Chapter 3

(Hestia POV)

Ugh, what a long day. My feet are killing me and my back is aching from carrying all those croquettes. Being a goddess in the mortal realm is way harder than I expected.

As I trudge back to my humble abode - if you can even call that abandoned church a home - I can't help but feel a pang of envy towards the other deities. Loki and her Familia are living it up in their luxurious manor, while I'm stuck scraping by, trying to make ends meet. It's not fair!

I let out a heavy sigh, my shoulders slumping in defeat. I wish I had more followers, more adventurers to join my Familia. But who would want to be part of such a small and insignificant group? I'm barely making enough money to keep a roof over my head, let alone provide for a whole Familia.

Sometimes, I wonder if I made the right choice in coming down here. The mortal realm is so cold and unforgiving, nothing like the warmth and comfort of the divine realms. I miss the way the other gods would gather and share stories, laugh and banter without a care in the world. Now, I'm all alone, struggling to survive in this harsh city.

I clench my fists, trying to hold back the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. No, I can't give up! I have to be strong, for my sake and for the sake of any adventurers who might one day join my Familia. I won't let this defeat me. I'll keep pushing forward, no matter how difficult it gets.

Oh, Hephaestus, how I miss the comfort and security of your home. I can still remember the day she kicked me out, like it was yesterday.

I had been mooching off her for weeks, relying on her generosity to keep a roof over my head. I just couldn't seem to get my own Familia off the ground, no matter how hard I tried. The other gods made it look so easy, but for me, it was an uphill battle.

I'd show up at Hephaestus' doorstep, begging for a hot meal and a place to rest my weary head. At first, she was understanding, even offering words of encouragement. But eventually, her patience wore thin.

I can still hear her stern voice echoing in my mind. "Hestia, this has gone on long enough. You need to stand on your own two feet and stop relying on me. It's time you found your own place to call home."

The words stung, but I knew deep down she was right. I couldn't keep imposing on her generosity forever. Still, the thought of being out on my own, with no support, filled me with dread.

As I trudged away from Hephaestus' forge, clutching my meager belongings, I felt so small and insignificant. How was I supposed to compete with the other, more established Familias? I was barely scraping by as it was.

But I couldn't give up, not now. I had to prove to Hephaestus, and to myself, that I was strong enough to make it on my own.

As I trudge back to my so-called "home," I can't help but grimace at the sight of the dilapidated abandoned church. The crumbling walls and sagging roof are a constant reminder of just how far I've fallen.

When Hephaestus kicked me out, I had nowhere else to go. I scoured the streets of Orario, desperately searching for any place that could provide shelter. This old, forgotten church was the best I could find - and even that was a stretch.

The moment I step inside, the musty smell of decay assaults my senses. Cobwebs cling to the corners, and the floorboards creak with every step. It's not exactly the cozy, welcoming home I had envisioned for myself.

Still, I suppose I should be grateful to have a roof over my head, even if it's barely holding together. With what little I have, I've tried to make the basement area somewhat livable. I've scrounged up a few pieces of abandoned furniture - a rickety table, a worn-out armchair, and a lumpy mattress on the floor.

It's not much, but it's all mine. A small, flickering flame in the darkness, fighting to stay alive.

As I collapse onto the mattress, I can't help but feel a pang of loneliness. I miss the warmth and camaraderie of the divine realms, where the other gods would gather and share stories. Here, I'm all alone, struggling to survive in this harsh, unforgiving city.

I wish I had a family of my own - a Familia to call mine, filled with loyal followers who would stand by my side. Instead, I'm just a solitary goddess, barely scraping by, without a single adventurer to my name.

The thought brings tears to my eyes, and I quickly wipe them away, refusing to let my weakness show. No, I can't give up. I've come too far to surrender now. Somehow, someway, I'll find a way to build my own Familia.

It won't be easy, but I'm determined to succeed. This abandoned church may be a far cry from the divine realms, but it's mine. And with a little bit of hard work and determination, I'll turn it into a home - a place where I can build the family I've always wanted.

