Chapter 13

I took a deep breath, surveying the abandoned junkyard around me. Rusted cars, busted appliances, and piles of discarded furniture littered the landscape, casting long shadows in the early morning light.

"Alright, time to see what these ghost powers can do," I said to myself, a mischievous grin spreading across my face.

I closed my eyes, focusing on the familiar tingle of energy coursing through my veins. With a burst of power, I felt my body transform, the familiar weightlessness of my ghost form enveloping me.

I opened my eyes, marveling at the world around me. Everything seemed sharper, more vibrant in my new ghostly state. I glanced down at my hands, watching as they flickered with an ethereal glow.

"Intangibility: Check," I murmured, phasing my hand through a nearby rusted car door.

Excitement bubbling within me, I launched myself into the air, feeling the familiar weightlessness of flight. I zipped around the junkyard, weaving between piles of debris with ease.

"Flight: Check," I called out, a grin plastered on my face.

Hovering above the ground, I concentrated, willing myself to disappear from sight. With a shimmer, I vanished, leaving only an empty space where I once stood.

"Invisibility: Check," I said, my voice echoing through the silent junkyard.

Feeling playful, I swooped down, phasing through a discarded refrigerator and emerging on the other side. I chuckled, reveling in the novelty of my newfound abilities.

"Intangibility and phasing: Double check," I declared, performing a little spin in the air.

I couldn't resist the urge to test out another one of my newfound abilities. Raising my hands, I focused my energy, feeling a surge of power building within me.

"Ghost Ray: check," I exclaimed, unleashing a concentrated beam of ghostly energy. The blast shot forth, slamming into a stack of old tires with a satisfying crunch.

Grinning from ear to ear, I did a little fist pump. "Yes! This is so cool!"

Eager to try more, I took a deep breath and tried to summon the Ghostly Wail, the most powerful attack in my arsenal. I scrunched up my face, straining as I felt the energy build, but all that escaped my lips was a weak, pathetic squeak.

"Uh, Ghostly Wail: not check," I muttered, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Guess I still need to work on that one."

Undeterred, I decided to give it another go, puffing out my chest and letting out an almighty "WOOOOOO!"

The result was less than impressive - a faint, raspy whisper that dissipated into the air. I slumped my shoulders, shaking my head in defeat.

"Well, that was...underwhelming," I admitted, chuckling ruefully. "Looks like the Ghostly Wail is going to take some practice. Wouldn't want to accidentally bring the whole junkyard down around my ears, you know?"

Rubbing the back of my neck, I glanced around at the scattered debris, a sheepish grin spreading across my face. "Good thing no one was around to see that little display. Wouldn't want to embarrass myself in front of an audience, now would I?"

I chuckled to myself, feeling the familiar tingle of energy coursing through my body. "Alright, time to try something a little more...interesting," I said, rubbing my hands together mischievously.

Focusing my ghostly powers, I willed myself to duplicate. In a flash of light, two more versions of myself materialized beside me. "Ha! Duplication: check!" I exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.

But as I admired my handiwork, my smile quickly faded. The clones were...well, not exactly what I had in mind. One had a misshapen head, while the other was missing an arm entirely. "Uh, okay, that's not quite right," I muttered, scratching my head in confusion.

Immediately, I waved my hand, canceling the clone spell. The disfigured versions of myself dissolved into wisps of ectoplasm, leaving me alone in the junkyard once more. I let out a sheepish chuckle, shaking my head. "Note to self: work on that duplication thing a bit more. Wouldn't want to end up with a bunch of Quasimodos running around, now would I?"

I cracked my knuckles, a determined grin spreading across my face. "Alright, time to see what else these ghost powers can do."

Focusing my energy, I tried to conjure up a construct - something solid and tangible that I could use to, I don't know, maybe smash a few things or impress Hestia. I mean, what's the point of having ghost powers if you can't have a little fun with them, right?

I held out my hands, brow furrowed in concentration, and willed the ectoplasmic energy to take shape. At first, nothing happened. Then, with a faint shimmer, a small, lopsided cube materialized in front of me.

"Uh, okay, not bad," I muttered, giving the cube an experimental poke. It wobbled precariously, threatening to topple over at any moment.

Undeterred, I tried again, this time envisioning a towering, jagged construct - maybe a spear or something equally cool and intimidating. But instead of a fearsome weapon, all that appeared was a sad, misshapen lump that looked like it belonged in a kindergarten art project.

