Chapter 1

Well, howdy folks! The name's David Miller, at your service. Though if I'm being honest, I'm not sure how much actual service you're going to get from me today. I mean, I'm stuck behind this counter, ringing up snacks and sodas for the good people of this fine city, when I could be out there living my best life. Or at least trying to, you know?

I guess you could say I'm what they call a "convenience store attendant" - fancy talk for the guy who gets to spend his days making sure the Cheetos and Twinkies are always fully stocked and ready for the masses. Not exactly the stuff dreams are made of, am I right? But hey, a guy's gotta make a living, even if that living involves counting change and restocking the Slim Jims.

Don't get me wrong, I try to make the best of it. I like to think I've got a knack for keeping the customers entertained with my witty banter and charming good looks. Although, come to think of it, the customers don't always seem to appreciate my comedic genius. Go figure.

Anyway, here I am, stuck in this fluorescent-lit box, watching the world go by outside the window. I can't help but wonder, is this really all there is? Is this the grand adventure I signed up for when I left the countryside to make it big in the city? Because let me tell you, so far it's been a real snooze-fest.

sigh Maybe I'm being too hard on myself. After all, a guy's gotta start somewhere, right? And who knows, maybe one day I'll stumble upon some hidden talent or incredible opportunity that'll catapult me to the top. Or at the very least, get me out of this dead-end job.

In the meantime, I guess I'll just keep on keeping on, cracking jokes and charming the socks off anyone who walks through that door. Because hey, you never know when your big break might come knocking. And when it does, I'll be ready. Or at least, I'll try to be. Wish me luck, folks!

The bell above the door jingles, signaling a new customer has entered the store. I put on my best customer service smile and prepare to greet them.

"Welcome to Family Mart, how can I help you today?" I say in a chipper tone, trying to hide my boredom.

The customer, a scruffy-looking guy in his thirties, approaches the counter and plunks down a few items - a six-pack of beer, a pack of cigarettes, and a box of condoms. My eyebrows shoot up involuntarily as I ring up his purchase.

"Looks like someone's got big plans for tonight," I can't help but quip, flashing him a knowing grin.

The guy gives me a sheepish smile in return. "Yeah, well, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, am I right?" he says with a wink.

I chuckle and nod, trying to ignore the pang of envy that stirs within me. While this guy is clearly about to embark on a wild night of debauchery, here I am, stuck behind this counter, my own social life languishing.

As I bag up his items, I can't help but imagine what he's got in store. Probably heading home to chug a few beers, light up a cigarette, and then...well, you know. Getting down and dirty with some lucky lady. Lucky guy.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm no prude. I've had my fair share of...adventures, shall we say. But lately, it's been a bit of a drought in the romance department. And watching this guy stroll out of here, his purchases in hand, is just a stark reminder of what I'm missing.

Maybe I should take a page out of his book, I muse as I watch him go. Start hitting up the local bars, seeing if I can't find myself a nice, um, "companion" for the evening. It's been way too long since I've had that kind of...excitement in my life.

Of course, that's easier said than done. I'm not exactly a smooth operator when it comes to the ladies. Heck, half the time I can barely string two coherent sentences together in front of a pretty girl. But hey, maybe this guy can teach me a thing or two.

I sigh and shake my head, turning my attention back to the task at hand. No use dwelling on my own romantic woes when there are customers to serve. Who knows, maybe my big break is just around the corner. Maybe the next person who walks through that door will be the one to change my life forever.

As my shift finally came to an end, I breathed a sigh of relief. The fluorescent lights had started to give me a headache, and the endless stream of customers was beginning to wear me down.

"Alright, Takeshi, you're up," I said, handing over the cash register keys to my coworker. "Try not to scare off too many customers with your terrible customer service, will ya?"

Takeshi chuckled and shook his head. "Very funny, Miller. At least I don't try to entertain them with lame jokes all the time."

"Hey, the customers love my sense of humor!" I protested, feigning offense. "But whatever, I'm out of here. See you tomorrow, partner."

With a wave, I headed out the door and into the bustling city streets. The cool evening air was a welcome change from the stuffy confines of the convenience store, and I took a deep breath, feeling the tension in my shoulders start to melt away.

