Chapter 16

I opened my eyes, blinking away the sleep as the morning light filtered in through the window. I reached out, expecting to feel David's comforting presence, but his side of the bed was empty. A small frown tugged at my lips as I sat up, glancing around the room.

"David-kun?" I called out, my voice soft and slightly disappointed. Where could he have gone so early in the morning?

Deciding to investigate, I rose from the bed and made my way towards the kitchen. As I approached, the sound of cheerful chatter reached my ears, and a smile bloomed on my face. There was David, standing by the counter alongside Lunamon, the two of them working together to prepare what looked like a delicious breakfast.

"Good morning, Hestia!" David greeted me, his eyes lighting up as he noticed my presence.

"Hestia-sama," Lunamon chimed in, her voice gentle and warm. "We were just getting breakfast ready for you."

I couldn't help but feel a swell of affection for these two. "Good morning, you two," I replied, my tone bright and bubbly. "I was a little worried when I woke up and didn't see you, David-kun."

David offered me an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, Hestia. I wanted to get an early start on practicing my powers, but I made sure to come back in time for breakfast." He gestured towards the food they had prepared, and my stomach rumbled in anticipation.

"Well, I'm glad you're both here now," I said, stepping closer to join them in the kitchen. "It all looks delicious!"

Lunamon beamed, her large eyes shining with pride. "We made your favorite, Hestia-sama. I hope you enjoy it."

I couldn't resist the urge to pull them both into a warm hug, my heart overflowing with gratitude and love for my Familia. "Thank you, both of you. I'm so lucky to have you in my life."

I sank into my chair, savoring the delicious scrambled eggs and crisp bacon that David and Lunamon had prepared. The flavors danced on my tongue, and I couldn't help but let out a contented sigh.

"This is absolutely wonderful," I exclaimed, beaming at the two of them. "You both have outdone yourselves!"

David chuckled, his green eyes twinkling with pride. "I'm glad you're enjoying it, Hestia."

Lunamon nodded in agreement, a shy smile gracing her delicate features. "We hoped you would like it, Hestia-sama."

I reached across the table, gently squeezing their hands. "I love it, and I love you both. Thank you for always taking such good care of me."

David and Lunamon exchanged a warm glance, and I could feel the bond between the three of us growing stronger with each passing moment.

As we continued our meal, the conversation flowed naturally. Lunamon asked about the customs and traditions of my divine realm, her curiosity shining through. I happily indulged her, recounting tales of the grand festivals and celebrations we would host.

"It sounds so wonderful, Hestia-sama," Lunamon said, her eyes wide with wonder. "I wish I could have experienced it firsthand."

"Well, who's to say you can't?" I replied, a mischievous smile playing on my lips. "Perhaps one day, we can find a way to take you there."

Lunamon's face lit up at the prospect, and David chuckled beside her. "I think that's a wonderful idea, Hestia. Lunamon deserves to see the divine realm for herself."

I nodded in agreement, squeezing Lunamon's hand affectionately. "It's a promise, then. We'll find a way to make it happen, no matter what."

The three of us continued our meal, our laughter and lighthearted banter filling the air. In this moment, I felt truly content, surrounded by the warmth and love of my Familia. No matter what challenges lay ahead, I knew that as long as we were together, we could overcome anything.

I watched as David carefully secured the lightweight armor and chainmail over his body, the metal gleaming in the soft light of our humble abode. Lunamon stood beside him, her large eyes filled with a mix of excitement and concern.

"Be careful out there, David-kun," I said, unable to hide the worry in my voice.

David turned to me, flashing that reassuring smile that never failed to ease my anxieties. "Don't worry, Hestia. Lunamon and I will be just fine. We've got each other's backs, right, Lunamon?"

Lunamon nodded emphatically, her lavender fur shimmering. "That's right, Hestia-sama. I'll protect David with all my strength."

I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride and affection for these two. They had become such an integral part of my life, and the thought of them venturing into the unknown without me filled me with a deep longing to join them.

