Chapter 27

As Hestia, Lunamon, and I sat together on the couch, the flickering glow of the television illuminated our faces. We had settled in for a lazy evening, indulging in the vibrant cartoons that danced across the screen.

"So, what should we do with all that Valis we got from beating Goliath?" I asked, my gaze shifting between Hestia and Lunamon.

Hestia tapped her chin thoughtfully, her eyes narrowing in concentration. "Hmm, that's a good question, David-kun. We certainly have a substantial amount to work with now."

Lunamon perked up, her ears twitching with interest. "Maybe we could use it to get a nicer place to live?" she suggested, her soft voice barely audible over the television.

Hestia's face suddenly lit up, a brilliant smile spreading across her features. "That's a wonderful idea, Lunamon! In fact, I've been thinking about that abandoned church I had been staying in. It has such a special place in my heart, and with all this Valis, we could turn it into a proper home for our Familia!"

I felt a surge of excitement at Hestia's proposal, the idea of transforming that humble church into a comfortable abode filling me with anticipation. "That sounds perfect, Hestia. We could really make it into something special, a place we can truly call home."

Hestia nodded enthusiastically, her eyes shining with a renewed sense of purpose. "Exactly! We'll need to get started right away, of course. There's so much work to be done, but with our combined efforts, I know we can turn that church into a cozy, welcoming place for all of us."

Lunamon's expression brightened, and she clasped her paws together in delight. "I can't wait to help! We'll make it feel just like a real home."

I reached over and ruffled Lunamon's soft fur, earning a contented hum from the Digimon. "That's the spirit, Lunamon. This is going to be great, I can feel it."

Hestia beamed at us, her gaze filled with warmth and affection. "I'm so glad you both agree. This is going to be the start of something wonderful, I just know it."

I rose from the couch, a grin spreading across my face. "You know, Hestia, I was thinking we should take this a step further. What if we buy the land around the church as well? That way, we could use the extra space for all sorts of things - training grounds, maybe even a place for future Familia members to stay."

Hestia's eyes widened, and she clasped her hands together excitedly. "David, that's a brilliant idea! Just imagine the possibilities. We could create a true home for our Familia, with room to grow and flourish." She paused, her expression shifting to one of determination. "Let's go to the Guild right away and see about purchasing that land."

Lunamon chimed in, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "I can't wait to help make our new home even better! We'll make it the best Familia headquarters in all of Orario."

I nodded, feeling a surge of pride and excitement. "That's the spirit, Lunamon. Alright, let's get going. The sooner we get this taken care of, the sooner we can start turning that church into our dream home."

Hestia jumped up from the couch, her blue dress swishing around her. "Yes, let's not waste any time! I'm so eager to get started on this project. Just wait until the others see what we've accomplished."

The three of us quickly got dressed and made our way out of the apartment, heading towards the towering structure of the Guild. As we approached the imposing building, I felt a sense of determination and purpose. This was a pivotal moment for our Familia, and I was determined to ensure that we secured the land we needed to make our vision a reality.

We entered the Guild, the bustling activity around us serving as a backdrop to our mission. I spotted Eina, the half-elf receptionist, and made my way over to her desk, Hestia and Lunamon trailing behind me.

I approached Eina's desk, Hestia and Lunamon by my side. "Eina, good to see you," I greeted the half-elf receptionist warmly.

Eina looked up from her paperwork, her green eyes widening in recognition. "David! And Hestia-sama and Lunamon as well. What brings you all here today?"

I glanced at Hestia, who gave me an encouraging nod. "Well, Eina, we have a bit of a request for you. Hestia and I have been thinking, and we'd like to purchase the land around the abandoned church she was staying in."

Eina's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "The abandoned church? I see." She paused, considering our proposal. "May I ask what you have in mind for that property?"

Hestia stepped forward, her eyes shining with excitement. "We want to turn it into a proper home for our Familia! With the Valis we earned from defeating the Goliath, we have the means to transform that humble church into something truly special."