As I made my way back to my modest 2LDK apartment, I couldn't help but reflect on the day's events. The encounter with the scruffy-looking customer had really got me thinking about my own love life, or lack thereof. Maybe it was time to start putting myself out there a bit more, try to find that special someone to share my life with.

I mean, it's not like I was a total loser or anything. I had my charm, my wit, and a decent enough job to support myself. Sure, I might not be the most suave or confident guy around, but surely there was someone out there who could see past my awkwardness and appreciate the real me, right?

I stepped through the front door of my modest 2LDK apartment, already feeling the weight of the day's work lifting from my shoulders. As I kicked off my shoes, I made a beeline for the fridge, my fingers instinctively wrapping around the cold, familiar shape of a canned beer.

"Ah, just what the doctor ordered," I muttered to myself, popping the tab and taking a long, satisfying swig. The carbonated liquid bubbled down my throat, providing a brief moment of blissful respite.

With a contented "Pwuah!" I plopped down on the worn sofa, my eyes immediately drawn to the flickering glow of the TV. I flipped through the channels, hoping to find something to occupy my mind, but nothing seemed to capture my interest.

"Ugh, nothing good on," I grumbled, setting the beer down on the coffee table. Just as I was about to give up, an idea struck me. "Ah, I know just the thing!"

Grabbing the remote, I quickly navigated to my favorite anime streaming site and queued up the latest episode of Danmachi, or "Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?" as it was officially known.

"Now this," I said, leaning back and taking another sip of beer, "this is the good stuff."

Ah, Danmachi - where do I even begin? For those of you who haven't had the pleasure, this anime is a fantasy lover's dream come true. It all takes place in the bustling city of Orario, where the gods themselves have descended from the heavens to live among us mortals. And let me tell you, these deities sure know how to have a good time.

They've formed these groups called Familias, each one led by a different god or goddess, and they've blessed their adventurer members with all sorts of supernatural powers. Talk about playing favorites, am I right? But hey, I can't really blame them - if I had that kind of divine power, I'd probably be handing out blessings left and right too.

Now, the protagonist of this whole shebang is a young guy named Bell Cranel, and let me tell you, he's got big dreams of becoming a hero. Of course, being the hopeless romantic that I am, I can't help but get a kick out of watching him try (and often fail). The poor guy is just so darn innocent, it's almost painful.

But that's what makes Danmachi so darn captivating - it's got action, adventure, and comedy in spades. And the setting? Orario is the perfect backdrop, with its colossal Dungeon that serves as the ultimate playground for these brave adventurers. I mean, can you imagine the thrill of delving into the unknown, facing off against powerful monsters, and emerging victorious? Sign me up!

As I take another sip of my beer, the familiar opening theme starts to play, and I can't help but get giddy. Orario, the Dungeon, the Familias - it's all just so wonderfully chaotic, and I love every minute of it.

As I settled in to watch the latest episode, I couldn't help but think about my favorite character - the goddess Hestia. There's just something so endearing about her. Sure, she might be small in stature, but her personality is anything but!

I mean, talk about a bundle of energy. Hestia is always so bubbly and cheerful, with this infectious optimism that just draws you in. And the way she dotes on Bell, her lone adventurer in the Hestia Familia? Absolutely adorable. You can tell she cares for that boy like he's her own flesh and blood.

I chuckle to myself, remembering some of Hestia's more...memorable moments. Like that time she got all jealous when other girls started showing interest in Bell. The way her cheeks puffed out in a huff, that little ribbon under her chest bouncing up and down - it was priceless! I swear, that goddess wears her heart on her sleeve, and I can't help but love her for it.

But it's not just her cute antics that make me a Hestia fan. There's a real depth to her character, you know? Beneath that playful exterior, you can see her genuine compassion and unwavering loyalty to her Familia. When the chips are down, Hestia steps up and fights tooth and nail to protect those she cares about. She might be small, but she's got a spirit that's bigger than life.