"Please, come back to me safely," I said, my voice barely above a whisper as I reached out to squeeze David's hand. "Both of you."

David's expression softened, and he pulled me into a warm embrace. "I promise, Hestia. We'll be back before you know it."

Lunamon stepped forward, her delicate paws resting on my arm. "We'll be thinking of you, Hestia-sama. Wait for us, okay?"

I nodded, blinking back the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes. "I'll be here, waiting. Be careful, and don't take any unnecessary risks!"

With one last reassuring smile, David and Lunamon turned and stepped through the portal, disappearing from my sight. I stood there, my heart heavy with a mixture of worry and pride, silently praying for their safe return.

I let out a deep sigh as I sank into the soft cushions of the sofa, my fingers tracing the unfamiliar fabric. The world of Earth continued to amaze and perplex me, even after all this time.

As I sat there, I couldn't help but marvel at the technological marvels that surrounded me. The strange glowing box that displayed moving images, the metal contraption that cooled the air, and the countless other devices that made this place feel so alien compared to the familiar comforts of Orario.

The absence of magic was perhaps the most striking difference. In my divine realm, the Falna and the blessing of the gods were an integral part of everyday life. Here, there was no such power, no divine connection to guide and empower the people. It left me feeling a little lost, like a part of myself was missing.

Yet, despite the unfamiliarity, there was a certain charm to this world. The bustling streets, the towering structures, and the endless variety of delectable foods – it all captivated me in a way I hadn't expected. And of course, there was David-kun, my dear Familia member who had become a constant source of comfort and companionship.

I smiled to myself, thinking of the bond we had forged. He had taken me into this strange new world, guiding me through its wonders and mysteries. And now, he had ventured forth once more, this time with Lunamon by his side, to explore the depths of the Dungeon.

My heart swelled with a mixture of pride and worry. I knew they were both capable, but the Dungeon was a treacherous place, even for the most seasoned adventurers. I couldn't help but fret over their safety, my fingers tapping nervously against the sofa's armrest.

I settled back into the plush cushions of the sofa, my eyes fixed on the flickering screen before me. David-kun had shown me how to operate this "television" contraption, and I must admit, I was quickly becoming enamored with the stories it had to offer.

As the opening notes of the Disney classic "The Little Mermaid" filled the air, I found myself utterly captivated. The vibrant colors, the whimsical characters, and the enchanting melodies – it was all so different from the tales I was familiar with in Orario.

I leaned forward, my elbows resting on my knees as I watched the young mermaid, Ariel, longingly gaze up at the human world. Her dreams and aspirations resonated with me in a way I hadn't expected. Back in Orario, the stories were often about brave adventurers delving into the Dungeon, facing fearsome monsters and uncovering ancient secrets.

But this – this was something entirely new. A tale of a young woman yearning for a life beyond the confines of her own world, willing to risk everything for the chance to experience something more. It was a concept that both intrigued and puzzled me.

As the movie continued to unfold on the screen, I found myself utterly captivated by Ariel's journey. Her longing for the human world, her daring venture to the surface, and her willingness to sacrifice her voice for the chance to be with Prince Eric – it all resonated with me in a way I hadn't expected.

I leaned back, my fingers absently tracing the soft fabric of the sofa as I lost myself in the story. The passage of time seemed to slip away, and before I knew it, the sun had climbed high in the sky, signaling the arrival of noon.

With a start, I realized that I had not yet prepared a meal for the day. David-kun and Lunamon would be returning soon, and I wanted to have something delicious waiting for them.

Reluctantly, I tore my gaze away from the television and made my way to the kitchen, my mind racing with the possibilities. David-kun had shown me how to use the strange metal contraption called a "stove," and I was eager to put my newfound knowledge to the test.

I approached the stove, my fingers tracing the knobs and buttons that controlled the heat. "Ah, yes, that's right," I murmured to myself, recalling David-kun's instructions. "Just turn this knob, and the fire will appear."