I perk up at the sound of footsteps echoing through the abandoned church. My heart pounds as I cautiously approach the entrance, wondering if some unsavory character has stumbled upon my meager abode.

But as I peer around the corner, my eyes go wide at the sight of a man striding in with an exaggerated swagger, his expensive-looking clothes practically screaming "I'm important!" He's trying so hard to look cool, it's almost comical.

"Who in the world...?" I mutter under my breath, watching this bizarre display with a mixture of confusion and amusement. Could he be some kind of royalty, come to grace my humble dwelling with his presence? The thought is both bewildering and slightly insulting.

Mustering my courage, I step out from the shadows, clearing my throat to announce my presence. "Excuse me, sir. Can I help you with something?"

The man flashed me a bright, toothy grin, spreading his arms wide in a grand, theatrical gesture. "Greetings! I am David, humble traveler and seeker of adventure." He bowed dramatically, his expensive-looking cloak swishing around him.

I quirked an eyebrow, unimpressed by his overly dramatic display. "David, huh? And what exactly are you doing in my humble abode?" I kept my voice level, trying to hide the suspicion in my tone.

David straightened up, his expression turning more earnest. "Ah, forgive me, I did not mean to intrude. I was simply passing through when I stumbled upon this fascinating place." He gestured around the dilapidated church, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. "I couldn't resist the opportunity to explore a little."

I narrowed my eyes, not fully convinced by his explanation. "Well, as you can see, this is my home. I would appreciate it if you didn't go snooping around without my permission."

"Of course, of course!" David nodded quickly, raising his hands in a placating gesture. "I assure you, I mean no harm. I'm simply a curious traveler, nothing more." He flashed me another disarming smile. "I was actually hoping to meet the owner of this charming abode. And now that I have, may I ask your name, fair goddess?"

I eyed the strange man warily, unsure of how to respond to his overly enthusiastic greeting. "Hestia," I replied simply, still trying to gauge his true intentions. "And yes, I am a goddess."

David's face lit up with a wide grin. "Hestia, what a wonderful name for a goddess such as yourself!" He bowed deeply, his expensive-looking cloak swishing dramatically around him. "I must say, you are even more radiant and captivating than I could have imagined."

I felt a blush creep across my cheeks at his lavish compliments. As a goddess, I could sense the sincerity in his words - he was not lying, which only made my embarrassment grow. "T-thank you," I stammered, averting my gaze. "I must admit, I'm quite surprised to have a visitor in my humble abode."

David straightened up, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Humble, you say? Why, this place has a certain charm to it that I find most intriguing." He swept his gaze around the dilapidated church, his expression one of genuine interest. "And to think, a goddess such as yourself calls this place home. I'm honored to be in your presence."

I fidgeted nervously, unused to such flattery. "Well, it may not be much, but it's all I have," I admitted, my voice soft. "I'm... I'm doing the best I can to get by in this mortal realm."

David's expression softened, and he took a step closer, his movements graceful and deliberate. "I see," he murmured, his gaze locking with mine. "Then allow me to say that you are doing an admirable job, Hestia. To have the strength to forge your own path, even in the face of adversity - that is truly remarkable."

I felt my blush deepen, my heart racing at his words. As a god, I could sense the sincerity behind his compliments, and it both thrilled and flustered me. "I... I don't know what to say," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

David smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling with genuine interest. "Then perhaps you could tell me a bit more about yourself, Hestia. How long have you been calling this place home?"

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. "Not long, really," I confessed. "I've only been in Orario for a few months, ever since..." I paused, a hint of sadness creeping into my voice. "Ever since Hephaestus kicked me out of her forge."

David's brow furrowed with concern. "Kicked you out? Surely a goddess as kind and remarkable as yourself deserves better than this." He gestured around the dilapidated church, his expression filled with sympathy.