I take another sip of my beer, my eyes glued to the screen as the episode unfolds. Watching Hestia's interactions with Bell, I can't help but feel a pang of...well, I'm not quite sure what it is. Admiration? Envy, maybe? All I know is, I wish I had someone in my life who cared for me the way Hestia cares for her little adventurer.

The familiar ringtone of my mother's phone number snapped me out of my Danmachi-induced reverie. With a twinge of guilt, I reluctantly pressed the answer button.

"Hey, mom," I said, trying to sound as upbeat as possible.

"David! It's so good to hear your voice, honey. How are you doing?" Her voice, warm and filled with maternal concern, made my heart sink a little.

"Oh, you know, same old, same old," I replied, forcing a chuckle. "Keeping busy with work and all that."

"That's good to hear! I'm so glad you're staying busy. Your father and I worry about you, you know, living all the way out there in the big city." She paused, and I could practically see the worry etching itself across her face. "Have you been eating alright? Taking care of yourself?"

"Aw, c'mon mom, you know me," I said, trying to brush off her concerns. "I'm doing just fine. Couldn't be better, actually." The lie slipped out with practiced ease, and I mentally cringed at my own deception.

"Well, that's a relief to hear." Her tone brightened, and I could imagine the smile spreading across her face. "Say, your father and I were thinking, maybe you could come visit us sometime soon? It's been far too long since we've seen you."

I felt the familiar pang of guilt stab at my chest. "Ah, gosh, I'd love to, mom, but you know how it is. Work's been crazy, and I'm just swamped with stuff. Raincheck?" I cursed myself inwardly, knowing full well that I had no such obligations.

"Oh, I understand, dear. Your work comes first, of course." Her voice carried a hint of disappointment, but she quickly recovered. "Well, the offer's always there. Whenever you can make it, we'd love to have you. And David, please, take care of yourself, okay? We worry about you."

"I will, mom. I promise." The words felt hollow, even to my own ears.

"Alright, well, I'll let you get back to it. Love you, sweetheart. Stay safe!"

"Love you too, mom. Bye." I ended the call, letting the phone slip from my fingers and land on the cushion beside me.

Staring at the TV screen, I felt a wave of shame wash over me. My mother, always so caring and supportive, had no idea the truth of my situation. I was barely scraping by, living off instant noodles and working just enough to pay the rent on this tiny, dingy apartment. My dreams of making it big in the city had crumbled, leaving me with nothing but a sense of failure and a desperate desire to hide the truth from my family.

I took a long, slow sip of my beer, trying to drown out the guilt that threatened to consume me. The familiar fizz and bitterness did little to ease the tightness in my chest. As I set the can back down, I caught a glimpse of the Hestia Familia crest on the screen, a painful reminder of the warmth and camaraderie I so desperately wished I could have in my own life.

"Ah, if only I could join the Hestia Familia and explore that amazing Dungeon," I mused aloud, chuckling at the thought.

Suddenly, as I leaned back on the couch, a shimmering portal materialized in front of me! "What the—?" I exclaimed, caught off guard. In a moment of pure reflex, I tried to backflip off the couch, but ended up tumbling backwards, spilling my beer all over myself.

"Ah, shit! My beer!" I cursed, trying to wipe the sticky liquid off my clothes. "Stupid portal, making me waste a perfectly good—"

I froze, my eyes fixed on the shimmering vortex in my living room. "What the fuck?" I muttered, staring at it in disbelief. This couldn't be real, could it? Was I dreaming? Or had my love for Danmachi finally driven me to the point of hallucination?

I stared at the swirling, gray portal in utter disbelief, my beer-soaked clothes forgotten. "What the actual fuck?" I muttered, cautiously inching closer to inspect this bizarre phenomenon.

Reaching out a tentative hand, I ran my fingers along the edge of the portal, half-expecting it to be some kind of trick. But no, the shimmering vortex was very much real. "Okay, David, keep it together," I said, trying to reassure myself. "This is just...unexpected. But you can handle this. You're the master of the unexpected, right?"

Clearing my throat, I struck a dramatic pose, covering my right eye with my hand. "Yes, that's it! I must have been chosen, bestowed with unimaginable powers!" I declared, my voice dripping with false bravado. "Tremble before me, for my right hand has been unsealed!"