With a gentle twist, the burner came to life, the blue flames flickering beneath the metal surface. I couldn't help but marvel at the convenience of it all. Back in Orario, we would have needed to build a fire, using precious wood or magic stones to power our cooking. But here, on Earth, it was as simple as turning a knob.

"David-kun was right," I said aloud, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "This is truly remarkable."

I moved about the kitchen, gathering the ingredients I would need for a simple but nourishing meal. As I chopped and stirred, I couldn't help but wonder about the nature of this "electricity" that powered so many of the devices in this strange world.

"David-kun said it was like lightning, but harnessed to serve the people," I mused, my brow furrowing in concentration. "How fascinating..."

I carefully plated the simple chicken salad, the crisp greens and juicy chicken pieces arranged in an appetizing display. As I carried the plate back to the living room, the aroma wafted through the air, making my mouth water in anticipation.

Settling back onto the plush sofa, I placed the plate on my lap and pressed play on the remote, resuming the enchanting tale of Ariel and her quest to explore the human world. The vibrant colors and captivating music once again drew me in, and I found myself completely engrossed in the story.

Between bites of the refreshing salad, I marveled at the ingenuity of this "movie" technology. The ability to witness stories unfold before my eyes, without the need for physical performers, was truly astounding. I could almost feel the emotions of the characters as they sang and danced across the screen.

As Ariel's journey continued, I found myself drawn deeper into the narrative, my heart swelling with empathy for her struggles and her unwavering determination. The way she longed for a life beyond the confines of her own world resonated with me, reminding me of my own desire to venture out and experience the wonders of the mortal realm.

I took another bite of the salad, savoring the blend of flavors, as I watched Ariel's transformation into a human. The music swelled, and I found myself tapping my foot in time with the rhythm, utterly captivated by the unfolding events.

As I continued watching Ariel's transformation, I couldn't help but marvel at the comforts of this world. The convenience of the stove, the captivating stories on the television - it was all so effortless compared to the demands of my divine realm.

Sinking further into the plush sofa, I savored another bite of the delicious salad, a contented sigh escaping my lips. "How comfortable~" I murmured, a playful smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.

This world, with all its technological wonders, seemed to offer a respite from the responsibilities and challenges I faced as a goddess. Here, I could simply sit back and enjoy the simple pleasures, without the weight of my divine duties weighing me down.

I exit the Guild with Lunamon, the pouch heavy with the day's earnings. "80,000 Valis, Lunamon! That's our best haul yet," I exclaim, feeling a surge of pride.

Lunamon nods, her large eyes shining with satisfaction. "It was a good day's work. I'm glad we were able to reach the tenth floor safely."

I pat her head affectionately. "And we took down those orcs like it was nothing. You really showed your strength today, my friend."

Lunamon blushes at the praise, her ears twitching. "It's all thanks to you, David. I couldn't have done it without your guidance and support."

As Lunamon and I strolled through the lively streets of Orario, a familiar face caught my eye. It was Syr, the kind waitress from the Hostess of Fertility tavern. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I turned to Lunamon.

"Hey, Lunamon, I was hoping we could stop by the Hostess of Fertility. I'd love to see Syr again."

Lunamon tilted her head, her ears perking up. "I don't mind, David. Although I won't be able to join you inside, I'm happy to watch."

I nodded, grateful for Lunamon's understanding. "Perfect. I'm sure Syr will be delighted to see me, and I can't wait to tell her about our latest adventures in the Dungeon."

With renewed excitement, I led Lunamon towards the familiar tavern, eager to catch up with the enchanting Syr.

As I approached the familiar entrance of the Hostess of Fertility, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. The bustling tavern had left a lasting impression on me during my previous visit, and I was eager to return.

Just as I reached the doorway, a petite cat-like waitress with fluffy orange hair caught sight of me. Her bright yellow eyes widened with curiosity as she sauntered over.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" she purred, her tail swishing playfully behind her. "A new face! Are you here to dine with us, stranger?"

