Chapter 5

I woke up to the gentle warmth of Hestia snuggled against me, her soft breath tickling my neck. I couldn't help but smile as I watched her sleep, so peaceful and content. Carefully, I brushed a stray lock of her hair away from her face, marveling at how adorable she looked.

Reluctantly, I eased myself out of the bed, doing my best not to disturb her. I made my way to the kitchen, the floorboards creaking softly beneath my feet. As I started the coffee maker, the familiar aroma began to fill the air, and I couldn't help but take a deep, satisfied breath.

While I waited for the coffee to brew, I leaned against the counter, lost in thought. Yesterday had been a whirlwind of events – meeting Eina at the Tower of Babel, registering as an adventurer, and then stumbling upon Hestia herself. The memory of her surprised yet delighted expression when I offered to join her Familia brought a smile to my face.

And then there was the Falna – the divine blessing that now marked my back, granting me extraordinary abilities. "World Traveler," Hestia had called it, a skill that allowed me to traverse dimensions. I still couldn't quite wrap my head around the implications of that power.

As I poured the freshly brewed coffee into a mug, I felt a surge of determination. With the Falna and Hestia's Familia, I had the chance to become an adventurer, to explore the wonders of the Dungeon and earn Valis. No more would I be stuck behind a counter, ringing up snacks and sodas for disinterested customers. This was my opportunity to make a real difference, to become the hero I had always dreamed of.

I took a sip of the rich, aromatic coffee, savoring the bold flavor. Today, I would venture into the Dungeon, eager to test my newfound abilities and bring back resources to support Hestia's Familia. The thought of contributing to her dream, of helping her build a strong and prosperous Familia, filled me with a sense of purpose.

As I stood there, lost in contemplation, I heard a soft rustling from the bedroom. Glancing over, I saw Hestia stirring, her eyes fluttering open. A warm smile spread across her face as she caught sight of me.

"Good morning, David-kun," she said, her voice still thick with sleep.

I felt my cheeks flush at her words, but I couldn't help but return her smile. "Good morning, Hestia. I, uh, I made some coffee if you'd like a cup."

Hestia nodded eagerly, sitting up in the bed. "Coffee? That sounds wonderful," she said, her eyes shining with excitement.

I poured Hestia a cup of the freshly brewed coffee and handed it to her. She took a tentative sip, her eyes immediately going wide.

"Blech! Why is it so bitter?!" Hestia exclaimed, sticking her tongue out in disgust.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. "Here, let me add some sugar for you," I said, grabbing the sugar bowl and sprinkling a few spoonfuls into her cup.

Hestia stirred the coffee, then took another cautious sip. A smile slowly spread across her face.

"Ah, that's much better!" she said, her eyes lighting up. "I've never had coffee before, but this is quite nice with the sugar."

I leaned back against the counter, watching as Hestia happily sipped her coffee. It was endearing to see her experience something so mundane with such childlike wonder.

"I'm glad you like it," I said. "I was a bit worried it might be too strong for your tastes at first."

Hestia nodded, taking another long drink. "Well, you were right to be concerned. But this is delicious now!" She paused, her brow furrowing slightly. "Though I must say, I'm quite curious about this 'coffee' of yours. What exactly is it?"

I chuckled and launched into an explanation of the origins and preparation of coffee, watching as Hestia listened intently, her eyes wide with fascination. It was clear that even the most mundane things in my world were entirely new and captivating to her.

I took another sip of my coffee, savoring the rich, bold flavor as I gathered my thoughts. "So, Hestia," I began, "I'm really eager to explore the Dungeon. Do you have any advice for a newbie adventurer like myself?"

Hestia's eyes lit up at the mention of the Dungeon, and she leaned forward, her coffee cup forgotten. "The Dungeon, you say? Well, I'm glad you're excited, David-kun! It's a place of great danger, but also incredible opportunity." She paused, her brow furrowing in thought.

