Chapter 35

I reclined on the couch, Hestia snuggled up next to me as we flipped through the channels on the television. Lunamon sat cross-legged on the floor, her eyes wide with fascination at the moving images. It was times like these that I truly felt at home, surrounded by the warmth and comfort of my newfound family.

Yet, as I watched the screen, a thought began to niggle at the back of my mind. While the ghost powers I had acquired had served me well, I couldn't help but wonder if there were even greater strengths I could attain. After all, with my Omni-Conduit skill, I had the ability to seamlessly integrate various powers without negative effects. The possibilities were endless.

I shifted slightly, earning a curious glance from Hestia. "Is everything alright, David-kun?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

I offered her a reassuring smile. "Everything's fine, Hestia. I was just...thinking."

My gaze drifted back to the television, my mind racing with ideas. There had to be other worlds out there, worlds with even more incredible powers and abilities. And with my World Traveler skill, I had the means to seek them out.

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of dissatisfaction as I watched the TV. Sure, my ghost powers had proven useful in the Dungeon, but deep down, I knew I was still no match for the likes of Goku or Superman.

I sat quietly, contemplating my next move. There was no need to rush things - I had to be methodical and calculated in my approach. My powers as a ghost were impressive, but I couldn't help but feel there was so much more I could achieve.

As I scanned the room, my eyes landed on an old action figure I had kept from my childhood - Spider-Man. Memories of the Sam Raimi films came flooding back, and an idea began to take shape in my mind.

Spider-Man, the web-slinging superhero, had gained his incredible abilities through a bite from a radioactive spider.

The world's only superhero was Spider-Man, and there were other radioactive spiders available in Oscorp. I thought I could get the whole batch of radioactive spiders and have one bite me to gain the powers of Spider-Man. It seemed like a great plan in my head.

I grinned, my mind whirring with excitement as I contemplated my newfound plan. Hestia, ever perceptive, noticed my expression and tilted her head curiously.

"What's got you grinning like that, David-kun?" she asked, her brow furrowed in a mix of concern and intrigue.

I chuckled, doing my best to maintain an air of nonchalance. "Oh, nothing much, Hestia. I was just thinking of something...amusing that I could do, that's all."

Hestia did not continue to ask because she trusted David. "Alright," she said, settling back into the couch and pressing play on the movie.

I took that as my cue to slip out, letting Hestia and Lunamon enjoy the film. I needed to refresh my memory on the details of Spider-Man's origin story. With a quick glance back, I headed out the door, already formulating my plan.


I stepped out of the shimmering portal, finding myself in a dimly lit alleyway. The familiar sights and sounds of New York City surrounded me, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. This was the world of my childhood hero, Spider-Man.

Glancing around cautiously, I made my way out of the alley and onto the bustling city streets. The towering skyscrapers, the honking of car horns, and the cacophony of voices all felt so alive and vibrant.

As I wandered the streets, my mind raced with the details of Spider-Man's origin story. I needed to find Oscorp, the company responsible for creating the radioactive spider that had bitten Peter Parker. With my World Traveler ability, surely I could track down those spiders and replicate the process that had transformed an ordinary teenager into a superhero.

Hestia and Lunamon were safely back in our Headquarters, and I was confident that I could handle myself in this world. After all, I had my ghostly powers to fall back on.

I strode down the bustling sidewalk, my eyes scanning the cityscape for any sign of a newspaper stand. As a fan of Spider-Man, I knew that the Daily Bugle was the premier source of information on the web-slinging hero's activities.

Rounding a corner, I spotted a vendor selling the morning edition of the Daily Bugle. My heart raced as I approached, eagerly anticipating the headlines. Had Spider-Man already made his debut, or was I too early?

I fished out a few dollars from my pocket and purchased a copy, my fingers trembling with anticipation. Flipping open the newspaper, I scanned the front page, my brow furrowing in disappointment.

"Seems like Spider-Man is already active," I muttered under my breath. A picture of Spider-Man was on the front page of the newspaper.

One of the downsides of my World Traveler ability was the unpredictability of the time period I would arrive in. I had no control over when I would end up.

I heard the commotion before I saw it. A woman's shrill scream pierced the air, and my head snapped in the direction of the sound. A man in a dark hoodie was making a hasty retreat, a purse clutched tightly in his hand.

Without thinking, I sprang into action, my ghostly powers surging through me. But before I could even take a step, a blur of red and blue zipped past me, and a web shot out, snatching the purse snatcher right off his feet. He dangled helplessly from a nearby lamppost, his ill-gotten prize now in the hands of the woman he had targeted.