I stared at the pathetic excuse for a construct, my shoulders slumping in disappointment. "Well, this is going great," I grumbled, giving the lump a half-hearted kick. It crumbled into a pile of ectoplasmic goo, oozing across the ground.

Determined not to be defeated, I took a deep breath and tried something simpler - a basic shield or barrier. Holding out my hands, I focused my energy, visualizing a shimmering wall of ghostly power. Slowly, a translucent dome began to take shape, wavering and flickering like a heat mirage.

"Yes! Finally, something that works," I exclaimed, grinning as I poked the barrier. It held firm, resisting my touch.

But just as I was about to celebrate my success, the shield suddenly collapsed, raining ectoplasmic droplets all over me. I sputtered, wiping the goo off my face with a grimace.

"Oh, come on!" I groaned, shaking my head in frustration. "Guess I've still got some work to do on this whole 'ghost powers' thing."

(A few hours later)

I wiped the last of the ectoplasmic goo off my face with a sigh, surveying the junkyard around me. The morning sun was starting to climb higher in the sky, reminding me that I'd been at this for a few hours now.

"Alright, let's see what I've got so far," I muttered, cracking my knuckles.

I started with a quick test of my enhanced strength, easily lifting a rusted car door over my head with one hand. "Strength: check," I declared, tossing the door aside with a satisfying clang.

Next, I zipped around the junkyard, darting between piles of debris at breakneck speeds. "Speed: check," I said, coming to a stop with a triumphant grin.

Concentrating, I felt the familiar tingle as my body shimmered and disappeared from view. "Invisibility: still working," I chuckled, waving my hand in front of my face.

Becoming visible again, I took a deep breath and tried out my intangibility, phasing through a stack of old tires without a hitch. "Intangibility: no problem," I said, emerging on the other side.

I glanced up at the sky, feeling the wind gently tousling my hair as I hovered a few feet off the ground. "Flight: smooth sailing," I said, doing a little loop-de-loop just for fun.

Lastly, I held out my hands, focusing my energy. A shimmering barrier sprang to life, wavering slightly but holding firm. "And a shield to top it all off," I declared, poking the barrier experimentally.

I stood there, hands on my hips, feeling a swell of pride. "Not bad for a few hours of practice, if I do say so myself," I said, flashing a self-satisfied grin.

Glancing at the sky, I realized it was nearly 8 o'clock. "Shoot, I better get going. Hestia's probably wondering where I am," I said, my expression shifting to one of mild panic.

I took one last look around the junkyard, making sure everything was in order. "Alright, time to head back," I said, taking to the air and zipping off towards home, a mischievous grin spreading across my face.

I focused my energy, visualizing the familiar streets of Orario. With a shimmer, a portal opened before me, and I stepped through, emerging in a secluded alleyway.

I brushed off my adventuring gear and stepped out of the alley, greeted by the bustling streets of Orario. The familiar sights and sounds filled me with excitement - I couldn't wait to see what new experiences this world had in store. With a grin, I made my way toward the lively marketplace, ready to explore.

I took a deep breath, savoring the crisp, fresh air of Orario as I strolled through the bustling streets. It felt good to be back, my heart pounding with a renewed sense of purpose. By my side, Lunamon's presence was a comforting reminder of the adventures that lay ahead.

"Wow, David-kun, this place is so different from Earth," Lunamon's voice echoed from my Digivice. "I can't sense any digital space at all. It's fascinating!"

I glanced down at the device, watching as Lunamon's curious gaze scanned our surroundings. "Yeah, it's quite a change of pace, isn't it?" I replied, weaving through the throngs of people.

"Is this the world where Hestia-san originates from?" Lunamon asked, her large eyes filled with curiosity.

"Yes, this is Orario, the city where the gods have descended to live among mortals," I explained, gesturing around us. "Hestia is one of the deities who calls this place home."

Lunamon's gaze followed the sweep of my hand, taking in the bustling streets and towering buildings. "I see. It's so different from the Digital World. There's no trace of digital energy here at all."

As we walked, the imposing silhouette of the Tower of Babel came into view, its spire reaching up towards the heavens. "Is that where we're heading today?" Lunamon inquired, awe evident in her melodic voice.

"That's right," I confirmed with a nod. "The Tower of Babel sits right above the entrance to the Dungeon, the labyrinth that's at the heart of this city. That's where our adventure begins."

"I can't wait to see what the Dungeon is like, David-kun!" Lunamon exclaimed, her voice filled with unbridled enthusiasm. "I wonder what kind of creatures we'll encounter down there?"