Eina's expression softened, and a warm smile spread across her face. "That's a wonderful idea, Hestia-sama. I'm sure the Guild would be more than happy to assist you in acquiring that land."

I felt a surge of relief at Eina's positive response. "That's great to hear, Eina. We're really looking forward to making this happen. It'll be the perfect place for our Familia to grow and thrive."

Lunamon nodded enthusiastically, her ears perking up. "Yes, we want to create a real home for all of us. Somewhere we can feel safe and comfortable."

Eina chuckled, her gaze shifting between the three of us. "Well, you certainly have my full support. Let me get the necessary paperwork ready, and we can get the process started right away."

As Eina began rummaging through her drawers, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. This was a pivotal moment for our Familia, and I knew that with Hestia's guidance and Lunamon's steadfast companionship, we were destined for great things.

Eina returned with a stack of documents, handing them to me. "Here you go, David. These are the forms you'll need to fill out to initiate the land purchase. Just bring them back to me when you're ready, and we'll get the ball rolling."

I looked at the paper, my heart nearly jumping out of my chest as I saw the total cost. Eighty percent of my savings, including the 1,000,000 Valis I had earned from defeating the Goliath - this was a staggering amount.

"Eina, this is...this is a lot of Valis," I stammered, my voice laced with disbelief. "I knew buying land in Orario would be expensive, but this is more than I was expecting."

Eina offered me a sympathetic smile. "I understand your concern, David. However, this is truly the best price we could set for the land surrounding the abandoned church. The area is not heavily utilized, so the Guild was able to offer a more favorable deal."

I sighed wearily, running a hand through my hair as I contemplated the hefty price tag. "I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised. Orario is a bustling city, and real estate must be at a premium." Glancing down at the papers, I steeled my resolve. "Well, if this is the best we can do, then I suppose I have no choice but to sign."

Hestia, who had been standing quietly by my side, placed a comforting hand on my arm. "David-kun, I know this is a lot to take in, but I believe this is the right decision for our Familia. With this land, we can truly make the church into a home that we can all be proud of."

Lunamon, my loyal Digimon companion, nodded in agreement. "Hestia's right, David. This is an investment in our future. I know it's a big cost, but I think it will be worth it in the end."

I looked into Hestia's warm, encouraging gaze, and then down at Lunamon's hopeful expression. Taking a deep breath, I picked up the pen and began signing the documents, one by one. "Alright, let's do this. For our Familia, and for our future."

As I finished the last signature, Eina gave me a reassuring nod. "Excellent, David. I'll make sure these documents are processed right away. Congratulations on your new property!"

Hestia beamed, her eyes shining with pride. "Oh, David-kun, I'm so excited! Just wait until we start renovating the church. It's going to be the most wonderful Familia headquarters in all of Orario!"

Lunamon's ears perked up, and she bounced on her toes. "Can we start planning the renovations right away? I have so many ideas!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at their enthusiasm. "Slow down, you two. We'll need to take this one step at a time. But I'm just as eager as you are to get started on this project."

As Hestia, Lunamon, and I were about to leave the Guild, Eina suddenly stopped us. "Wait, you three. There's something I'd like to discuss with you privately," she said, her voice taking on a more serious tone.

Hestia's brow furrowed with curiosity. "Privately? Of course, Eina. What is it?"

Eina gestured towards a small room off to the side. "If you don't mind, let's step in here for a moment."

We followed Eina into the private room, and Hestia turned to her expectantly. "So, what did you want to talk to us about?"

Eina took a deep breath, her eyes shifting between the three of us. "Well, I've been thinking a lot about your Familia, Hestia-sama, and the progress you've been making. Especially with David's remarkable achievements in the Dungeon."

I felt a flush of pride at Eina's words, but I remained silent, allowing her to continue.

"And I was wondering..." Eina paused, her gaze settling on Hestia. "Would you allow me to become the Guild Advisor for the Hestia Familia?"