"First and foremost, you must always be vigilant," she said, her voice taking on a more serious tone. "The Dungeon is filled with all manner of fearsome monsters, and they won't hesitate to tear you apart if you let your guard down." Hestia shuddered slightly, the memory of past tragedies evident in her expression.

I nodded, listening intently. "I understand. I'll need to be prepared for anything, then."

"Precisely!" Hestia exclaimed, her enthusiasm returning. "That's why it's so important to equip yourself properly. Make sure you have sturdy armor, reliable weapons, and plenty of potions and healing items. And don't forget to stock up on rations – you'll need the energy to keep going."

I made a mental note of her advice, already mentally running through a checklist of the supplies I would need. "Got it. Anything else I should keep in mind?"

Hestia tapped her chin, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Hmm, let me see... Ah, yes! Teamwork is crucial. The Dungeon is no place for lone wolves. You'll want to form a party with other capable adventurers, ones you can trust with your life."

I nodded, understanding the importance of having a reliable team. "That makes sense. I'll be sure to find some trustworthy companions to explore the Dungeon with."

"Excellent!" Hestia beamed, her confidence in me evident. "And of course, don't forget that you have the blessing of a goddess on your side." She winked playfully, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.

I felt a warmth in my chest at her words, and I couldn't help but return her smile. "I'm grateful for your guidance, Hestia. With your blessing and these tips, I'm sure I'll be able to handle whatever the Dungeon throws at me."

Hestia nodded, her expression suddenly turning serious. "Just promise me you'll be careful, David-kun. I couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to you." Her voice was laced with a rare vulnerability, and I could see the genuine concern in her eyes.

"I promise," I said, reaching across the counter to gently squeeze her hand. "I'll come back to you, safe and sound. You have my word."

Hestia's eyes widened slightly at the gesture, and a faint blush crept across her cheeks. She gave my hand a gentle squeeze in return, a soft smile spreading across her face. "I'll hold you to that, David-kun."

We sat in comfortable silence for a moment, sipping our coffee and basking in the warmth of the morning. I could feel the excitement and anticipation building within me, the desire to explore the Dungeon and prove myself growing stronger with each passing minute.

"So, when do we leave?" I asked, unable to contain my eagerness any longer.

I couldn't contain my excitement as I asked, "So, when do we leave?"

Hestia's expression shifted, and she placed a gentle hand on my arm, her brow furrowed with concern. "Slow down there, David-kun. The Dungeon is no place for haste or recklessness."

I felt a twinge of disappointment, but I knew Hestia was right. "You're right, I'm just... really eager to get started, you know?"

Hestia nodded, her gaze softening. "I understand. But the Dungeon can be a merciless place, even for experienced adventurers. We need to make sure you're properly prepared before we set out."

"Properly prepared?" I asked, suddenly feeling a bit sheepish. "What do you mean?"

Hestia's eyes widened, and she let out a small gasp. "David-kun, don't tell me you don't have any equipment ready?"

I rubbed the back of my neck, offering her a sheepish smile. "Uh, well, to be honest, I haven't really had a chance to, you know, get any gear yet."

Hestia's expression shifted from surprise to something akin to dismay. "Oh, David-kun, you can't be serious!" She shook her head, her hands fluttering anxiously. "The Dungeon is no place for an unprepared adventurer. It could mean the difference between life and death!"

I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, Hestia. I was just so excited to get started, I didn't even think about the equipment. I guess I got a bit ahead of myself."

Hestia let out a sigh, but there was a fondness in her gaze. "I can see how eager you are, David-kun, and I admire that. But the Dungeon is not to be taken lightly." She reached across the counter and squeezed my hand. "Promise me you'll be careful, and that we'll take the time to properly equip you before we venture in."

I nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "I promise, Hestia. I'll make sure I'm ready, no matter how long it takes."