I chuckled at Lunamon's eagerness, her excitement infectious. "Well, Lunamon, the Dungeon is said to be filled with all sorts of dangerous monsters. But don't worry, I'll be right here with you every step of the way." I placed a reassuring hand on the Digivice, feeling Lunamon's warmth through the device.

"Dangerous monsters, you say?" Lunamon's eyes grew wide with a mixture of trepidation and intrigue. "I may be small, but I'll do my best to protect you too, David-kun!" She puffed out her chest, her delicate features set with determination.

I smiled at her unwavering spirit. "I have no doubt about that, Lunamon. With you by my side, I know we can handle whatever the Dungeon throws at us." I took one last deep breath, steeling myself for the adventure that lay ahead. "Alright, let's do this!"

As I made my way toward the Tower of Babel, I couldn't help but notice the Hostess of Fertility tavern out of the corner of my eye. Suddenly, a familiar face caught my attention - it was Syr, the kind-hearted waitress I had met during my previous visit to Orario.

However, as our eyes met, I was surprised to see a look of shock wash over her delicate features. Her usually warm and welcoming expression had been replaced by one of utter bewilderment. Furrowing my brow, I quickened my pace and approached her, hoping to snap her out of this unexpected reaction.

"Syr? Are you alright?" I asked, my voice laced with concern.

My words seemed to jolt her back to reality, and she blinked rapidly, as if shaking off a daze. A faint blush crept across her cheeks, and she offered me a hesitant smile.

"Oh, David-kun! I... I didn't expect to see you here," she stammered, her usually melodic voice betraying a hint of nervousness.

I tilted my head slightly, puzzled by her strange behavior. "Is everything okay? You looked quite surprised to see me."

Syr tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, her gaze momentarily darting away before returning to meet mine. "It's nothing, really. I just... well, I suppose I wasn't expecting you to be back so soon." She paused, her brow furrowing slightly. "How have you been?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her flustered response. "I'm doing well, thanks for asking. I'm actually on my way to the Tower of Babel to explore the Dungeon. Care to join me?" I extended my hand, a playful grin spreading across my face.

Syr politely declined, saying she still had work. "Oh, I'd love to join you, David-kun, but I'm afraid I have to stay and tend to the tavern. My boss Mia would have my head if I skipped out on my duties." She let out a soft laugh, the warmth returning to her expression.

As her gaze shifted to the device in my hand, her eyes widened once more. "What an intriguing little gadget you have there," she remarked, her tone laced with curiosity. "I don't believe I've ever seen anything quite like it before."

I glanced down at my Digivice, realizing Syr must have been wondering what kind of item it was. "Ah, this?" I held up the device, the glow of its screen casting a soft light on Syr's face. "This is a special kind of communication tool from my homeland. It's called a 'smartphone'."

Syr leaned in, her eyes filled with wonder as she examined the Digivice more closely. "A 'smartphone'?" she repeated, the unfamiliar word rolling off her tongue. "How fascinating! I've never heard of such a thing. Does it have some kind of magical properties?"

I chuckled, amused by her curiosity. "Not exactly magical, but it does have some pretty impressive capabilities. It allows me to stay connected with my friends and access all sorts of information, even from far away." I tapped the screen, demonstrating how the device responded to my touch.

Syr watched, her expression a blend of fascination and bewilderment. "Truly remarkable," she murmured, her slender fingers reaching out to gently brush the surface of the Digivice. "I can't even begin to imagine what other wonders your homeland must hold."

I smiled, enjoying Syr's genuine interest. "Well, if you ever have the chance to visit, I'd be happy to show you around and introduce you to some of the marvels of my world." I paused, my gaze shifting toward the looming Tower of Babel. "But for now, I'd better get going. The Dungeon awaits!"

Syr nodded, a wistful smile playing on her lips. "Of course, I wouldn't want to keep you from your adventure. Good luck, David-kun. And do be careful down there, won't you?"

I flashed Syr a reassuring grin. "Don't worry, I'll be extra careful down there. You can count on it!"

As I turned to leave, Syr's voice called out to me. "David-kun, before you go, be sure to stop by the Hostess of Fertility when you have a chance. I'd love to see you again and hear all about your adventures in the Dungeon."

I paused, glancing back at Syr's warm smile. "You got it! I'll be sure to swing by and visit. Who knows, maybe I'll even bring you a souvenir from the depths of the Dungeon."

Syr let out a soft chuckle, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "I look forward to it. Safe travels, David-kun. May the gods watch over you."