Hestia's eyes widened, and she clasped her hands together excitedly. "The Guild Advisor? Oh, Eina, that would be wonderful!"

Lunamon's ears perked up, and she looked at Eina with a hopeful expression. "That means you'd be able to help us, right?"

Eina nodded, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Exactly, Lunamon. I would be honored to guide and support your Familia in any way I can. I've already grown quite fond of all of you, and I believe I could be of great assistance."

I felt a surge of relief and gratitude wash over me. Eina had already proven herself to be a valuable ally, and having her as our Guild Advisor would be an invaluable asset.

"Eina, we would be delighted to have you as our Advisor," I said, stepping forward and placing a hand on her shoulder. "Your knowledge and expertise would be a tremendous help, especially as we continue to grow and explore the Dungeon."

Hestia beamed, her eyes shining with excitement. "Yes, Eina, this is wonderful news! We already trust you, and I know you'll be an incredible support to our Familia."

Lunamon nodded enthusiastically, her fluffy tail swishing back and forth. "We're so grateful, Eina. This is going to make everything so much easier for us."

Eina's expression softened, and she reached out to gently squeeze Hestia's hand. "Then it's settled. I'm honored to be the Guild Advisor for the Hestia Familia. Please, don't hesitate to come to me with any questions or concerns you may have. I'll do my best to guide you every step of the way."

As we stepped out of the private room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and gratitude. Eina's offer to become our Guild Advisor was a welcome surprise, and I knew that her expertise and support would be invaluable as we continued our journey in Orario.

Hestia practically skipped beside me, her excitement palpable. "Oh, David-kun, this is just wonderful! With Eina's help, I know our Familia is going to thrive."

Lunamon nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with joy. "Yes, I feel so much better knowing we have someone like Eina looking out for us."

I couldn't help but share in their enthusiasm. "You're both right. Eina's guidance is going to make a world of difference for us. I'm really looking forward to working with her more closely."

As Hestia, Lunamon, and I bid farewell to Eina, I couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism about the future of our Familia. Having Eina as our Guild Advisor was a tremendous blessing, and I knew her guidance would be invaluable.

Hestia practically skipped beside me as we made our way to the abandoned church.

As we approached the dilapidated church, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy. This modest structure had become our home, a symbol of our humble beginnings. Yet, despite its weathered appearance, it held a certain charm and character that I had grown to cherish.

Hestia paused, her gaze sweeping over the crumbling stone walls and shattered stained glass windows. "It may not be much, but it's ours." She turned to me, her eyes shining with a newfound determination.

With a determined grin, I grabbed a handful of hammers, nails, and wooden planks, ready to tackle the renovation of our humble abode. Hestia and Lunamon eagerly joined me, their faces alight with excitement.

"Alright, team," I announced, "let's turn this old church into a cozy home worthy of the Hestia Familia!"

We got to work, each of us tackling a different section of the dilapidated building. Hestia struggled to hold the planks in place as I tried to hammer them into the walls. Lunamon, bless her heart, did her best to pass us the tools we needed, but her small stature made it a challenge.

After what felt like an eternity, we had managed to add a few new wooden planks here and there. I stepped back, wiping the sweat from my brow, and admired our handiwork.

"Not bad, if I do say so myself," I declared, only to be proven wrong a moment later.

With a sudden, ominous creak, one of the walls gave in, sending a shower of dust and debris raining down upon us. Hestia squealed in surprise, while Lunamon let out a startled yelp. I stood there, gaping at the damage, realizing that renovating this old church was going to be much harder than we had anticipated.

Hestia coughed, waving away the dust. "Well, that didn't go quite as planned," she admitted sheepishly.

Lunamon nodded in agreement, her ears drooping slightly. "I think we may have bitten off more than we can chew."

I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. "Looks like we've got our work cut out for us."