I sighed heavily, the weight of my circumstances settling on my shoulders once more. "It's a long story, but Hephaestus felt I was relying on her too much. She said it was time for me to stand on my own two feet." I shook my head, a rueful smile tugging at my lips. "And so here I am, struggling to make a home in this forgotten place."

As I shared my story with David, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of vulnerability. It wasn't easy admitting the struggles I'd faced since being cast out from Hephaestus' forge. But there was something about this strange, overly enthusiastic traveler that made me want to open up.

"It's not easy, you know," I confessed, my gaze dropping to the worn floorboards beneath my feet. "Being a goddess in the mortal realm. I thought I was ready for the challenge, but..." I let out a heavy sigh, my shoulders sagging. "Some days, it feels like I'm barely keeping my head above water."

David's expression softened, and he took a step closer, his movements graceful and deliberate. "I can only imagine how difficult that must be, Hestia. To be so far from the comforts of the divine realms, to have to fend for yourself in this harsh world." He paused, his eyes filled with genuine concern. "But you are not alone. I may be just a humble traveler, but I would be honored to lend you my aid, if you'll have me."

I felt my heart skip a beat at his words, my eyes widening in surprise. "Your aid? But why would you want to help me?" I asked, unable to keep the skepticism from creeping into my voice.

David flashed me a warm, reassuring smile. "Because I see a goddess of remarkable strength and resilience, one who refuses to give up in the face of adversity." He reached out, gently placing a hand on my shoulder. "And I believe that with the right support, you can achieve your dreams of building a Familia of your own."

I stared at him, utterly speechless. A Familia of my own? The very thought filled me with a glimmer of hope, a feeling I hadn't experienced in far too long. "I... I don't know what to say," I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Then allow me to share my own dream," David said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I, too, wish to be part of a Familia, to be a part of something greater than myself." He paused, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "And what better Familia to join than one led by the incredible Goddess Hestia?"

I felt a blush creep across my cheeks at his words, my heart racing. "You... you want to join my Familia?" The very idea was both thrilling and terrifying. Could I really trust this strange, overly enthusiastic traveler? And yet, the longing for a family of my own was so strong, I found myself desperate to believe him.

"More than anything," David declared, his voice filled with conviction. "I want to be a part of your Familia, Hestia. To stand by your side and help you achieve your dreams." He squeezed my shoulder gently, his gaze unwavering. "What do you say?"

I stared at David, my heart pounding in my chest as I grappled with his unexpected proposal. He wants to join my Familia? The thought filled me with excitement.

"Are you sure, David?" I asked, searching his face for any sign of hesitation. "Joining a Familia is a big commitment. It's not something you can change easily later on."

David nodded, his expression unwavering. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life, Hestia. I want to be a part of your Familia, to stand by your side and help you build something incredible."

I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at his words. Here was a man who seemed genuinely eager to join my Familia, even though it was small and struggling. Most would have turned their noses up at the idea, opting instead for one of the larger, more established Familias in Orario.

"You know, David," I said, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips, "you could have joined a bigger, more powerful Familia. One with more resources and influence than mine." I paused, my gaze searching his face. "Why choose me?"

David's eyes sparkled with sincerity as he reached out and gently squeezed my hand. "Because you, Hestia, are the one who has captured my heart. Your strength, your resilience, your unwavering determination – it's all so inspiring to me." He leaned in, his voice lowering to a soft murmur. "I want to be a part of something greater, yes, but more than that, I want to be a part of your journey. To help you build the Familia of your dreams."

I felt a blush creep across my cheeks at his words, my throat suddenly tight with emotion. No one had ever spoken to me with such genuine admiration and affection before. It was both thrilling and overwhelming.

"David, I..." I paused, struggling to find the right words. "I don't know what to say. I've never had someone so eager to join my Familia, especially when there are so many other options available."

He squeezed my hand again, his eyes shining with determination. "Then say yes, Hestia. Let me be the first to join your Familia. Let me be the one to stand by your side and help you achieve your dreams."