I gave her a playful salute and continued on my way, Lunamon's voice piping up from the Digivice.

"It sounds like that Syr person is quite fond of you, David-kun," she observed, her tone curious.

I couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, Syr's a really nice girl. I'm glad I got the chance to meet her during my last visit here."

Lunamon hummed thoughtfully. "Well, I can certainly understand the appeal. She seems very kind and welcoming. Perhaps we can stop by the Hostess of Fertility after our expedition in the Dungeon, if time allows."

"Sounds like a plan, Lunamon," I replied, my pace quickening with renewed excitement. "Now, let's go see what kind of trouble we can get into down in that Dungeon!"



I watch as David walks away, a smile slowly spreading across my face. There's something intriguing about that young man. As I observe him, I can't help but wonder about the secrets he might be hiding.

My eyes narrow slightly as I focus, allowing my divine sight to take over. When I first encountered David, there was something peculiar about his soul - it seemed out of place, as if it didn't quite belong in this world. Now, as I gaze upon him once more, that same sense of displacement lingers.

But when I looked at him now, his soul's color changed, which should not have been possible. I also noticed the soul within the device called 'smartphone' that he carries, and this greatly intrigued me. A hint of madness crept into my smile as I pondered the implications of what I had witnessed.

There was clearly more to this young man than met the eye. My curiosity was piqued, and I found myself eager to learn more about him and the secrets he seemed to harbor. What was the nature of this peculiar soul, and what did the device he carried contain? I knew I would have to observe him more closely if I hoped to unravel the mystery.

As I stood there lost in thought, I heard a familiar voice call out to me. "Syr, is everything alright? You seem distracted."

Turning, I found Ryuu approaching, her emerald eyes filled with concern. "Oh, it's nothing," I replied, offering her a reassuring smile. "I was just observing an interesting adventurer who passed through."

Ryuu nodded, her expression softening. "I see. Well, Mia is looking for you. She needs your help with something at the bar."

At the mention of our boss, I felt a twinge of obligation. "Of course, I'll head over right away." With a polite nod, I excused myself, my mind still lingering on the mystery that was David.

Before I entered the Hostess of Fertility, I couldn't resist taking one last glance at David's retreating figure.

There was an intriguing quality about this young man that had captured my attention. The subtle shifts in the color of his soul, the peculiar device he carried - all of it hinted at a mystery that I was determined to unravel. I could feel the gears in my mind turning, considering the possibilities and the implications of what I had observed.

My lips curved into a subtle, almost predatory smile as I studied him. David had piqued my curiosity, and I knew I couldn't resist the temptation to learn more. I would watch him closely, carefully observing his movements, his interactions, and any other clues that might shed light on the secrets he seemed to harbor.

With a soft sigh, I turned and made my way towards the tavern, my mind already racing with possibilities. What was the nature of this young man's soul? What power did that device hold? And how might his presence in Orario disrupt the delicate balance I had so carefully maintained?

Only time would tell, but one thing was certain - David had captured my attention, and I had no intention of letting him go anytime soon.


David POV

I stepped through the towering archway of the Dungeon's entrance, my heart pounding with a mix of excitement and trepidation. All around me, adventurers of every shape and size bustled about, donning armor and weapons of varying quality. The air was thick with the sound of clanging steel and the occasional shout.

Lunamon, my faithful Digimon companion, peered out from the Digivice, her large eyes filled with curiosity. "Can I come out now, David-kun?" she asked, her melodic voice barely audible over the din.

I shook my head, offering her a reassuring smile. "Not yet, Lunamon. Let's wait until we're deeper in the Dungeon, where there are fewer adventurers around. I don't want to draw any unnecessary attention."

Lunamon nodded, though I could see the slight disappointment in her expression. I understood her eagerness, but caution was paramount in this perilous place.

As we descended the steps into the first floor, the contrast between the seasoned adventurers and the novices like myself became even more apparent. Some donned gleaming armor and wielded ornate weapons, while others sported little more than leather jerkins and crude clubs.

I gripped the handle of my trusty tactical shovel, feeling its reassuring weight in my hand. Lunamon's presence in my Digivice offered a comforting reminder that I wasn't alone in this endeavor.

Casting one last glance around the bustling first floor, I turned and began making my way deeper into the Dungeon. The air grew colder and the lighting dimmer as I descended the winding stairs. My footsteps echoed in the cavernous space, the only sound aside from the occasional scurrying of unseen creatures.

