow raised, she asked.

"We are getting married tomorrow, Sabrina."

His response made time freeze. Her heart skipped for a moment. It took her some seconds before she was able to get back to herself.

She knew how grand class-A citizen's weddings always are. She isn't prepared for it and sum it up, tomorrow?

"How is that possible?" She asked anxiously.

"It is possible because it is," Atticus replied with a smug grin on his face. "Get yourself everything you need. Make sure you don't disappoint me," he said, stretching his card forward to her.

"No need to give me another card. I will use the one you gave me yesterday."