I chuckled nervously, glancing around my tiny apartment as if expecting some grand revelation or ominous figure to appear. "So, uh, what now? Do I just...jump in? Or is there some secret incantation I need to speak?" I asked the empty room, the uncertainty in my voice betraying my false confidence.

Cautiously, I leaned in closer, peering into the swirling vortex. "Hello? Anyone there?" I called out, my voice echoing faintly. "If this is some kind of prank, it's not very funny, you know!" I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

With a resigned sigh, I plopped back down on the couch, grimacing as the damp fabric clung to my skin. "Alright, fine. I'll just sit here and wait for the portal to, I don't know, take me to another world or something," I muttered, rolling my eyes. "What could possibly go wrong?"

As the seconds ticked by, I found myself growing increasingly antsy, my fingers drumming nervously on the arm of the couch. "This is taking too long," I grumbled, glaring at the portal. "If I'm going to be the hero of some grand adventure, I at least want a little more excitement, you know?"

Suddenly, a thought occurred to me, and I perked up, a mischievous grin spreading across my face. "Wait a minute, what if I..." Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a small, rubber ball, the kind you'd find in a vending machine. "Aha! Perfect!"

Carefully, I tossed the ball towards the portal, watching as it disappeared into the swirling gray vortex. "Alright, let's see what happens," I murmured, leaning forward in anticipation.

I waited with bated breath, expecting the ball to come flying back through the portal in a blaze of glory. But as the seconds ticked by, nothing happened. I frowned, tapping my foot impatiently.

"Well, this is just great. Just freaking great," I muttered, running a hand through my messy hair. "I've never been one for planning, but I've always been a quick learner. Or so they say."

Eyeing the portal warily, I steeled my nerves and took a deep breath. "Alright, David, time to put on your big boy pants and see what's on the other side of this thing." I paused, a sheepish grin spreading across my face. "Or, you know, get completely annihilated. Either way, it'll be an adventure!"

With a shrug, I stepped forward and plunged through the swirling vortex, my heart pounding in my chest. The world around me blurred and twisted, and for a moment, I felt a strange, weightless sensation. Then, with a sudden jolt, I found myself standing in the middle of what appeared to be a bustling marketplace.

I blinked, taking in the unfamiliar sights and sounds. "Well, this is...different," I muttered, glancing around in awe. People with animal-like features milled about, short folks with big ol' beards. Folks with long ears and voices that sounded like a jumbled mess of tongues I'd never heard before. Colorful stalls lined the streets, offering a mind-boggling array of weird and wonderful stuff.

My eyes suddenly landed on a towering structure in the distance, and I felt a jolt of recognition. "Wait a minute, that looks just like..." I trailed off, my mouth dropping open as the realization hit me. "No way. No freaking way!" I exclaimed, my voice cracking with disbelief.

Rubbing my eyes, I stared at the colossal Tower of Babel, standing proudly at the center of this bizarre new world. "This can't be real. I must be dreaming. Or maybe I hit my head or something?" I muttered, pinching myself for good measure. But the pain was all too real, and the tower remained, mocking me with its familiar, looming presence.

Panic started to set in, my heart pounding in my chest. "Okay, David, think. Think!" I urged myself, pacing back and forth. "If this is the Tower of Babel, then that means..." My eyes widened as the full implications dawned on me. "Oh no. Oh no, no, no!" I cried, gripping my hair in sheer terror.

Without warning, I threw back my head and let out a scream that would have put a banshee to shame. "AAAAHHHHH! I'M IN THE WORLD OF DANMACHI?!" I wailed, drawing the bewildered stares of passersby.

I noticed the confused stares of the people around me and felt my face flush with embarrassment. "Oh, uh, sorry about that! Just, uh, practicing my vocal warm-ups, you know?" I chuckled nervously, waving my hands in a placating gesture.

Quickly, I scanned the area, looking for a place to escape the curious onlookers. My eyes landed on a narrow alleyway nearby, and without a moment's hesitation, I darted towards it, muttering apologies as I squeezed through the crowded marketplace.