Hestia's face brightened, and she gave me a warm smile. "That's my David-kun. In that case, I think our first stop should be the Tower of Babel. We can visit the shops there and make sure you have everything you need."

At the mention of the Tower of Babel, my eyes lit up. "The Tower of Babel? That's the place I visited yesterday, right? I can't wait to see it again!"

Hestia chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Yes, that's the one. I'm sure you'll be just as impressed the second time around." She stood up from the bed, her coffee cup forgotten. "Alright, let's finish our coffee and then head out. We've got some shopping to do!"

I nodded enthusiastically, eager to follow Hestia's lead and ensure I was properly prepared for the challenges that lay ahead in the Dungeon.


Stepping back through the shimmering portal, Hestia and I found ourselves in the dimly lit basement of the abandoned church she called home. I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the goddess, surrounded by such sparse and humble accommodations.

"David-kun," Hestia said, turning to me with a curious expression. "Do you have any money with you? From your world, I mean."

I nodded, reaching into my pocket and pulling out a wad of crumpled bills. "Yeah, I've got some dollars on me. Should be enough to get me started, right?"

Hestia's eyes widened as she examined the unfamiliar currency. "Dollars, you say? Hmm, I wonder..." She gestured to the bills in my hand. "Would you mind showing me how to convert these to Valis?"

"Oh, right! Of course," I replied, eager to demonstrate my newfound abilities. Focusing my mind, I felt the familiar tingle of energy as a shimmering portal opened in the air beside us. Carefully, I placed the bills into the portal, and moments later, a stack of gleaming Valis coins appeared in my palm.

Hestia watched the process with rapt attention, her eyes shining with wonder. "Incredible! So one dollar becomes one hundred Valis, is that right?"

I nodded, counting the coins. "Yep, that's the conversion rate. Let's see, I had about a hundred dollars on me, so that should be... around ten thousand Valis."

Hestia's eyes widened even further, and she let out a soft gasp. "Ten thousand Valis? David-kun, that's more than enough for some basic adventuring gear!" She clasped her hands together, a beaming smile spreading across her face. "This is wonderful news! With this, we can ensure you're properly prepared before we venture into the Dungeon."

I couldn't help but share in her excitement, the prospect of finally being outfitted for my grand adventure filling me with a sense of anticipation. "Then what are we waiting for, Hestia? Let's head to the Tower of Babel and get me kitted out!"

Excitement bubbled within me as Hestia and I made our way to the imposing Tower of Babel. This was it - the start of my grand adventure in Orario. As we approached the entrance, a familiar face came into view.

"Eina!" I called out, waving enthusiastically. The half-elf receptionist turned towards us, her expression brightening when she recognized me.

"David?" Eina replied, her eyes widening as she noticed the goddess by my side. "And who might this be?"

"Eina, this is Hestia," I said, gesturing to the petite deity. "She's the goddess who has taken me into her Familia. I just joined yesterday."

Eina's eyes widened further, and she quickly bowed. "Hestia-sama, it's an honor to meet you. I'm Eina Tulle, a receptionist here at the Guild."

Hestia beamed, clasping her hands together. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Eina. David has told me all about the help you've provided him." She turned to me, her eyes shining with curiosity. "So this is the Eina you've mentioned? The one who helped you register as an adventurer?"

I nodded, a smile spreading across my face. "That's right. Eina's been a huge help to me."

Eina nodded, her expression warm. "I'm so glad to see you've found a Familia, David. Hestia-sama, I hope you'll take good care of him. He has so much potential, and I know he's been eager to join your Familia."

Hestia's smile widened, and she reached out to take my hand. "Of course, Eina. David-kun is a precious member of my Familia now, and I'll do everything in my power to support him."

Eina's brow furrowed slightly as she looked between Hestia and me. "If you don't mind me asking, what brings you both here to the Tower of Babel today?"

I glanced at Hestia, then turned back to Eina. "Well, Eina, Hestia and I are here to look for some equipment for me. You know, now that I'm an official adventurer and all, I need to get properly outfitted before venturing into the Dungeon."