"Stay alert, Lunamon," I whispered, my eyes scanning the shadows for any signs of movement.

"I'm right here, David-kun," she replied, her voice a soothing balm to my nerves. "I'll be ready if anything happens."

I nodded, my grip tightening on the shovel's handle. As I rounded a corner, I caught a glimpse of a pair of glowing red eyes in the distance. Instinctively, I pressed my back against the wall, holding my breath and listening intently.

I held my breath as the lone Goblin shuffled into view, its beady eyes scanning the dimly lit corridor. Lady luck must have been smiling upon me, for the little green creature remained oblivious to my presence.

Gripping my trusty shovel, I tensed my muscles, ready to spring into action. With a sudden burst of speed, I darted forward and swung the shovel with all my might, bringing it down squarely on the Goblin's head.

"Batter up!" I exclaimed, channeling my inner baseball player as the Goblin's eyes crossed comically. The satisfying thunk of metal against skull was music to my ears, and the creature crumpled to the ground in a heap, its life snuffed out in an instant.

I couldn't help but let out a triumphant chuckle. "Looks like that's one less monster to worry about," I said, glancing down at Lunamon's wide-eyed expression.

"David-kun, that was...rather brutal," she said, her melodic voice tinged with a hint of concern.

I shrugged nonchalantly. "Eh, desperate times call for desperate measures. Besides, I'm sure that Goblin had it coming." I paused, then added with a grin, "And I've always wanted to try my hand at a little monster ball."

I continued onward, my trusty shovel at the ready as I dispatched a few more Goblins with a series of well-placed whacks. The satisfying thunk of metal against their thick skulls never got old, and I couldn't help but chuckle each time one of the little green creatures crumpled to the ground. Lunamon watched from the safety of my Digivice, her expression a mix of concern and amusement.

"Looks like these Goblins didn't stand a chance against my monster-bashing skills," I said, grinning down at the Digivice.

Lunamon let out a small sigh, though I could detect a hint of a smile in her voice. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, David-kun, but please try not to get too carried away. These are still living creatures, after all."

I waved a hand dismissively. "Aw, come on, Lunamon. They're just Goblins. I'm sure they'll respawn or something."

With a renewed sense of determination, I continued my trek deeper into the Dungeon, ready to face whatever other creatures lurked in the shadows.

I descended the dimly lit stairs, my trusty shovel gripped tightly in my hand. The second floor of the Dungeon lay before me, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence, thanks in no small part to my newfound ghost powers.

"Alright, Lunamon, time to show these monsters what we're made of!" I declared, grinning down at the Digivice.

Lunamon let out a small sigh, though I could detect a hint of amusement in her voice. "David-kun, please try not to get too carried away. Remember, we're here to explore, not cause a ruckus."

I waved a hand dismissively. "Aw, come on, Lunamon. Where's the fun in that?" I paused, a mischievous grin spreading across my face. "Besides, with my ghost powers, these monsters won't know what hit 'em!"


I'm soon going to start writing the next. Give me ideas on who you want to see recruited to Hestia Familia and a new power for David. Give suggestions on what world you want David to explore. I have made a list of the potential worlds I want to visit. Give other suggestions for characters or powers. It doesn't have to be only in anime. It can be a movie, book, TV show, video game, or any form of media. Leave a comment for your suggestions






Sacred Seven

Dinosaur King

Danny Phantom

Ben 10

A Certain Scientific Railgun/ Majutsu Index

Adventure Time



Demon Slayer

Gate Jietai


Phineas and Ferb




Persona Trinity

Maken Ki

Broken Blade

The Boys

Tiger and Bunny


Dino Squad

Robot Boy

Johnny Test

Megas XLR




Dragon Drive



Real Steel



Pirates of the Caribbean


Akame ga Kill

Edge of Tomorrow (Live die Kill)

How to Train Your Dragon




Monster Trucks




Saint Seiya

Kamen Rider Gaim


Grimgar of fantasy and ash

Monster High

Attack on Titan

Tokyo Ghoul

One punch man




Dino Squad - Ooze

Rwby - Aura

Compound V


Persona - Persona Trinity

Teigu - Akame ga Kill

Guyver Armor

Sengoku Drier and Lockseed


Tell me your thoughts on this story. Giving power stones and reviews lets me know I should continue this work.

Suggest any abilities MC can have or characters that can join the Familia.

Reach 500 power stones for an extra chapter

Give power stones to support this story.

To read advance chapters see my p@|tr|$0n Najicablitz