Once I reached the relative solitude of the alley, I pressed my back against the wall, letting out a shaky breath. "Okay, David, get it together," I murmured, running a hand through my messy hair. "You're in the world of Danmachi. The actual, real-life world of Danmachi. This is...this is huge!"

I felt a giddy, nervous energy bubbling up inside me, and I couldn't help but let out a disbelieving laugh. "I mean, sure, I've read the manga and watched the anime a million times, but actually being here? This is insane!" I paused, a realization dawning on me. "Wait, how can I get home?! Where is the portal?!"

I frantically looked around the alley, my heart pounding in my chest. "Where is the portal? I have to get home!" I muttered, waving my hands in a desperate attempt to conjure the magical gateway.

"Abracadabra! Alakazam! Expecto Patronum!" I chanted, reciting random incantations I'd heard in movies and anime, hoping one would work. But the alley remained stubbornly void of any shimmering portals.

"No, no, no, this can't be happening!" I cried, running my fingers through my hair in frustration. "I'm stuck here? How am I supposed to get back?"

Panic started to set in as the realization dawned on me. I was in the world of Danmachi, a place I'd only ever experienced through stories. The thought of being permanently trapped here filled me with a sense of dread.

Suddenly, I had a flash of inspiration. Raising my hand, I waved it in an exaggerated motion, just like Doctor Strange in the Marvel movies. "Dimensional rift, open sesame!" I shouted, trying to channel my inner sorcerer.

To my utter amazement, a shimmering portal appeared before me, just like the one I had used to get here. Without a moment's hesitation, I jumped through, closing my eyes and bracing myself for the familiar sensation of returning home.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself back in my apartment, the familiar surroundings a welcome sight. I let out a relieved sigh, sinking down onto the couch as the tension drained from my body.

"I'm back," I murmured, a sense of profound gratitude washing over me. "I'm actually back." The weight of the experience I had just gone through began to sink in, and I couldn't help but chuckle at the sheer absurdity of it all.

"Who would have thought that my love of anime and manga would lead me to the actual world of Danmachi?" I said to myself, shaking my head in disbelief. "This is going to take some time to process."

For now, though, I was just grateful to be home, safe and sound. With a contented sigh, I leaned back into the couch, falling asleep.

I awoke with a start, my heart pounding in my chest. Had it all been a dream? No, the lingering scent of beer on my skin proved that my journey to the world of Danmachi had been very real.

Shaking my head in disbelief, I made my way to the bathroom, eager to wash away the grime of my unexpected adventure. As the warm water cascaded over me, I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation.

"Me, in the world of Danmachi?" I muttered to myself, running a hand through my wet hair. "It's like something straight out of a manga or light novel! Or a poorly written fanfic!"

Stepping out of the shower, I toweled off and made my way to my bedroom, collapsing onto the familiar comfort of my mattress. The events of the day swirled in my mind, and I found myself grinning like a fool.

"A harem, huh?" I mused, staring up at the ceiling. "Now, that would be the dream, wouldn't it?" I chuckled, picturing myself surrounded by beautiful adventurers, each vying for my attention.

Shaking my head, I pushed those thoughts aside. "Get real, David. This isn't some anime fantasy. It's real life, having a harem is not that easy as it seems in anime."

Closing my eyes, I focused my thoughts, remembering the way I had opened the portal earlier. Slowly, I raised my hand, making a grand, sweeping gesture.

"Dimensional rift!" I commanded, my voice filled with determination.

To my utter amazement, a shimmering portal appeared before me, just as it had in the alley. I stared at it in wonder, hardly daring to believe my eyes.

"It worked!" I exclaimed, a grin spreading across my face. "I can't believe it actually worked!"

I closed the portal with a wave of my hand, watching the shimmering vortex wink out of existence. Leaning back on my bed, I stared at my palm, marveling at the power it now held.

"A dimensional rift, huh?" I murmured, flexing my fingers. "I wonder if Danmachi is the only place I can travel to with this ability?"

The possibilities swirled in my mind, my imagination running wild. What other worlds were out there, waiting to be explored? Worlds of magic and adventure, or perhaps something more technologically advanced, like...