Eina's expression brightened, and she nodded. "I see. In that case, please, allow me to guide you both. It's part of my job as a Guild Advisor to assist adventurers in acquiring the necessary gear and supplies."

I blinked, slightly taken aback by her offer. "Oh, Eina, we wouldn't want to impose on you. I'm sure you have plenty of other duties to attend to."

Eina waved her hand dismissively. "Nonsense, David. Helping adventurers like yourself is what I'm here for. It's my pleasure to assist you and Hestia-sama."

Hestia squeezed my hand, a grateful smile on her face. "We would be honored to have your guidance, Eina. I'm afraid I'm not as familiar with the shops and merchants here as I'd like to be."

Eina nodded, her expression warm. "Then it's settled. Follow me, and I'll make sure you both leave here with everything you need."

As we followed Eina into the Tower of Babel, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and gratitude. Eina had been an invaluable resource since I'd arrived in Orario, and now she was going out of her way to help Hestia and me. I couldn't help but think that I really had been blessed with an angel watching over me.

Hestia leaned in close, her voice barely above a whisper. "David-kun, I'm glad Eina is here to assist us. I wanted to go with you alone, but I must admit, I'm not as familiar with the shops and merchants as I'd like to be."

I squeezed her hand reassuringly. "I understand, Hestia. I'm just grateful to have you both here to help me get ready for the Dungeon. I know I'm going to need all the support I can get."

Hestia's eyes shone with a mixture of affection and determination. "You can count on me, David-kun. I'll make sure you're prepared and that you have everything you need to succeed."

As we followed Eina deeper into the Tower of Babel, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. The start of my grand adventure in Orario was finally upon me, and with Hestia and Eina by my side, I knew I was in good hands.


As Hestia and I followed Eina into the higher floors of the Tower of Babel, I couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed. The grandeur of the place was simply staggering. The elevator ride up seemed to take forever, and when the doors finally opened, we were greeted by a sight that made my jaw drop.

The Hephaestus Familia shop floor was a dazzling display of wealth and power. Gleaming suits of armor, razor-sharp blades, and intricate magical items were showcased in glass cases, each one more expensive than the last. I glanced at the price tags and nearly choked on my own spit.

"Ten million Valis?" I muttered under my breath, my eyes widening in disbelief. "There's no way I can afford any of this stuff."

Hestia seemed to share my sentiment, her brow furrowing as she surveyed the lavish displays. "My goodness, David-kun. These prices are simply outrageous. I had no idea the equipment here would be so... extravagant."

Eina chuckled softly, gesturing for us to follow her. "I had a feeling you two might be a bit overwhelmed by the selection up here. Come, let me show you something a bit more suited to your current needs."

We followed Eina to another floor, this one with a more subdued atmosphere. The walls and floors were made of rough-hewn stone, and the equipment on display seemed much more modest in comparison to the grandeur above.

"This is the section of the Hephaestus Familia shop that caters to newer adventurers and smithies," Eina explained, her voice calm and reassuring. "The equipment here may not be as flashy, but it's well-made and affordable, perfect for someone just starting out."

I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I examined the gear on display. These were the kinds of items I could actually see myself affording, without having to take out a second mortgage on my apartment.

"Eina, this is perfect," I said, my voice filled with gratitude. "I was starting to think I'd have to settle for a rusty old sword and a tattered set of leather armor."

Hestia beamed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "This is wonderful, David-kun. I'm sure we can find you everything you need to venture into the Dungeon safely."

As Eina led us through the aisles, pointing out various pieces of equipment and explaining their uses, I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of anticipation.

I scanned the displays, my eyes searching for anything that caught my interest within my limited budget. Most of the armor on display looked like something out of a medieval fantasy novel - bulky, heavy, and not really suited for my needs.