I stared at him, my mind racing. This was it – a chance to finally build the Familia I'd been longing for. A chance to prove to the other gods that I was just as capable as they were. And here was David, a complete stranger, offering to be the first to join my cause.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded, a smile spreading across my face. "Alright, David. Welcome to the Hestia Familia."

(David POV)

I walked into that abandoned church, channeling my inner anime protagonist, and laid on the charm thick. Hestia seemed so downtrodden, but the moment I started showering her with compliments, her face lit up like a Christmas tree.

I followed Hestia down the rickety stairs, my eyes adjusting to the dim lighting of her basement abode. As we reached the bottom, I couldn't help but wince at the sight before me. The anime had certainly undersold just how meager her living conditions were.

The room was cramped and cluttered, with barely enough space to move around. A single futon mattress sat on the floor, the sheets worn and faded. In the corner, a small table held a hot plate and a handful of mismatched dishes. I spotted a few tattered books stacked haphazardly in another corner, the only personal touches in the sparse space.

"It's not much, I know," Hestia said, her voice tinged with embarrassment as she watched my reaction. "But it's home."

I forced a reassuring smile, my heart sinking at the sight of the proud goddess reduced to living in such humble surroundings. "Hey, don't worry about it. A home is what you make of it, right?"

Hestia returned my smile, some of the tension leaving her shoulders. "That's right. And with you here, I'm sure we can make this place feel a little more like a home."

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness as Hestia gestured for me to remove my shirt. The goddess of the hearth and home was about to bestow her divine blessing upon me, and the weight of that realization settled heavily on my shoulders.

"Alright, let's get you blessed!" Hestia chirped, her petite frame practically vibrating with excitement.

Swallowing hard, I peeled off my shirt, trying not to let my hands shake. As I laid back on the worn futon, the rough fabric scratching against my bare skin, I couldn't help but feel exposed, both physically and emotionally.

Hestia leaned in, her brilliant blue eyes filled with determination. Delicately, she pricked the tip of her finger with a needle, a single crimson droplet forming at the tip. My breath caught in my throat as she gently pressed the pad of her finger against the center of my back.

"By the power vested in me as the goddess Hestia, I bestow upon you, David Miller, the blessing of Falna," she intoned, her voice rich with ancient authority.

A tingling sensation spread across my skin as the droplet of divine blood sank into my flesh. Hestia's slender fingers traced intricate patterns, and I felt a warmth blossoming within me, like a spark igniting into a roaring flame.

"May the Falna guide you, protect you, and grant you the power to achieve your dreams," Hestia continued, her words weaving a spell that resonated deep within my core.

I could feel the Falna taking shape, the hieroglyphic symbols etching themselves into my very being. It was as if the gods themselves were whispering secrets into my soul, unlocking a well of untapped potential.

The tingling sensation faded, and Hestia's fingers stilled on my back. I held my breath, waiting with bated anticipation as she examined the Falna she had just bestowed upon me.

Hestia's eyes grew wide, and I heard a soft gasp escape her lips. "This can't be..." she murmured, her voice laced with disbelief.

I craned my neck, trying to catch a glimpse of the Falna, but Hestia's small frame blocked my view. "What is it?" I asked, my heart pounding in my chest. "Is something wrong?"

The goddess shook her head slowly, her fingers tracing the intricate symbols etched into my skin. "No, not wrong, just..." She paused, her brow furrowing as she studied the Falna more intently. "Unexpected."

Anxiety bubbled up within me, and I couldn't help but wonder if I had somehow messed up the ritual or if Hestia had doubts about accepting me into her Familia. "What is it?" I pressed, unable to contain my curiosity.

Hestia's gaze finally met mine, her bright blue eyes filled with a mixture of awe and bewilderment. "You already have a skill, David," she breathed, her voice tinged with disbelief.

My eyes widened in shock, and I felt a surge of excitement coursing through me. "A skill? Already?" I exclaimed, unable to contain my enthusiasm. "What kind of skill is it?"

Hestia's fingers traced the Falna once more, and I caught a glimpse of the hieroglyphic symbols before she covered them again. "It's called 'World Traveler'," she murmured, her brow furrowed in deep thought.