As I surveyed the damage, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. We had been so excited to transform this humble abode into a proper home for our Familia, but the task seemed far more daunting than we had anticipated.

Hestia stood beside me, her brow furrowed in concern. "Oh dear, what should we do now?" she asked, her voice tinged with worry.

I let out a heavy sigh, running a hand through my hair. "Well, Hestia, I think it's clear we're going to need some professional help if we want to get this place in proper shape." I gestured towards the crumbling wall, the damage a stark reminder of our limitations.

Hestia nodded, her gaze downcast. "You're right, David-kun. As much as I'd love to do this ourselves, I don't think Lunamon and I have the skills or experience to handle a renovation of this scale."

Lunamon, who had been carefully picking her way through the debris, looked up at us with a worried expression. "Does this mean we can't make the church our home?" she asked, her voice small.

I reached out and gently patted Lunamon's head, offering her a reassuring smile. "Not at all, Lunamon. We're still going to make this place our own, we just might need to bring in some extra help to get it done right."

Hestia perked up at my words, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "That's a wonderful idea, David-kun! We'll find the best builders and craftsmen in Orario to help us transform this church into a true home for our Familia."

I nodded, already mentally calculating the cost of such an endeavor. "It's going to be expensive, Hestia, even if we get the most skilled workers. But I'm not willing to give up on the modern conveniences we've grown accustomed to on Earth, like the air conditioner and bidet. Those are non-negotiable."

Hestia also could not forget the modern utilities on Earth back in the apartment. She got used to it to the point she had forgotten how it felt to live without them.

As we surveyed the damage to our humble church abode, I could see the worry etched on Hestia's face. She had grown so accustomed to the comforts of my apartment - the air conditioning, the television, the refrigerator stocked with delicious Earth foods. The thought of giving that up and returning to a more primitive lifestyle must have been daunting.

I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, drawing her gaze up to meet mine. "Don't worry, Hestia. We'll make sure this place has all the modern conveniences you've come to enjoy. No more going without hot water or electricity."

Her eyes lit up at my words, a hopeful smile spreading across her lips. "You really mean it, David-kun? We can have those wonderful inventions here in Orario?"

I nodded emphatically. "Absolutely. We'll find the best craftsmen and builders to install everything - from air conditioning units to fully-plumbed bathrooms. This church is going to be the height of luxury when we're done with it."

"How are we going to find people in Orario who can install all those modern conveniences you're talking about, David?" Lunamon asked, her ears drooping slightly. "I don't think anyone here has the knowledge or skills for that kind of work."

I paused, considering Lunamon's valid concern. She was right - the technology and infrastructure of Orario seemed quite primitive compared to what I was used to on Earth. The idea of bringing in air conditioning, plumbing, and electricity seemed almost laughable in this medieval fantasy world.

"You make a good point, Lunamon," I admitted, rubbing the back of my neck. "I'm not sure the artisans and craftsmen of Orario would have the expertise to handle those kinds of installations. Heck, they might not even have the materials required."

Hestia's brow furrowed as she listened to our exchange. "So what are we going to do then, David-kun? I don't want to give up on having those wonderful modern comforts in our new home."

I paused, an idea slowly forming in my mind. A mischievous grin spread across my face as I turned to Hestia and Lunamon.

"Well, I think I might know just the place to find the help we need - other worlds!"

Hestia's eyes widened in surprise. "Other worlds? You mean like the one world we visited in? The world of Danny Phantom?" She clasped her hands together excitedly. "Do you think we could find people there who could help us make our new home as comfortable as your apartment on Earth?"

Lunamon tilted her head, her ears perking up. "But how would we find people in other worlds who have the knowledge to install all those modern conveniences you mentioned? Wouldn't that be incredibly difficult?"

I chuckled, holding up my hands. "Not to worry, you two. Thanks to my World Traveler ability, I think I know just the place we can go to find the experts we need." I paused, my grin widening. "How does a visit to the world of Phineas and Ferb sound?"


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