"Eina, do you have anything a little more... practical?" I asked, running my fingers along the sleek leather of a set of bracers. "I'm not looking to become a walking tank, you know?"

Eina smiled and nodded, leading us to a different section of the floor. "Of course, David. Let me show you some of the lighter, more maneuverable options we have available."

As we made our way through the aisles, I spotted a display of armor that immediately caught my eye. It was a set of lightweight leather and chain mail, designed to provide protection without sacrificing mobility.

"This is perfect," I said, gently running my hand over the supple leather. "How much for the full set?"

Eina checked the price tag, her brow furrowing slightly. "Ah, yes, this set is priced at around 8,500 Valis. It's a good balance of quality and affordability."

I felt a grin spread across my face. "8,500 Valis, huh? That's definitely within my budget. I'll take it!"

Hestia clapped her hands excitedly, her eyes shining with pride. "Wonderful, David-kun! I just know you're going to look so dashing in your new armor."

I surveyed the selection of weapons on display, my brow furrowing in mild disappointment. While the craftsmanship was undoubtedly impressive, none of the swords, spears, or maces really spoke to me. They felt too heavy, too cumbersome for my liking.

Eina noticed my hesitation and asked, "David, have you found a weapon that suits your needs?"

I shook my head, a small smile playing on my lips. "Not yet, Eina. But I think I have an idea of what I'm looking for."

Eina's expression shifted to one of concern. "Oh? Well, please don't hesitate to let me know if you need any recommendations. The Hephaestus Familia has a wide selection, and I'm sure we can find something that fits your fighting style."

Hestia, however, seemed more apprehensive. She placed a gentle hand on my arm, her eyes searching mine. "David-kun, are you sure you don't need a weapon? I want you to be safe in the Dungeon."

I leaned in closer, lowering my voice so only Hestia could hear. "Don't worry, Hestia. I have a plan, but it's something I need to get back on Earth. Just trust me, okay?"

Hestia's brow furrowed, but after a moment, she sighed and nodded. "Very well, David-kun. I'll trust your judgment. But please, be careful."

I flashed her a reassuring grin. "You know me, Kami-sama. I'm always careful."

Eina cleared her throat, drawing our attention. "Well, if you're not finding what you need here, perhaps we could explore some other options. There are a few specialized shops in Orario that cater to more unique weapon preferences."

I shook my head, placing a hand on Eina's shoulder. "Thanks for the offer, Eina, but I think I've got it covered. Let's just focus on getting me outfitted in some good armor for now, shall we?"

Eina seemed unsure but nodded nonetheless. "Alright, David. If you're certain. Let's continue our shopping, then."

As Eina led us back to the armor displays, I couldn't help but feel a growing excitement. I had a plan, a weapon in mind that I was confident would serve me well in the Dungeon.


As we finished our shopping at the Tower of Babel, I turned to Eina and Hestia with a grateful smile. "Thank you both so much for your help today. I couldn't have done this without you."

Hestia beamed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Of course, David-kun! I'm just so happy to see you taking this step. I know you're going to do wonderfully in the Dungeon."

Eina nodded, her expression warm and reassuring. "It was my pleasure, David. Please don't hesitate to come to me if you have any other questions or concerns. I'm always here to help."

With a final round of thanks, Hestia and I bid Eina farewell and made our way to a secluded corner of the Tower. Glancing around to ensure we were alone, I focused my thoughts and summoned a shimmering portal, the familiar weightless sensation washing over us as we stepped through.

Moments later, we found ourselves back in my modest apartment.

"So, David-kun," she said, turning to face me, "what is this weapon you have in mind? I must admit, I'm quite curious to see what you've chosen."

I couldn't help but smirk, my excitement building as I gestured for her to follow. "Well, Hestia, let's just say I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Come on, I'll show you."

Hestia nodded eagerly, and together, we headed toward a mall. The sheer size and grandeur of the building left Hestia awestruck, her head swiveling left and right as she tried to take it all in.