I nodded, a friendly smile spreading across my face. "Yes, if that's alright. Just one for me today."

"Wonderful!" the waitress exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious. "Right this way, meow!" She gestured for me to follow as she led me to a seat at the counter.

As I settled into the chair, I couldn't help but notice the imposing figure behind the bar. Mia Grand, the renowned owner of the Hostess of Fertility, stood there, her stern gaze fixed on me.

"A new face, eh?" she rumbled, her deep voice commanding attention. "I don't believe I've seen you around here before."

I straightened my posture, suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious. "That's right, ma'am. My name is David Miller, and I'm an adventurer in Orario. This is my first time visiting."

Mia's expression softened slightly, and she nodded. "Well, welcome to the Hostess of Fertility, David. I'm Mia Grand, the owner of this fine establishment. What can I get you today?"

I looked over the menu, my eyes scanning the various offerings. There were so many tempting options - hearty stews, savory pies, and even some dishes I couldn't even begin to pronounce. But in the end, I decided to play it safe and go with the day's special.

"I'll have the special, please," I said, turning my attention to Mia.

A smile spread across the dwarven woman's weathered face. "Comin' right up, kid," she rumbled, her voice like gravel. With a quick nod, she turned and disappeared into the bustling kitchen.

As I waited for my meal, I let my gaze wander around the lively tavern. The place was packed with adventurers, all of them engaged in their own activities. Some sat at the tables, regaling their companions with tales of their latest exploits in the Dungeon. Others huddled over cards, their eyes narrowed in concentration as they gambled away their hard-earned Valis.

But then, a familiar face caught my eye, and a smile tugged at the corners of my lips. Syr, the kind waitress I had met on my previous visit, was weaving her way through the crowd, her silver hair shimmering in the warm light of the tavern. Our eyes met, and she flashed me a warm, welcoming smile.

"David!" she called out, making her way over to me. "I didn't expect to see you back so soon. How have you been?"

I greeted Syr with a warm smile. "It's great to see you again, Syr. I've been doing really well, actually. In fact, I've been exploring the Dungeon and have had quite a few exciting adventures."

Before Syr could respond, Mia's gruff voice cut in from behind the counter. "So, you know Syr, do you?" she asked, her brow furrowed as she eyed me intently.

I turned to face the imposing tavern owner. "Yes, ma'am. I coincidentally met Syr when I was passing by, and she gave me some advice."

Mia grunted, her expression softening slightly. "Is that so? Well, Syr's a good kid. I'm glad she's been helpin' you out, newcomer."

I nodded, feeling a bit relieved that Mia didn't seem to be too suspicious of my connection to Syr. "She's been a great help, and I really appreciate it. I'm still learning the ropes of adventuring, so having someone like Syr to guide me has been invaluable."

Syr beamed at the praise, her cheeks flushing slightly. "I'm just happy to help however I can. Orario can be a bit overwhelming for new adventurers, so I'm glad I could make your visit a little easier."

Mia nodded, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Well, you keep takin' care of this one, Syr. Looks like he could use all the help he can get."

I puffed out my chest slightly, feeling a surge of confidence. "Don't worry, ma'am, I may be new to this whole adventuring thing, but I'm a quick learner. I'm not one to underestimate."

Mia's stern expression softened, and a hearty laugh rumbled from her throat. "Hah! I like your spirit, kid. It's nice to see you've got some confidence in that scrawny frame of yours."

I couldn't help but grin at Mia's approving words. "Well, you just wait and see. I may surprise you."

Syr giggled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "I have no doubt you'll keep us on our toes, David."

I turned to Syr with a warm smile. "Say, Syr, don't you have other customers to serve? I wouldn't want to monopolize your time here."

Syr's eyes widened, and she glanced around the bustling tavern. "Oh, you're absolutely right! I should get back to work." She flashed me an apologetic smile. "I'll be sure to check on you again soon, David."

Before I could respond, Mia's gruff voice rang out from behind the bar. "Syr! Get yer tail movin' and take care of those other tables!"