"World Traveler?" I echoed, the name sending a thrill of anticipation through me. "What does that mean?"

Hestia's gaze locked with mine, her expression intense and serious. "It means you have the ability to travel to different worlds and dimensions," she explained, her voice barely above a whisper. "This skill is... unprecedented. I've never seen anything like it before."

Well, this is just great. Looks like my fancy "World Traveler" power isn't just for hopping between worlds - it's got some other neat tricks up its sleeve too. As if being able to portal to different dimensions wasn't enough, now I can apparently convert currencies and understand any language? Talk about a multi-talented skill.

When Hestia said that wasn't all, I have to admit, I was a little caught off guard. I mean, I knew this World Traveler thing was special, but currency conversion and universal translation? That's some next-level stuff right there. I wonder if I can use that to my advantage, maybe convert some of my Earth cash to those Valis things they use around here. Could come in handy.

And the language thing - that makes a lot of sense, actually. I was wondering how I was able to understand everyone so easily, considering this is supposed to be some fantasy world and all. Guess I've got World Traveler to thank for that little perk. Makes navigating this place a whole lot simpler.

All in all, it seems like I've lucked out with this Falna business.

Hestia finished looking at my Status and carefully recorded it on a sheet of paper. With a warm smile, she handed the paper to me, gesturing for me to take a look.

My heart raced as I accepted the document, my fingers trembling slightly. This was it - my first glimpse at the divine power that now coursed through my veins. Steeling my nerves, I glanced down at the page, my eyes widening at the sight.

[David Miller


Strength : I(0)

Endurance : I(0)

Dexterity : I(0)

Agility : I(0)

Magic : I(0)


World Traveler - Allows to travel to different worlds and dimensions. Can convert to any currency. Can speak, read, and understand any language.]

I stared at the page, my mind struggling to process the information. Level 1? That seemed a bit underwhelming, but then again, I was just starting out. And these stats - they were all at the lowest rank.

But then my gaze landed on that skill, "World Traveler." Just seeing it written out in that divine script sent a thrill of excitement through me. I couldn't believe Hestia had managed to capture the full extent of its abilities on this simple sheet of paper.

"This is..." I trailed off, my voice barely above a whisper as I looked up at the goddess, my eyes shining with wonder. "This is incredible."

Hestia beamed, her expression radiating pride and excitement. "I knew you were special, David," she said, her hand reaching out to give my arm a gentle squeeze. "With a skill like that, I have no doubt you're destined for greatness."

I swallowed hard, my heart swelling with a mixture of gratitude and disbelief. "Thank you, Hestia," I murmured, my gaze returning to the Status in my hands. "I won't let you down, I promise."

Hestia's eyes shone with joy as she suddenly flung herself at me, wrapping her small frame around me in a tight embrace. I was caught off guard, but something deep inside me warmed at the goddess's affectionate gesture. I am not some timid anime protagonist - I was going to own this moment.

I returned Hestia's hug, pulling her close. As her ample bosom pressed against my chest, I couldn't help but notice the soft, inviting texture. And her scent - a delicate floral aroma that was surprisingly pleasant. It was intoxicating, to say the least.

"Oh, David-Kun!" Hestia exclaimed, her voice muffled against my shirt. "I'm so happy you've joined my Familia. We're family now, you and I!"

I chuckled, feeling a surge of pride at her words. "Well, looks like you're stuck with me then, Kami-sama," I teased, using the affectionate nickname Bell had for her.

Hestia pulled back, her cheeks flushed with joy. "I wouldn't have it any other way," she said, her eyes shining.

I grinned, already feeling a sense of camaraderie with this vibrant goddess. Whatever adventures lay ahead, I knew I was in for the ride of a lifetime.

Hestia's joyful expression suddenly fell, and she let out a frustrated sigh. "Oh David, I wish I could do more to celebrate you joining my Familia, but with my meager resources, I'm afraid I don't have much to offer." She gestured around the modest, dimly lit basement they called home.