"David-kun, this place is incredible!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder. "So many shops, all under one roof! And the ceiling, it's so high, like the Tower of Babel itself!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction, the childlike excitement in her voice filling me with a sense of warmth. "This is a mall, Hestia. It's a place where people come to shop, eat, and be entertained. There's all sorts of amazing things to discover here."

Hestia's gaze darted from storefront to storefront, her curiosity piqued. "Then what are we waiting for, David-kun? Let's go explore!"

I stopped Hestia in her tracks, gently placing my hand on her shoulder. "Hold on there, Hestia. We still need to pick up my weapon of choice before we can explore further."

Hestia's face instantly lit up with a mischievous "Teehee" as she looked up at me with those big, blue eyes. I couldn't help but find it absolutely adorable.

"Ooh, a weapon, David-kun? I can't wait to see what you've picked out!" she chirped, practically bouncing on the balls of her feet.

Chuckling, I gestured for her to follow as I led the way towards the Home Depot store. "Well, Hestia, I think you're really going to get a kick out of this. I've got something special in mind."

As we stepped through the sliding glass doors, Hestia's gaze darted around, taking in the sheer size and variety of the place. "David-kun, this is another one of your mortal wonders, isn't it? It's absolutely massive!"

I nodded, unable to hide the grin spreading across my face. "That's right, Hestia. This is Home Depot - a store that specializes in all sorts of tools and supplies. And the item I have in mind is right this way."

Guiding Hestia through the aisles, I finally stopped in front of a display of sturdy-looking shovels. Reaching out, I grabbed one and presented it to her with a flourish. "Ta-da! What do you think?"

Hestia stared at the shovel, her brow furrowing in confusion. "A shovel? David-kun, I must admit I'm a little puzzled. How is a simple shovel going to help you in the Dungeon?"

I couldn't resist the opportunity to tease her a bit. "Ah, but Hestia, this is no ordinary shovel. This is a tactical shovel - a weapon that is both newbie-friendly and incredibly well-made. Much better than anything the blacksmiths in Orario could offer, I'd wager."

Hestia's eyes widened as she considered my words, and then a smile slowly spread across her face. "Newbie-friendly, you say? I suppose that makes sense, given your, shall we say, limited experience as an adventurer." She giggled, playfully poking my side. "Well then, Shovel Knight, lead the way! I can't wait to see you put this mighty weapon to the test."

I couldn't help but grin as I watched Hestia's excitement grow. "Well then, Shovel Knight, lead the way! I can't wait to see you put this mighty weapon to the test."

With a playful salute, I gripped the sturdy shovel and gestured for Hestia to follow. "As you wish, my lady. Let's see what other wonders this mall has in store for us."

As we strolled through the bustling aisles, Hestia's eyes darted from one display to the next, her childlike wonder shining through. "David-kun, look at all these strange and fascinating items! What are those colorful bricks for? And those machines that make such loud noises - are they some kind of magical tools?"

I chuckled, doing my best to explain the purpose of the various items we encountered. Hestia listened intently, her brow furrowed in concentration as she tried to make sense of the modern marvels around her.

We wandered from department to department, with Hestia excitedly pointing out everything that caught her eye. Whether it was the towering aisles of power tools, the vibrant home decor, or the gleaming kitchen appliances, she approached each new discovery with the same infectious enthusiasm.

As we neared the exit, Hestia tugged at my sleeve, her eyes sparkling with delight. "David-kun, can we come back here again sometime? There's still so much I want to explore!"

I couldn't help but smile, touched by her genuine wonder and curiosity. "Of course, Hestia. I'd be happy to bring you back anytime. There's still so much of this world for you to discover."

With a content sigh, Hestia nodded, and we made our way out of the mall, the tactical shovel firmly in my grasp. As we stepped back into the bustling streets of Orario, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the adventures that lay ahead.


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To read advance chapters see my p@|tr|$0n Najicablitz