"Spider-Man," I breathed, my eyes widening in awe as the iconic hero landed gracefully in front of the woman. He handed her the purse, and she clutched it to her chest, tears of relief in her eyes.

"Are you alright, ma'am?" Spider-Man's voice was calm and reassuring, a stark contrast to the chaos that had just unfolded.

"Y-yes, thanks to you," she stammered, her gaze fixed on the web-slinger before her.

I stood there, mouth agape, watching as Spider-Man swung effortlessly through the air, disappearing around a corner. "All in a good day's work of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man," his parting words echoed in my mind.

I couldn't believe it. After all these years, I was finally seeing my childhood hero in the flesh. The way he moved, the confidence in his voice – it was everything I had imagined and more. A giddy smile spread across my face as the realization sank in.

Spider-Man had always been an inspiration to me, a symbol of what it meant to be a true hero. To see him in action, saving the day with such ease, was nothing short of awe-inspiring. I felt a surge of admiration and respect wash over me, my heart swelling with pride.

I snapped out of my awestruck trance, the gears in my mind whirring as I focused on the task at hand. Spider-Man had been a mere distraction - my true objective was to obtain those precious radioactive spiders from Oscorp.

Clutching the Daily Bugle in my hand, I hurried down the bustling city streets, my heart pounding with a mix of excitement and determination. The movies had always left the fate of those 14 other spiders a mystery, and I feared they may have been disposed of after Peter Parker's fateful bite.

I hurried through the bustling streets of New York, my eyes scanning the towering skyscrapers for any sign of Oscorp Tower.

Finally, I spotted the familiar Oscorp logo adorning a sleek, high-rise building in the distance. My heart raced as I approached the imposing structure, knowing that somewhere inside were the key to unlocking powers beyond my wildest dreams.

Pausing for a moment, I took a deep breath and activated my ghostly powers. With a shimmer, I vanished from sight, my body becoming intangible. I strode up to the entrance, nodding politely to the security guard as I passed through the revolving doors undetected.

The lobby was bustling with activity - scientists, executives, and technicians hurried about their business. I moved cautiously, my senses on high alert as I scanned the area for any signs of the arachnid research lab.

Staying invisible, I made my way towards the elevators, determined to find those precious radioactive spiders and claim their power as my own.

I crept through the bustling Oscorp lobby, my ghostly powers keeping me invisible and intangible. The chatter of the scientists and technicians filled the air, and I strained to pick up any useful information.

As I approached the elevators, I overheard a pair of scientists discussing the latest arachnid research project.

"Did you hear they finally got the radioactive spiders stabilized?" one of them said. "They're keeping them in the top-secret lab on the 45th floor."

My heart raced with excitement. The 45th floor - that's exactly where I needed to go. I waited patiently as the scientists stepped into the elevator, then quickly slipped in before the doors closed, riding up to the 45th floor undetected.

The lab was a hive of activity, with scientists in white coats scurrying about. I spotted a row of glass enclosures, each containing a single spider.

I couldn't believe my luck - there they were, the precious radioactive spiders, just sitting in plain sight. But the cameras watching over them were a problem. I had to act fast.

Activating my ghostly powers, I willed the cameras to turn, facing a dead corner of the lab. Now with a clear path, I crept closer to the spiders' enclosures, my heart pounding with excitement.

Suddenly, I noticed a lab technician approaching. Thinking quickly, I reached out and knocked over a beaker, spilling its contents onto the floor. The liquid ignited, sending up a plume of smoke. The fire alarm blared to life, and the technicians scrambled to evacuate the lab.

I grabbed the empty test tubes, carefully scooping up the 14 radioactive spiders. My heart raced as I watched the scientists scramble to evacuate the lab amidst the blaring alarm. Not a single one of them seemed to notice my presence as I quickly tucked the tubes filled with the precious spiders into my pockets.

With my ghostly powers still active, I slipped out of the lab undetected, navigating the chaos of the evacuation. I made my way to the elevator, pressing the button to take me back down to the lobby.

The elevator ride felt like an eternity, but finally, the doors opened, and I stepped out into the bustling lobby. Still invisible, I strode confidently through the revolving doors and out onto the busy city streets. I had done it - I had obtained the radioactive spiders, and no one was the wiser.


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To read advance chapters see my p@|tr|$0n Najicablitz