"Right away, Mia!" Syr called out, quickly scurrying off to attend to the other patrons.

I chuckled to myself, impressed by the efficiency of the Hostess of Fertility's staff.

I watched Syr as she flitted around the tavern, gracefully serving the other patrons. Her silver hair shimmered in the warm light, and her gentle smile seemed to brighten the entire room. It was easy to see why she was such a beloved figure here at the Hostess of Fertility.

As I observed her, I couldn't help but remember that Syr was actually the mortal persona of Freya, the Goddess of Beauty. I knew this from my casual viewings of the Danmachi anime back on Earth, but I still didn't fully understand the reasoning behind Freya's masquerade.

I sighed and took a sip of the hearty stew that Mia had brought me. While I loved the world of Danmachi, I had to admit that I was more of a casual viewer than a dedicated lore enthusiast. The complexities of the gods and their machinations often flew over my head.

"I wonder what Freya's true motivations are," I mused aloud, gazing thoughtfully into the depths of my bowl. "Is she really just curious about the mortals, or is there something more sinister at play?"

I was pulled from my thoughts as Mia placed a steaming plate of fried fish in front of me. The aroma was absolutely tantalizing - a blend of savory spices and a hint of citrus that I didn't recognize. My mouth watered in anticipation as I gazed down at the crisp, golden-brown fillets.

"Dig in, kid," Mia rumbled, her gruff voice tinged with a hint of pride. "This is a specialty of the Hostess - you ain't gonna find anything like it anywhere else in Orario."

I nodded enthusiastically, grabbing my utensils and cutting into the fish. The first bite was an explosion of flavors on my tongue - the crisp, flaky exterior giving way to the tender, flavorful flesh within. I couldn't help but let out a satisfied hum as I savored the delicious morsel.

"This is amazing!" I exclaimed, my eyes widening with delight. "I've never tasted anything quite like it."

Mia's stern expression softened into a rare smile. "Glad you're enjoyin' it. We take pride in our food here at the Hostess."

I savored another delightful bite of the fried fish, the flavors dancing on my tongue. Just as I was about to take another, Syr approached me once more, her warm smile lighting up the bustling tavern.

"Tell me, David, how have your adventures in the Dungeon been going?"

I grinned at Syr's question. "Well, Syr, I have to say that the Dungeon has been quite the adventure. Just this past week, I managed to reach the tenth floor - can you believe it?"

Syr's eyes widened in surprise. "The tenth floor? But you've only been an adventurer for a short while. That's quite an impressive feat, David."

I grinned at Syr's surprise. "Well, you know, I have my ways of getting stronger. It's all about strategy and quick thinking."

Syr leaned in, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Oh? Do tell, David. I'd love to hear how you've managed to progress so quickly."

I chuckled and shook my head playfully. "Ah, but that would be telling. A magician never reveals his secrets, you know." I flashed her a coy smile.

Syr pouted, her lips forming a cute, petulant expression. "Aw, come on, David! You can't leave me hanging like that. Please?" She batted her eyelashes at me, her silver hair framing her face in a way that was almost mesmerizing.

I finished the last bite of the delicious fried fish, savoring the complex flavors. "That was truly amazing, Mia. Your chefs really know what they're doing here."

Mia nodded, a proud gleam in her eye. "Glad you enjoyed it, kid. You're always welcome back for more."

I turned to Syr, who was standing nearby, her eyes shining with delight. "Thank you for the wonderful meal and the warm welcome, Syr. I really appreciate it."

Syr beamed at me. "It's my pleasure, David. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Please, feel free to come back anytime - you and your goddess are always welcome here."

I smiled and nodded. "I'll definitely keep that in mind. It would be my honor to bring Hestia here sometime. I'm sure she'd love it just as much as I do."

With a final wave, I bid farewell to Syr and Mia, stepping out into the bustling streets of Orario once more, my heart filled with gratitude for the kindness and hospitality of the Hostess of Fertility.


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