I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Kami-sama, please don't apologize. This is more than enough for me." I looked around, taking in the humble abode. "Honestly, I'm just grateful to be here with you."

Hestia's eyes widened, and she smiled up at me. "You really mean that?" Her voice was filled with a mixture of disbelief and hope.

I nodded reassuringly at Hestia. "Absolutely, Kami-sama. This place may be modest, but it has something far more valuable - your warmth and kindness."

Hestia's face lit up, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Oh, David-Kun! You really are too kind." She clasped my hands in hers, her small fingers squeezing mine. "I'm so glad you don't mind our situation. I was worried you might be disappointed, but you've made me feel so much better."

As I gazed at the goddess before me, my heart swelled with a desire to do more. I couldn't bear the thought of her struggling to make ends meet, living in this humble abode. Surely, with my newfound abilities, I could find a way to improve her circumstances.

"Hestia," I said, gently pulling my hands from hers. "There's something I need to tell you. My true identity... is not of this world."

Hestia's brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean, David-Kun? I don't understand."

I took a deep breath, preparing myself for Hestia's reaction. "Hestia, I'm not from this world. I come from a place called Earth, where there are no gods or Familias. I have the power to create portals that can take me to different worlds, including this one."

Hestia's eyes widened, and she stared at me in stunned silence. I could see Hestia processing my words. Then, to my surprise, she broke into a wide smile.

"David-Kun, you're truly amazing!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement. "A power to travel between worlds? That's incredible!" She grabbed my hands, squeezing them tightly. "And you want to use it to help me? Oh, you've made me so happy!"

I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. "So you're not... upset? Or scared?"

Hestia shook her head emphatically. "Not at all! You're my familia now, David-Kun. No matter where you come from, you're a part of my family." She pulled me into another tight hug, her warmth enveloping me.

In that moment, I knew I had made the right decision. Hestia had accepted me, no questions asked. We were family now, and I would do everything in my power to support her and make her Familia the greatest in all of Orario.

As Hestia's warm embrace enveloped me, I knew I had to share my world with her. This goddess had accepted me without hesitation, and I wanted her to experience the marvels of Earth.

"Hestia," I said, gently pulling back from the hug. "There's something I'd like to show you."

Hestia looked up at me, her eyes shimmering with curiosity. "What is it, David-Kun?"

I smiled and gestured towards the dimly lit basement. "How would you like to visit my world? The place I come from, called Earth?"

Hestia's eyes widened, and a delighted smile spread across her face. "Really? You can take me to your world?" She clasped her hands together, practically vibrating with excitement. "Oh, David-Kun, I would love that!"

I chuckled at her enthusiasm and raised my hand, focusing my thoughts on the familiar portal that had brought me to this world. Within moments, a shimmering vortex appeared, the gateway to my home.

"After you, Kami-Sama," I said, gesturing for Hestia to step through.

Hestia hesitated for only a moment before bravely stepping into the portal, her small frame disappearing into the swirling energy. I followed close behind, and in the blink of an eye, we were standing in the middle of my modest apartment.

Hestia's eyes widened as she took in the unfamiliar surroundings. She spun around, her gaze darting from the furniture to the electronic devices that lined the shelves.

"Wh-What is all of this?" she asked, her voice filled with awe and wonder.

I placed a hand on her shoulder, guiding her towards the balcony. "Come, Kami-Sama. I want to show you something."

I slid open the glass door, and Hestia followed me outside, her eyes transfixed on the dazzling cityscape before us. The lights of the buildings and the glow of the moon cast a warm, enchanting glow over the landscape.

Hestia's breath caught in her throat as she took in the sight. "It's... it's so beautiful," she whispered, her eyes shining with wonder.

I stood beside her, watching the goddess's reaction with a sense of pride. "Welcome to Earth, Kami-Sama," I said, my voice soft and sincere.


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To read advance chapters see my p@|tr|$0n Najicablitz