"Star Wars," I breathed, a grin spreading across my face. I could picture it now - soaring through the stars in a sleek starship, blasting away at Imperial TIE fighters. Or maybe even meeting legendary heroes like Luke Skywalker or Han Solo.

Sitting up, I held out my hand once more, concentrating on that familiar feeling of energy building within me. "Dimensional rift!" I commanded, watching as a new portal shimmered to life before me.

Cautiously, I reached out and touched the swirling vortex, half-expecting it to reject me. But to my delight, my hand passed through without resistance, the cool air of another world caressing my skin.

"Unbelievable," I whispered, awestruck. Steeling my nerves, I took a deep breath and stepped forward, plunging into the unknown.

I stepped out of the portal, squinting against the harsh glare of the twin suns. The air was dry and hot, and I could feel the sweat beading on my brow.

"Is this Tatooine?" I muttered, gazing around in awe. Sure enough, in the distance I could see the familiar domed buildings and towering sand dunes of the desert planet.

Shielding my eyes, I began to walk towards the settlement, my mind racing. Of all the places I could have ended up, the iconic setting of the Star Wars galaxy was certainly not what I expected. Still, the excitement of exploring a new world overrode any hesitation I might have felt.

I approached the dusty settlement, shielding my eyes from the harsh glare of Tatooine's twin suns. The air was dry and hot, and I could feel the sweat beading on my brow. As I drew closer, I was struck by the diversity of the alien races milling about - Rodians, Twi'leks, and even a towering Wookiee lumbered past, their footsteps kicking up small clouds of sand.

Drawn by the sounds of lively chatter and the familiar tune of the Mos Eisley Cantina theme, I made my way towards a battered-looking building. Pushing open the door, I stepped inside, my senses assaulted by the cacophony of voices, the pungent scent of alien liquors, and the unmistakable melody that had been seared into my memory from countless viewings of the original Star Wars film.

I stood there, momentarily transfixed, as I took in the sight of the iconic cantina. The worn wooden tables, the dimly lit interior, and the diverse array of patrons - it was all exactly as I remembered it from the movies. I half-expected to see Han Solo and Chewbacca sitting at one of the tables, negotiating a deal with a shady-looking Greedo.

Snapping out of my daze, I moved further into the cantina, weaving my way through the throng of beings, my eyes darting from one corner to the next, trying to take in every detail. The familiar tune continued to play, its infectious rhythm pulsing through the air, and I found myself tapping my foot in time with the music, a grin spreading across my face.

"I can't believe I'm actually here," I murmured to myself, my voice barely audible over the din of the cantina. "This is like something straight out of a dream."

I stood there in the iconic Mos Eisley Cantina, my heart racing with excitement. The familiar sights and sounds of this legendary Star Wars setting were almost overwhelming. I couldn't believe I had actually managed to travel to another world.

Realizing I had been staring for far too long, I shook my head and turned my attention back to the task at hand. As much as I wanted to explore this fascinating world, I knew I needed to return home first. Who knew what could happen if I stayed here too long?

Raising my hand, I focused on the familiar sensation of energy building within me. "Dimensional rift!" I commanded, and a shimmering portal opened before me. Glancing back one last time at the bustling cantina, I stepped through the vortex, returning to the comfort of my own apartment.

I stepped back through the shimmering portal, my heart still racing from the incredible experience of visiting the iconic Mos Eisley Cantina. As the portal closed behind me, I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

"I can't believe that actually worked!" I exclaimed, staring at my hand in wonder. The power to create dimensional rifts, to travel to any world I could imagine - it was almost too much to wrap my mind around.

Flopping back onto my bed, I let out a giddy laugh. "This is unreal. I'm like some kind of inter-dimensional explorer!" The possibilities were endless, and my imagination ran wild with the thought of all the incredible places I could visit.

I knew I couldn't stay here for long, though. Who knew what could happen if I lingered too long in these other worlds? With a deep breath, I steeled my resolve and sat up, ready to face the exciting adventures that surely lay ahead.


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To read advance chapters see my p@|tr|$0n Najicablitz